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27 Clever Signature Wedding Drink Names

If you're a cocktail-loving couple, one of your favorite parts of planning is sure to be nailing down your cocktail menu and, of course, those unique signature wedding drink names.

wedding drinks

Thinking of creative signature wedding drink names with your S.O. is a fun part of planning that also adds a touch of personality to your big day. Whether you’re serving up your favorite classic cocktails or creating a completely new concoction to call your own, giving each drink its own moniker (and including those names on pretty signage!) will certainly delight your guests. Need a little inspiration? Get ideas for your own signature cocktail names from these libations served at real couples' weddings.

Here are some of our favorite ideas for signature wedding drink names.

bar menu

Your wedding’s season can certainly inspire a creative signature wedding drink name, like this Winter White Martini.

wedding signature cocktails

If your pets can’t physically attend your wedding, give them a shout-out by naming your signature cocktails after your furry friends. Don’t forget to include pet portraits on your drink menus!

harry potter wedding bar menu

Marrying a Harry Potter fanatic? What could be more apropos than a cocktail named for the famed love potion.

drink menu

Are you and your partner from different parts of the country? Name your signature drinks after your home states!

wedding drink menus

For members of the Beyhive, the choice of signature wedding drink name is an obvious one—"Drunk in Love”, naturally!

cocktail menu

If you or your partner are in the medical field, we can’t think of a better signature wedding drink name than “The Penicillin”.

halloween wedding drink menu

Getting married on or around Halloween? Give your drinks spooky names like the “Hocus Pocus” and “Evil Elixir”.

halloween drink menu

Another pair of Halloween-inspired drink names, the “Candy Corn Martini” and the “Bloody Shirley Temple”.

pretty in pink drink

Whether inspired by the classic ‘80s flick or simply the drink’s color scheme, the “Pretty in Pink” is a fun signature wedding drink name.

cocktail wedding sign

Favorite movie, book, and album titles are always good options for signature cocktail names.

wedding drink signs

Cities where you’ve lived or traveled to can also make wonderful inspiration for signature wedding drink names.

wedding cocktail menu

We love how this couple got nostalgic with their signature wedding cocktail names, naming their drinks after the beloved childhood beverages, “Hi-C" and the “Sunny D”.

wedding drink

This signature drink name was inspired by the couple’s color scheme and wedding location—near the sea.

signature cocktail sign - jocelyn + ryan photography

Name your signature cocktail after your alma mater's mascot. A "Tar Heel Tea" would be the ideal signature cocktail name for any die-hard UNC fan.

signature cocktail sign - red bridge photography

If you and your spouse-to-be love traveling together (or are in the aviation industry), try wedding drink names such as "Need for Speed" and "Flyby." 

wedding drink menu

The “Spence Spritz” and the “Lauren Linen” were inspired by this couple's names.

tifftini drink

Another name-inspired cocktail—the “Tifftini”!

drink menu

There’s nothing wrong with choosing a signature wedding drink name that exudes romance, like this hot chocolate-inspired beverage called “Just Love.”

margarita sign

A “Marry Me Margarita” is a super-cute wedding cocktail name.

calligraphy sign

We love how his couple incorporated their color scheme into their cute signature wedding drink name, the “So in Mauve with You”.

signature cocktail sign - candace jeffery photography

Use a song lyric that you both love, such as "Carolina On My Mind," in your own signature cocktail names.

signature cocktail sign - leslie gilbert photography

No Up-themed wedding is completed without a signature cocktail named "The Spirit of Adventure."

cotton candy rose

If you’re adding a unique garnish to your signature cocktail, it can inspire the drink’s name, like this “Cotton Candy Rosé”.

signature cocktail sign - marianne wiest photography

Your favorite feature can also inspire your beverage’s moniker! This signature wedding drink name would be a perfect choice for your drink!

signature cocktail sign - abby hacker photography

Try combining your names together for a unique combo like "The Jericka."

signature cocktail sign - ME photo & design LLC

The "Jim & Ginger" was inspired by the groom's name and the bride's red hair. Bonus points for the caricature drawings!

signature cocktail sign - lovers of love photography

Think of locations that hold special meaning to you and your fiancé(e). This couple chose "The Starlite" in honor of the bar where they met. So romantic!