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5 Tips for a Perfect Hike Proposal

Getting engaged surrounded by nature can be totally magical. We'll help ensure that your outdoor hiking proposal is memorable—for all the right reasons.

outdoor hiking proposal

What’s not to love about an outdoor hiking proposal? Especially if you’re an outdoorsy couple, there’s nothing quite like an expansive natural vista to serve as the backdrop for your big moment. A hike offers a setting for beautiful memories and gorgeous photos, plus a special place you can return to over and over again as you grow old with your partner.

However, there are some things to remember if you want your outdoor hiking proposal to go off without a hitch (or sprained ankle). Here are tips for a perfect hike proposal.

Take it easy.

Even if you’re advanced hikers, you should opt for an easier hike as your proposal setting. You don’t want to get to your proposal spot completely exhausted, barely speaking and covered in sweat (unless that’s when you’re happiest, in which case, go for it!). To limit the chances of anything going wrong, choose a hike with no major inclines or rock scrambling required, and research the trail ahead of time to make sure it’s clear and safe. 

Try something new.

There’s something to be said for proposing on a hike you know and love, but for an even more special moment, try a trail neither of you have experienced before. That way it will be new and exciting for you both, and you’ll always remember not only your outdoor hiking proposal, but also, charting a new path together. And whatever challenges pop up along the way, you’ll navigate them together! Just like life. Aw! 

Protect. The. Ring!

Proposing in nature is always a bit of a risk—after all, it’s easier to find a dropped ring on the floor of a bistro than on a floor of pine needles and leaves and dirt. Babbling brooks notwithstanding! So if you’re planning on proposing on a tree-studded outlook, or a sky-high cliff, or anywhere in deep nature, keeping tabs on the ring is paramount. This means storing it safely in a zippered (maybe double-zippered) pouch in your pack, affixing the ring box closed so it doesn’t accidentally pop open while rustling around in your bag, and trying reallllly hard to keep it in the box after the proposal. Especially if the ring is not yet sized, but even if it is, you don’t want to be flailing it around while taking selfies cliffside. Just not worth it! Admire the ring, snap a pic, then zip it back up and don’t take it out till you’re back on solid ground.

Pack the party.

Once you’ve finished securing the ring, use the rest of your backpack to stow a mobile celebration for post-question-popping. Just because you’re out in nature doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to enjoy all the amenities of a perfect proposal! Miniature prosecco bottles, some bread and cheese and chocolate, speakers to play your favorite shared playlist on your iPhone, a cozy blanket—whatever you think will make you want to stop for a while and soak in the moment. You may want to rush to get back to civilization to share your big news, but few extra hours stranded together without cell service (but with bubbles) will be well worth taking—trust me!

Prepare for anything.

Celebrating in pouring rain is beautiful in movies, sure, but you might not think so if it really happens to you during your outdoor hiking proposal and you’re suddenly freezing, drenched and racing three miles downhill to your car. So, come prepared. Actually, prepare before you even head out. Check the weather a few days out and revise your plan accordingly. And once your plan is a go, bring a few extras (rain ponchos, bug spray, extra sweater, etc.) so you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing whatever happens (within reason—can’t really prepare for bears) you’ve got the gear you need to keep the focus on the special moment (and off the mosquitos). Oh, and bring a map. Cell service is unreliable during hikes and the last thing you want is to get lost and have to plan an entire wedding in the woods.