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8 Social Media and Tech Tips for Your Marriage Proposal

Incorporate social media into your proposal as much or as little as feels appropriate. Use technology the right way before, during, and after popping the question

central park proposal

central park proposal

Photo: Sascha Reinking Photography

We’ve all heard the stories of folks popping the question over social media. While we’re not saying that you need to take things that far, you can incorporate social media into your proposal as much or as little as feels appropriate to you.

Here’s how to use technology the right way before, during, and after popping the question!

Throw Off the Trail
We’d never recommend lying...or would we? If you’re doing proposal-related business (buying the ring, asking parents for permission, etc.), be sure to keep that information off social media to maintain the surprise. You may even want to create an alibi—posting a status update about a trip to the park, when you’re actually picking up the ring.

Create a Video of Memories
We love the idea of including a video in your proposal—either a montage of photos or videos of family members and friends sending well-wishes. It’s a great way to show your history and get the (happy!) tears flowing. Don't forget to share it with family and friends on YouTube or Facebook afterwards!

Get Your Hashtag Ready
Many couples start using their wedding hashtag immediately after their proposal. Do a little research on the WeddingWire Hashtag Generator before you pop the question. That way, you’ll have a few options at the ready when you announce your engagement on social media.

Hire a Pro Photographer/Videographer
Make sure the photos of your proposal are Instagram-ready. Hire a professional photographer and/or a videographer to capture the big moment, rather than relying on random bystanders (or yourself!). Make sure the photographer hides in an inconspicuous location so that you can maintain some of the intimacy and privacy of the event. Once the photos and/or videos are ready, you’ll have beautiful images to post on social media—sure to get a lot of “likes.”

Live Stream It
If you want your proposal to be super-public, you can use apps like Snapchat or Periscope to live stream the big event, via photos or video. It’s not for everyone, but ideal for those who really want friends and family to be “present” when you pop the question!

Video Chat with Loved Ones Afterward
If your family members aren’t present for the proposal (read more on that here), video chatting with them immediately after the proposal will allow them to see the pure joy on your faces—and vice versa! Even if your family members and close friends are far away, you will feel like they’re right beside you, celebrating along with you.

Plan Your Announcement
Give some thought into how you’d like to announce your engagement on social media. Most couples prefer to wait until they’ve personally notified close family members and friends (by phone or in person) before letting the world know. Do you want to post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or another medium? How much information do you want to provide? Ring photos or no ring photos? The choice is yours!

Tag #JustSaidYes
What could make your engagement announcement even better? Tag #justsaidyes and follow @weddingwire when posting your engagement photo on Instagram.