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L. Thomson
L. Thomson

Midwest gal

Happily married 🎉

October 10, 2020

1344days 23hrs

Lynnie commented:

1350 days ago

Woohoo!! It's your wedding week!! Come share your plans and how you're finishing up the final details with other couples getting married this week:

Lynnie commented:

1369 days ago

Any 10/10/20 brides still out there?? Come say hi to this bride looking for her wedding date twins:

Lynnie commented:

1601 days ago

It's time to play "would you rather" - the wedding upgrades edition! Come tell us which option you'd rather choose in each of these discussions:

Lynnie commented:

1746 days ago

October 2020 brides - what's your wedding date? Come share your date and location in this discussion just for October 2020 brides:

Lynnie commented:

1769 days ago

What are your relationship deal breakers? ❌ Come dish in this week's game, "Red Flag or Deal Breaker?":

Lynnie commented:

1795 days ago

From the bouquet toss to the cake smash - which wedding traditions are you still into and which ones are you SO over? Come talk traditions with us and cast your vote in 'Keep or Cancel':

Laura commented:

1816 days ago

Hey! Make sure to share this with other WeddingWire Community members by posting your answer in the discussion Lynnie mentioned - just click the link in her message :)

L. Thomson commented:

1817 days ago

So far everyone, friends and family, are being super helpful...except for 1 family member on my Fiance's side. I'm dreading her coming to the wedding because no matter what the occasion or topic, she has to say how hers was better. For example, when celebrating my soon to be in-laws 50th wedding anniversary, everyone was commenting on how beautiful their cake was. This person then said, "Well if you think theirs was good, MY birthday cake was AMAZING." At my sister in-laws wedding reception, this person began talking loudly about how her wedding was better. I can't exclude her from the wedding, she's my Fiance's sister in law. However, my sister and bridesmaids have been warned about her. They are very outspoken individuals and won't hesitate to put her in her place if needed.

Lynnie commented:

1817 days ago

This week it's all about your guests in our face-off: friends or family! Who's been super helpful and who's bringing all the drama? Come chime in here:

Lynnie commented:

1832 days ago

Do you sweat the small stuff? From your smallest wedding decision to your youngest guest, come tell us all about the small things in this week's game:

Clíodhna commented:

1852 days ago

How would you describe your wedding in three words or less? Come share your style with us in this community discussion:

Lynnie commented:

1871 days ago

How many years have you and your fiancé(e) been together? Come share your dating stats and more in this week's game "your wedding by the numbers":

Lynnie commented:

1909 days ago

Time to spill about your wedding experience in this week's game - "Never Have I Ever"! Come share your answers here:

Lynnie commented:

1942 days ago

Is there a special significance behind your wedding date? Come join the discussion and share your wedding date details:

Lynnie commented:

1957 days ago

How did you decide on your "I do" date? Come share how you picked your wedding date and if there's any special significance in this community discussion:

Lynnie commented:

1990 days ago

We want to meet your other half!! ❤️ Come post a picture of your future spouse in our fiancé(e) friday discussion:

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