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20 Questions You Shouldn't Ask a Couple on Their Wedding Day

It's their special day - don't damper it by asking any of these things!

groom kissing bride on head

groom kissing bride on head

Photo: Apaige Photography

On a couple’s wedding day, they’ll likely have a thousand things running through their minds. Help them stay calm and even-keeled by NOT bothering them with lots of questions. Trust us, they have enough on their plate. (But seriously, if you have any questions or concerns, ask a wedding party member or wedding coordinator, not the couple).

1. Can I bring a plus-one?

2. Can I wear X to your wedding?

3. I couldn’t find a babysitter, can I bring my kids?

4. Do you think it’s going to rain?

5. Do you have a plan B if it does?

6. Can I sit next to X at the reception?

7. Can I switch my entrée option?

8. Why did you invite X to your wedding?

9. What’s your fiancé(e)’s name again?

10. How much did your wedding cost?

11. Did your parents pay for it?

12. Do I really have to wear this?

13. Is it okay that I got you something that wasn’t on your registry?

14. Are you sure this is a good idea?

15. Is that a pimple?

16. Did you hear what Aunt Judy said about the centerpieces?

17. Why didn’t you ask me to be in the wedding party?

18. Can I make a toast?

19. Is that a stain on your dress/suit?

20. When are you planning on having kids?