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How to Be a Bride-ZEN-a

Every bride-to-be gets a bit stressed once in a while. Here are a few tips to help you channel your inner bride-ZEN-a.

Photo: Oldani Photography

Every bride-to-be gets a bit stressed (and, okay, maybe a little bit cranky or bossy) once in a while. If that sounds like you, don’t fear: there’s a relaxed, cool-headed, blissed out bride hiding beneath that ‘zilla mask. Here are a few tips to help you channel your inner bride-ZEN-a.

Stay organized
Feeling overwhelmed or crunched for time is one of the surest ways to awaken the ‘zilla in any bride, so it’s important to stay on task. Assign a realistic deadline to each item on your wedding planning checklist to avoid getting bombarded.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in wedding planning to the point where it’s pretty much dominating all your thoughts, conversations, and free time. To stay sane (and thus zen), set aside a certain time of day (or week) for wedding planning and leave it at that. Maintain your regular hobbies (i.e. don’t give up that Saturday morning yoga class in favor of addressing envelopes or shopping for flower girl dresses) and try not to let your big day work its way into every conversation.

Consult your wedding planner
Behind every great bride-zen-a is a great wedding planner. Isn’t that how the saying goes? Your planner can offer expert input on tricky decisions, help you stay organized, and give you peace of mind when you feel like you’re slipping into stress mode. Don’t underestimate the power of your pro!

Delegate (politely)
A relaxed bride is one who knows how to ask for help. Chances are friends and family would be honored to take a task or two off your plate, and many of them may have already offered. If you’re hesitant to give up control, we suggest starting small with these six tasks.

Let go of things you can’t control
No amount of griping will clear that iffy weather forecast or shape up that drama-prone in-law-to-be. Remember there’s no point in dwelling over the things you can’t change, and shift your focus to all of those wonderful planning factors you can control.

Be open to backup plans
Maybe your dream venue is already booked on your date, or that gorgeous gown you’ve had your eye on doesn’t quite fit your budget, or your favorite flower isn’t in season around your wedding time. While it’s perfectly natural to feel a little bummed when your Plan A falls through, a true bride-ZEN-a goes with the flow and happily seeks out an alternate solution.

Make self-care a priority
Don’t be afraid to treat yourself here and there. Find creative ways to work a little pampering into the planning process, whether it’s indulging in a bubble bath with a stack of bridal magazines, meeting your maid of honor for a mani-pedi planning pow-wow, or opting for a spa bachelorette party. You deserve it!