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What to Wear to a Wedding Venue Tour

While figuring out what to wear to a wedding venue tour is not the most important part of choosing a space for your big day, you're probably thinking about it (admit it!). Here's all the info you need to choose the right outfit for your venue visits.

venue tour

Choosing a venue is one of the first—and most important—steps on your wedding planning checklist. And in order to pick a venue, you’ll need to visit a few in person. You probably have a long list of questions at the ready, a few red flags to look out for, but as the day of your visit approaches, you might find yourself stressing about one thing: what to wear to your wedding venue tour! The short answer is: It really doesn’t matter. You’re the customer, and a venue should be happy to work with you no matter what you wear. While you may agonize over which venue to book, you shouldn’t spend too much time worrying about your outfit. But if you need a few tips to point you in the right direction, we’re here to help!

Struggling to decide what to wear to a wedding venue tour? Here are some words of wisdom to help you pick the right outfit.

Dress up a bit—but not too fancy.

If you can swing it, feel free to dress up a bit for your wedding venue tour. We’re not talking evening gown and tux with full hair and makeup, but more like what you’d wear to a nice dinner or to work. This is especially a good idea if dressing up makes you feel more confident and professional. It also shows that you’re taking your venue tours seriously.

Show off your style.

Your wedding should reflect your and your partner’s personalities—and you can (and should!) show off your personality with your attire. When deciding what to wear to a wedding venue tour, think about clothes that you love and feel reflect who you are. If there’s a color you adore (and might even incorporate into your wedding decor), go ahead and wear it! Don’t wear something just because it’s “trendy” (unless that’s your style) to try and impress anyone—just be yourself!

Wear comfortable shoes.

You’ll probably do a lot of walking during your venue tour, so those brand-new sky-high heels that you haven’t broken in yet are probably a no-no. Comfortable footwear is a total must, as you’ll likely be trekking all over the venue, outdoors and indoors, up and down stairs, and more. If your venue has outdoor space with a lot of grass, opt for flat shoes or footwear with a wedge heel so you don’t get stuck in the grass. If you’re visiting on a rainy or snowy day, you might even bring weather-appropriate boots and a change of shoes to be extra-prepared.

Find out if there’s a dress code.

If you’re touring a country club or other private club, there may be a dress code—collared shirts for guys, no shorts, no jeans, etc. You and your partner should honor this dress code, even though you’re just visiting. Most likely, a club’s dress code will be listed on their website, but if you have questions, feel free to ask your contact at the venue.

Take extra care if you’re touring during another wedding.

It’s unlikely, but possible that you’ll be touring a wedding venue while another event is going on. If that’s the case, you’ll want to dress up a bit more than usual to be respectful of the marrying couple and their big day. Your contact at the venue will likely let you know that you’ll be touring during another event, so be sure to take note if that’s the case.

Consider the weather.

Yes, that sundress might be really cute, but when it comes to what to wear to a wedding venue tour, you’ve got to think about the weather before choosing your outfit. During your tour, you’ll probably spend a lot of time thoroughly checking out the outdoor space. If you’re freezing or boiling, you probably won’t pay close attention to the venue, focusing instead on how uncomfortable you’re feeling! Check the forecast and dress appropriately for the weather, whether that means bringing a jacket and hat or wearing sunscreen and bug spray. If your venue is entirely indoors, you don’t have to be as weather-conscious, though. By dressing comfortably, you’ll be able to spend the appropriate amount of time at the venue so you can make an informed decision.