I received the two boxes of baby's breath I ordered from Costco today. It was between Costco and Flower Explosion. I wanted the New Love variety of FE but felt safer with my familiarity of Costco which offers Million Star. I went with Costco in the end and I will say I am not disappointed. I ordered it to be delivered today (Wed 10/7, 3 days early) and it was....at 10:30 am as promised. It takes (5) 5 gallon buckets to hold it all and you have to purchase your own flower food! I prepared the water with a little bleach for bacteria and cut the stems at an angle under water. When I started considering BB I found tons of gorgeous images but still clueless how much I would need. For those of you considering it here is a picture of how much 200 stems is. I've yet to actually do anything, but I will add images as I do things. But I wanted to put it out there and give people an idea.