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Happily married 🎉

May 20, 2017

2584days 3hrs


Makeup Cost Sticker Shock- Wowza!
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on January 26, 2017 at 11:24 AM

So I've started reaching out to makeup artists for estimates (Long Island area) and I'm hearing lowest $175-200 for bridal, and $100-125 for bridal party (per person) not including...

Virginia, Jul 18, 2019 18 74
FH's ring doesn't fit...cuz why not
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 27, 2017 at 6:33 PM

I've been a little MIA from the boards on account of a crazy few days... and I've returned to vent that after waiting 5 long weeks for FH's ring to be made and shipped to

FutureMrsPrescott, Feb 27, 2017 9 18
Invitations are (corrected) and here! Yay!
Shannon in Community Conversations, on February 23, 2017 at 7:19 PM

So I posted a little meltdown a week or two ago when I received my invites printed in the wrong color, Magnet Street was awesome about correcting it and reprinting the batch at no charge. Now they're...

Jess, Feb 23, 2017 18 20
That moment when it gets real....
Shannon in Community Conversations, on February 22, 2017 at 10:25 AM

So I've heard a few times on here about that moment when it hits you that you're getting married....pretty sure I just had that! Our officiant just emailed me our ceremony script, I was reading it at...

FBTB2017, Feb 22, 2017 10 19
My shoes arrived yay!
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 21, 2017 at 6:58 PM

So a week or so ago I posted a poll with three different pairs of bridal sandals that I couldn't choose between- this pair got the most votes, I ordered them and they arrived today! I LOVE them! I...

Shannon, Feb 22, 2017 15 17
Emotions running wild - anyone else?
Shannon in Etiquette and Advice, on February 19, 2017 at 3:40 PM

So...I'm posting this in hopes that I'm not alone on this one, but has wedding planning/date approaching started to make any of you feel extremely emotional? Maybe it's stress and nerves too, but I'll...

fsumissa, Feb 19, 2017 23 8
Giving FH some credit - he planned something!
Shannon in Planning, on February 15, 2017 at 4:14 PM

So a few weeks ago I posted a rant about all of the wedding planning falling on me with very little aid or input from FH - well he's been getting better and last night I asked him to contact the place...

NatHam, Feb 15, 2017 7 20
Invitations printed wrong - so much anger
Shannon in Planning, on February 13, 2017 at 8:27 PM

So....I was all excited to come home to my invitations, delivered in a very pretty elaborate box, only to open it and find invitations printed in the wrong fucking color. So ensues a full blown bride...

Shannon, Feb 14, 2017 27 55
Sewn in cups - will it be enough?
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 11, 2017 at 2:52 PM

Let's talk boobs... So I'm a 34B at best (TMI), and while I love my sweetheart neckline it does just about nothing for the girls. I had a strapless bra on to try on my dress when it came in, but I had...

Jakkia, Feb 12, 2017 35 10,429
Which shoes? Help me decide!
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 12, 2017 at 4:24 PM

Sooooo, I don't want to wear heels and am going with a pair of nice flat sandals for my big day- I just can't seem to decide between these three. Thoughts? I'm partial to #3 but am concerned about the...

OG Gretchen, Feb 12, 2017 46 38
Rehearsal dinner - tacky?
Shannon in Etiquette and Advice, on February 10, 2017 at 10:44 AM

So, we're getting (dangerously) close to going over budget and I'm trying to think of how to make the RD be inexpensive. Would an RD at a pizza place be tacky or come off cheap? I think it might be...

K Dot, Feb 11, 2017 81 982
Officially hit double digits!
Shannon in Community Conversations, on February 9, 2017 at 9:40 AM

Woohoo! I officially hit double digits today and I can't believe it! Soooo ready to finally be a Mrs Anyone else just hit doubles? What do you have left to do?

Shannon, Feb 9, 2017 34 34
Wedding favors...could this DYI idea work?
Shannon in Do It Yourself, on February 8, 2017 at 8:57 PM

So this idea is a little out there but maybe it could work... FH's last name is (and my last name will become) Milano - I've been on the fence about wedding favors but he really wants to have them so...

Laura, Feb 9, 2017 55 56
Photographer got me feeling all giddy...
Shannon in Community Conversations, on February 7, 2017 at 4:16 PM

I was just on the phone with my photographer discussing a general timeline and the different moments we want to capture and it got me feeling all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it! This wedding is...

Shannon, Feb 7, 2017 5 10
Day of timeline - input needed
Shannon in Planning, on February 7, 2017 at 10:32 AM

So I'm trying to work out timeline with my vendors... Our venue wants us to arrive at 5:30pm in prep of our 6:30pm ceremony, the hotel we are getting ready at is 20 minutes from the venue. If our hair...

Shannon, Feb 7, 2017 5 11
Hair stylist rates - reasonable?
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 5, 2017 at 5:40 PM

Sooooo I know I asked about MUA rates on here before, but now that I've gotten that all booked I'm looking into hair. I'm being told $250 for bridal hair ($100 for trial), and...

SwissMs, Feb 6, 2017 19 981
NWR: life as an introvert (rant)
Shannon in Etiquette and Advice, on February 5, 2017 at 2:08 AM

Just had to vent as an introvert with severe social anxiety.... Went to my friends birthday party tonight at a local bar, wasn't really drinking because I had to drive and was riding solo on account...

Nikki, Feb 6, 2017 29 136
Makeup trial results! Obsessed!
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on February 4, 2017 at 2:14 PM

Just finished my makeup trial and I am OBSESSED. I've never had my makeup professionally done before so I'm in a massive amount of shock that I could even look like this lol The MUA is awesome and we...

Shannon, Feb 4, 2017 28 41
FH's wedding ring is ordered!
Shannon in Community Conversations, on February 3, 2017 at 10:31 AM

Super excited about this! Buying his wedding ring makes it feel that much more real, picture doesn't do it much justice but it's an awesome Black Rhodium ring that we found on Etsy (he picked it out a...

Anvenette, Feb 3, 2017 8 16
Venting...I love FH to death but....
Shannon in Wedding Attire, on January 31, 2017 at 7:18 PM

For the love of all that is holy could he maybe do ONE thing to help me plan this wedding??? Thus far I've arranged every single thing, kept everything in order, designed things, searched for things,...

futuremrsshapard, Feb 3, 2017 43 48
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