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Devoted November 2025

WWYD: Guests skipping ceremony, going straight to reception?

AllisaurusRex, on January 25, 2012 at 10:58 AM Posted in Planning 0 27

Originally we had planned to have our ceremony in a small town about a half hour from where we live. We like the venue, even though it's a fire hall it is just as nice as most other venues we looked at within our price range, and it fits our color scheme the best. We also like that it is centrally located for most of our guests. Our ceremony is 20 minutes away in a beautiful chapel on the lake shore. It is out of the way but it is really the only option since we are not religious and an outdoor ceremony is out of the question due to the season.

The more weddings we go to on my in-laws' side though, the more I notice that they will often skip the ceremony and only go to the reception. There are situations I can understand that (elderly, poor health, especially in regards to outdoor weddings) but I would be really hurt if someone didn't come to my ceremony, but then didn't bat an eye about eating and drinking on my dime. It also seems that the occurence of this is much higher when the ceremony and reception are in different towns, like ours is, though there is a small percentage that I suspect will skip the ceremony regardless of location.

I find this practice extremely rude and am trying to find a way to avoid it happening. I am not putting any info on my invites that says when the reception will start or when dinner is served, etc. I considered moving the reception closer to the ceremony venue, but then I worry that some people may not come at all, or that the party will wind down early since everyone has a long drive ahead of them. In a petty way, I almost want to have my coordinator ask anyone who shows up early to the reception to leave, but obviously that is not the most tactful way of handling the situation, haha. Is there really anything else I can do about this? Would you be as upset about it as I am, or am I totally over reacting?


Latest activity by Ldg, on January 29, 2013 at 3:43 AM
  • Kayla
    Super July 2012
    Kayla ·
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    Same problem sort of....I kind of want a small ceremony with close family and friends and have everyone come to the reception. I didn't know how people would feel about only being invited to the reception.

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  • Brandie
    VIP September 2011
    Brandie ·
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    I think I would be upset too. I did tell my guest where the reception was being held just so they would know how far they had to drive after the ceremony. It was only about 20 minutes but they were back tracking. Not quite sure how to handle this though. Wondering if maybe putting something on the invite stating that the recpetion will follow the ceremony and all info will be provided at the ceremony. That way they have to come to the ceremony to get directions to the reception. Not sure if that would work but it's an idea.

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  • Jessica
    VIP March 2012
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    I would honestly find it rude if they came to the reception but not the ceremony, it would probably hurt my feelings, but i'm

    Unless they had a very good reason for not coming to the ceremony I would not be happy.

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  • Kimberly S  ( formerly Kimberly L )
    Master June 2012
    Kimberly S ( formerly Kimberly L ) ·
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    You can solve that issue by having invitation only and escort cards. If they don't have an invite they don't have a place to sit.

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  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    If you're worried about it, the best way to prevent it is to have the ceremony and reception in the same place, and not have a gap. But you still can't control what people will do. A 20 minute distance between ceremony and reception isn't awful but if people are already driving 30 minutes to get there or back in the first place, it might be a lot in one day.

    I think with your wedding date over 3 1/2 years away, I would not spend energy being worried about this or much else right now.

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  • AllisaurusRex
    Devoted November 2025
    AllisaurusRex ·
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    Yeah, I know it's a far way off, but we've had to push the date back several times and since it was at one time much, much closer to right now, we already have alot of vendors and venues booked. I'm wondering now because if I need a different venue, I may be able to get my deposit back, otherwise they are willing to transer the money to our future date =)

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  • Shana
    Super July 2013
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    I agree with Brandie. Dont let them know where the reception is until the ceremony.....

    1yr away or 3 1/2 years away....problem still would need a solution if there is one. I dont see anything wrong with thinking about it now

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  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    Why would you withhold information from your guests about the location of the reception? That seems kind of rude to me. When I receive a wedding invitation I like to know in advance how to get to both the ceremony and reception, whether or not there's a gap in between, what time the reception starts so I know how to plan my meals for the day, what parking is like at both venues, and what the venues are like so I can dress appropriately.

    Plus- if it's family members that you're worried about, don't you think they'll find a way to figure out where the reception is if they're determined to skip the ceremony? Rude on their part for sure, but out of your hands.

    My point about the timeframe was not to be snarky, but that you can't control or predict what people are going to do now, much less 3 1/2 years from now. You asked if others would be as upset as you, and I'm telling you with how much time you have to think about it, I would not be, or it's going to drive you nuts.

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  • Carole M (a.k.a "old tart")
    Master October 2011
    Carole M (a.k.a "old tart") ·
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    I agree with Kris S. You really can't control what your guests are going to do. There is no way to prevent someone from skipping the ceremony.

    My daughter is having a Cath Mass at 2:00. It will be at least an hour, as many parts of it will be sung. Her reception is 1 hr away at 5:30. Catholics are accustomed to large gaps because most churchs do not allow weddings on Saturdays after 3:00 So, we kill time in the closest bar to the venue. I have many guests who are not Cath & live closer to the venue. I have flat out told them to skip the Mass & hit the ceremony. Neither my daughter, nor our family considers this an insult. We don't consider a reception to be an event where people are eating & drinking on our dime. We consider it celebrating with our guests.

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  • Mrs. S™
    Master October 2011
    Mrs. S™ ·
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    I agree with Kris and Carole, although I understand why you feel that way. Of course you can provide information after the ceremony, but that creates other problems. Will your guests know the dress code for an unknown venue? What about those who really cannot make it to the ceremony? Perhaps people work, get stuck in traffic, or their babysitter is late? Just like there's no way to prevent people from leaving early, or in fact showing up if they RSVPed yes, there's no way of making sure they'll show up for both.

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  • tram
    Super November 2010
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    U serious???

    I am sorry I just can't seem to think through this....unless they r your close family n really close friends I think it's unreasonable to ask them to be at both if they can't or simply just don't want to.

    Keep in mind too that most guests do come with gifts and usually spend time n money to be at your wedding --- so technically it isn't a free event to them.

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  • Marie S. (aka Princess Leia)
    Master October 2012
    Marie S. (aka Princess Leia) ·
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    I'm a little surprised with this one since I'm an extreme micromanager. :-) I could give a rats batootey who comes to the ceremony. That is between me, FH and God. So as long we're there nothing else matters. The reception is for everyone to come celebrate the nuptuals and your life long commitments. It's not a reward for your guests cuz they came to church. And Trust me on this one, they're not coming to the reception for the free Chicken Dinner & a rum & coke on your dime. They came to celebrate with you & your FH and probably are spending a significant amount of time & money to come - new outfit, gift, gas money to get there, babysitter, possible time off from work...

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  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    ^Yep, yep yep.

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  • angel
    Super July 2013
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    I seems a little rude. Maybe you could ask that small percentage of people if they are planing to attend both. Do these people have a history of skipping ceremonies? since youre onto them they may feel bad and attend both.

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  • tram
    Super November 2010
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    Marie I think u said this way better than I could.

    Smiley smile

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  • Diana
    Expert August 2012
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    I agree with the tram, marie, and kris above. I'm actually having 2 ceremonies (me and my FH are different cultures) and then the reception all at the same venue but both ceremonies combined are about 4 hours long so I would actually feel bad for my guests to attend all that AND the 4 hour long reception. I'd rather have more of my guests come to the reception NOT tired from the long day so we're all ready to party by the night! Yes, I think you're slightly over reacting- you can't control what your guests will do.

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  • Carole M (a.k.a "old tart")
    Master October 2011
    Carole M (a.k.a "old tart") ·
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    Well said Tram and Marie!

    These days it isn't cheap to attend a wedding. : ) With outfit/nails/hair, babysitter, transportation, bridal shower gift and wedding gift. Attending a wedding can have potentially a $500 price tag.

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  • Future Mrs. Redmond
    Dedicated February 2012
    Future Mrs. Redmond ·
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    I wholeheartedly agree with Marie S. I couldn't have said it better myself. You shouldn't be caring that much, I would focus on just myself and my FH and God.

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  • AllisaurusRex
    Devoted November 2025
    AllisaurusRex ·
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    Thanks ladies for all of your input! You all brought up some really valid points that hadn't crossed my mind before. In the end though, I guess I would prefer that our guests come to just the reception than not at all. And Kris is right, I have plenty of time, so maybe by the time the big day finally rolls around I'll be so happy that I won't notice or even care. Thanks again everyone!

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  • Crystal
    Devoted October 2012
    Crystal ·
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    I missed my friends wedding ceremony because my inlays were coming in from out of town and they forgot their key. I felt terrible but my friend understood.

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