**To clarify, neither of us has kids; these are nieces/nephews/cousins who we are close with and would "die" if they weren't involved!**
We are having a 4yr old girl and a 5yr old girl as the flower girls. But, we aren't sure what to do with the others:
-11yr old girl
-9yr old girl
-11yr old boy
My fiance's mom seems to think that the 11yr old boy should be our ring bearer since there aren't any little boys. But quite frankly, I think he's too old. He's big for his age too, and acts like a grown up - you'd think he was 13 or 14! Definitely not a ring bearer age. I'd rather have no ring bearer or have one of the flower girls function as a ring bearer.
Then there's the 2 girls, 11 and 9 - too old to be flower girls.
**We DO NOT want to do junior bridesmaids!!! ** We have a small wedding party and want to keep it that way, plus the 11yr old is from out of state.
I want to find some way for these girls to be involved in our day, to feel like they have special roles!