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CT Bride
Dedicated April 2012

Brides who did DIY submerged flower centerpieces

CT Bride, on January 12, 2012 at 6:01 PM Posted in Do It Yourself 0 6

Fellow brides, did any of you make your own DIY submerged flower centerpieces? My hope is that by doing this, I can save a significant amount of $ (also hoping to make my own bouquets). My concern is that because tall vases become very heavy when filled with water, they won't be able to be lifted onto the tables so I have to make the vase ON the table. The linens won't be set until morning of the wedding and am really afraid to create stress by having to do's that day. Also, am worried that with submerging fresh flowers (I don't want to use silk), I'll also have to wait until morning of. We'll have about 10-12 tables, so it'll be too much work to do the morning of the wedding. Did anybody else run into this dilemma?


Latest activity by Monique Wilber, on January 13, 2012 at 1:54 PM
  • Jessica
    Master July 2012
    Jessica ·
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    How large are your vases? I'd be surprised if they were literally too heavy to carry and place on a table, once they were filled with water.

    I haven't done this personally, so I'm not sure about the timing logistics.

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  • Kimm
    Master October 2012
    Kimm ·
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    If you use the water pearls that will take up space in the vases and less water. Then you can position the live flowers exactly where you want them in the vases and when you add the water it will look like the flowers are just floating in the water. The pearls will take up less space in the vase and are actually lighter in weight. Water pearls come either hydrated or de-hydrated. The de-hydrated versions usually take up 4-6 to become fully hydrated, but be sure to use purified water, they expand a little bigger.

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  • Kimm
    Master October 2012
    Kimm ·
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    Double post - gggggrrrrr

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  • A
    Savvy July 2012
    Adcurlz ·
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    Wow this is a great point, I am doing the same centerpiece but I didnt even think of that being a problem. My assumption is some strong men would be the ones involved in picking up the vase and putting it on the table. I hope someone who has done this can give us more insight! Good luck Smiley smile

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  • CT Bride
    Dedicated April 2012
    CT Bride ·
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    But regardless of whether the vases can be lifted, can they be put together the day before or does it have to be morning of because of the fresh flowers?

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  • Monique  Wilber
    Monique Wilber ·
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    Just keep in mind that submerged flowers in vases are very time-consuming. I know they look easy and fast, but they are not fast! Make sure that there is not another wedding booked at the venue before you; you'll need more than an hour to do ten tables (and that's if you do them FAST at 6 minutes each, and only have ONE submerged vase per table, and nothing goes wrong).

    I don't suggest submerging flowers the day before...they can get very transparent and look bad. It should be done no more than a couple of hours before the wedding.

    One more tip - if you are floating a candle, make sure that where the flame will be is below the lip of the vase - otherwise it will get blown out in drafts, and is not fire safe. There needs to be an inch of glass at least, surrounding the flame.

    Re: silk flowers being submerged. I'm not a fan, because the water magnifies everything, including the fakeness (ie pieces of plastic, etc). Some people love them, but I'm not a fan.

    Best wishes!

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