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Just Said Yes December 2022

Anniversary it okay or silly?

Danielle, on October 10, 2019 at 11:17 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 1 7
My husband and I got married a few years ago, and while I am so thrilled I got to marry him, the wedding itself is an unhappy memory for me.
We had quite a lot of bad luck leading up to the big day. I know things could have been MUCH worse, but my bridal salon went out of business about 10 weeks before the wedding leaving me with no dress (long story in and of itself), I had to put my dog down just four weeks before the big day, my uncle passed away thee weeks before, I got bronchitis the week of, etc. etc. but the worst part... was that right around the time we got engaged, I took over a small business for a very sick family member. The business was in tremendous debt. Trying to get that business back on its feet became two years of 90+ hour work weeks, exhaustion, and misery. On my wedding day I was emotionally exhausted, sleep deprived, and practically broke (as had been the case for months) and I felt in a daze for all of it. When the flowers arrived and they were the wrong order, it didn’t even phase me. I (usually a big cryer at weddings) didn’t shed a tear during the ceremony. I felt tired and mentally “gone”.

Anyway I am SO sorry for the rent but I wanted to give context. I know things could have been MUCH worse. I know I shouldn’t complain. I’m embarrassed that I still care, several years later. But the fact is that I do care. I’m angry at myself for not postponing the wedding. I’m disappointed that although I think the guests had a nice time, I felt completely absent.

Recently we saw several aunts and uncle who all said they were dying to go back to Florida (we had a semi-destination wedding - a few hours for most of our guests) and wanted to know if we would be planning an anniversary party anytime soon. I was surprised! I started wondering if, since the business is now very stable and we could afford to do so, I could have a chance to essentially relive the weekend? I wouldn’t renew our vows. I think after just 5 years that’s nothing huge, and people will feel like we were JUST there. But I would love to throw a big party and treat our guests to some of the details that we had to drop last fancy welcome bags, etc.

Is this stupid? Am I going to be annoying family members by inviting them to this? Is there a way to word invitations (or maybe even just verbal invites via phone?) so that people understand there is no pressure to attend, we just want another fun weekend in FL with extended family and close friends? Is there anyone else with a similar situation? Sorry for clogging up bridal forums with this. I didn’t know who else to ask for unbiased feedback :/


Latest activity by Ebony, on October 21, 2019 at 9:11 AM
  • Sabrina
    Devoted April 2020
    Sabrina ·
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    So NOT stupid. Call it what it is, an Anniversary Party and treat it the same way. Either people can make it or they can't. Do the invite, get the RSVPs and get to planning.

    Sorry your wedding didn't go as planned, and after 5 years is a good time for a party - its your Wooden Anniversary. Live it up!!!!

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  • Mcskipper
    Rockstar July 2018
    Mcskipper ·
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    Anyway I am SO sorry for the vent but I wanted to give context. I know things could have been MUCH worse. I know I shouldn’t complain.”
    FIRST OF ALL, stop this ^^
    your feelings are legitimate and you are allowed to feel disappointed!! Stop feeling guilty for feeling disappointed— it’s clouding your judgement ! Smiley winking You’re asking if it’s okay to throw an anniversary party and the answer is OF COURSE. It’s always appropriate to celebrate your love and it’s always okay to invite others to join! For a big, travel inclusive party, I’d aim
    to do it on a big anniversary (5, 10, etc)— I think those drum up more excitement. Inviting someone to an event is *never* obligating them to attend! So I wouldn’t stress wording. “You’re invited to our anniversary celebration!” is all you need. Some people will come (sounds like you have some aunts already looking for an excuse to travel!), some people won’t come. It may have a lower attendance rate than a wedding. But that’s okay.
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  • Brandi
    Devoted July 2020
    Brandi ·
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    No. Wedding anniversary celebrations are normal. Typically, people do them for milestones (1 year, 5 years, 10 years etc.). But no matter the time, you can do it. It doesn’t have to be a huge shindig but just another chance to have the family in the room in the name of you!
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  • D
    Just Said Yes December 2022
    Danielle ·
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    Thank you ladies! I was just worried that because many people would have to travel, this would feel/look excessive or self absorbed. Not that what they think should be driving my decisions - I just wanted people to be happy to be there Smiley smile I appreciate the support and feedback!

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  • Michaela
    Super May 2020
    Michaela ·
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    That sounds great! I don't know your family... but my family would love any "excuse" to get together with as many people as possible. of course some people won't be able to attend, but it's that way for any event. Go for it girl!

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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    That's not stupid at all! An anniversary party sounds totally fine Smiley heart

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  • Ebony
    Beginner August 2019
    Ebony ·
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    GO FOR IT!!!! You and your family would love the outcome. Have a fancy dinner party on the beach and put those pretty welcome bags at each table setting. Give a beautiful speech that will make you proud of yourself and replace that bad experience with a good one. If you need help planning inbox me I'd love to help you remotely with ideas for free Smiley smile

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