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VIP September 2012

A threesome?

Mayra, on July 24, 2012 at 4:28 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 81

So my friend just called me telling me that her husband for 6 years suggested to have a threesome. I didn't get into details of what kind if two girls or two guys because I was shocked by what she had just told me. Personally I don't know what I would do or think if my FH ever asks me to do...

So my friend just called me telling me that her husband for 6 years suggested to have a threesome. I didn't get into details of what kind if two girls or two guys because I was shocked by what she had just told me. Personally I don't know what I would do or think if my FH ever asks me to do that...Well at first I would think he's kidding...but don't know what if he wasn't.....I"m not against it if people like doing that...I very open minded when it comes to that, just never pictured myself doing it... what are your thoughts on the subject...

I know nothing to do with wedding plannig...but thought it would lure you away from the stress of the planning... lol


  • WasSoon2BMrsSmith
    Master September 2010
    WasSoon2BMrsSmith ·
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    @Brandy Y. Because a marriage isn't all about sex and a threesome is. My vows will not include I will not have 3somes with my husband though they will include that I will be loyal to him, honest with him, comfortable in our relationship, not jelose or envious etc. those things may be different to you and I but I am getting married to have a partner in life someone to share everything with someone to bear children with etc, if sharing everything happens to be a chick some day then so be it as long as we are sharing.

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  • Mayra
    VIP September 2012
    Mayra ·
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    @Future Esposa F. Thank you for letting me know what it meant... now I get it...

    @soon2bMrs.Smith... Love what you said...Everyone has their own opinions and interpretation of vows or any other promises....

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  • NowI'mMrs.B.
    Super April 2013
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    I believe to each his/her own as long as both partners are on the same page and no one is being pressured to do it then why not? I don't get how that is cheating if both partners are there and know what's going on.

    And for those that say they know couples who have done it and it ended badly, I know couples who have been faithful to each other and their marriage ended badly. I think it more has to do with the couples involved as opposed to the act itself.

    As for me - unless it's a guy, guy girl, which I know FH would NEVER go for then it ain't happening. I don't need any co-stars in my bedroom - but if it works for others then more power to them.

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  • Mrs. Duncan
    VIP July 2013
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    Personally... no never! Like some of the other ladies on here I am a very jealous person...

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  • Now mrs. K
    VIP June 2013
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    I don't judge people who choose to do this. I had a friend who was into the swinging lifestyle. On the other hand, he never had a girlfriend from the group that lasted more than a few months.

    That being said someone who isn't in that lifestyle-it could be disastrous. I had a friend who did this to please her boyfriend (she acted like she was totally cool with it to everyone) and it ended up breaking them up (he found that he liked the other girl better sexually.)

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  • Toni
    Super September 2012
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    I dont care what others do but I could never do it. I want my man all to myself and am not willing to deal with the consequences.

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    Expert September 2013
    TRUDIE ·
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    Well , I have read all your comments and everyone is entitle to their opinion. And to each his own, but some time a 3some doent have nothing to do with sex or anything for that matter. To me its just having fun, with a safe partner.

    I have done it with my hubby. We have been together since high school, and after a while I think men ...well in our case experience have alot to do with it. I never doudt in my mind that my husband dont love me,and I know I love him badly. He have never ask me to do it, it brought it up to him. Which he was reluctant at first, I have never been stress about being cheated on and anything for that matter caused . Im that secure. But something when you give a man a certain leverage you can keep him rite where you want him. trust me.

    Example: I bought him to a strip club couple times, we have fun, nothing freaky we just watch, and a few time his friend ask him to go with them to a strip club, and guess what, he's not interested, been there done that.

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    Expert September 2013
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    Not to say anyone have to do what I do. whatever floats your boat. But sometime men going to do things with other ppl whether you like it or not, behind your back. So for me I am a fun person, alway doing stuff to make dam sure that we dont get bored in our marriage. we are young,and Im keeping it that way. And when I say fun stuff I dont mean sex with other ppl. I mean doing different stuff in many different ways, to keep 18 years relationship alive I got to be very creative. A 3some is just a fantasy for most men, if not all. And they all want to fullfill their fantasy. Its just a matter of when.

    My experience was with one partner and we are still close friends. Have'nt done it for a while now cause its not somthing i want to do all the time,but it was fun for that time period of my life. Thats it.

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  • justine
    Super July 2013
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    Here is my opinion. I was in mexico with a girlfriend and we met a couple who I guess you could classify as swingers, they were very open about it, and even went as far to tell us a time when the women had developed feelings for another women beyond their sexual encounters. It was stopped immediately and that was fine with every one involved because it was all out their in the open.

    I've also seen it go the other way, where one party leaves for the guest star...

    Personally i think it depends on how comfortable you are in your relationship, and with your partner. But I can say, if it is a one night, crazy thing, and your husband or boyfriend leaves you after a one night thing with a women or man you will never see again, than you have bigger problems.

    If its some one who is coming in on a continues basis, than I'd be more leery

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  • Mayra
    VIP September 2012
    Mayra ·
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    @ Trudie C -- I'm with you..I'm all about keeping my relationship fun. Just like you my FH wont go to strip clubs..I've brought it up that I want to go and he says that if I reall want it he'll take it...To us is more enjoying things together...But still not bringing a third person... That's just kept on a fantasy..

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  • Brandy
    Expert September 2012
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    Soon2bMrsSmith: I am not one that separates love and sex, I know some people can, but I can't, and I don't want to. I don't care what other people do, but IMO, marriage is about dedicating yourself to one person for the rest of your life, and those are the vows I'm taking and I am very serious about it. I personally don't understand why someone would want to get married if they can't dedicate themselves to one person and have to bring in extra people to keep sex exciting. That's just my opinion, as other people have shared theirs. I'm obviously not going to change anyone's mind who disagrees and I don't want to anyway, what someone else does doesn't affect me at all. That's just my stance on it Smiley smile

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    Expert September 2013
    TRUDIE ·
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    @ Justine A....Has you say ..I think a person have to really be comfortable in their relationship, in order to do certain things.

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  • Crystal Bleu
    Super May 2012
    Crystal Bleu ·
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    My husband calls sex 'making love'. It used to creep me out, but when I realized I was actually in love with him, it just made everything make sense. Sex is not love. Making love IS sex though.

    Our PERSONAL belief is that other people have no business in our marriage, whether it's during our disagreements, our decisions on how to spend our paychecks, how to raise our son, or in our bedroom. Experience has taught us that too many cooks spoil the broth (I LOVE corny old-fashioned idioms).

    We got all our playing around out of our system before we got together. Now we take comfort in each other, knowing that we never have to go through the uncertainty of dating ever again. It was hard enough already to find ONE person who is sane/crazy enough to put up with me, let alone another.

    No one other than my husband will ever touch me again, and I'll keep my husband just to me, thanks. :-)

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  • Ryan
    VIP July 2010
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    I'm against them, but I'm against any kind of extramarital sex.

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  • Mayra
    VIP September 2012
    Mayra ·
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    @ Crystal Bleu..You're right you can't change ppls opinion but you're sure in your right to share it. And we respect your way of thinking

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    Expert September 2013
    TRUDIE ·
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    Really I dont see nothing wrong with having my husband explore his curiosity.

    Sometime we put so much restriction on our relationship that we end up losing our life long partner.No body saying we are going around doing 3some with everybody. But sometime we are against so much things that we fail to realize that the very same thing is already in our life , you just dont know it. Its call cheating. Thank God I dont have to deal with that ever.

    Im not going to let nobody (woman) out there be better than me in anything, cause I realize when you dont get it at home (whatever it is ) someone out there is willing and able and ready to do whatever your man heart desire.

    In my eyes Im his everything and anything he wants me to be and I'm going to be the best and the greatess he ever will have. For better or for worse.

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  • WasSoon2BMrsSmith
    Master September 2010
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    Trudie c. well said!

    my FH wants me so much that he wont even go to friends batchlorette partys if they include strip clubs, he's totally not into it, not cause I tell him not to (I've been to them enough in the past with my guy friends) just cause he isn't into other chicks.

    I've got more of a problem trying to dirty talk than I do the thought of being in a 3some, I just don't know what to day, it makes me awkward.

    each to their own.

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  • Barbara
    Savvy July 2016
    Barbara ·
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    To be entirely honest, I've been in quite a few threesomes, and honestly... It never really works out like you hope it's going to. Someone always gets left out, or jealous, or just doesn't get as much attention. It's inevitable. The major appeal of threesomes is all in the head.

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  • Groomzilla
    VIP November 2012
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    • Hide content didn't offend me. Nothing here posted did. I was just saying that this is a public forum..where you don't have to log in,etc to read posts. That plus many use their real names, wedding locations, etc. allows too much info for my taste. I was just cautioning the others here, that's all. No one wants anything here or posted online in general to come back and bite you in the tail down the road. Employers use searches when they determine who to hire, etc.

    If you notice, I haven't said one way or another...some stuff I don't feel the need to share Smiley smile

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    Just Said Yes July 2012
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    @ NIKKI B. I would have said the same thing. I know people who have tried it but months later one of the women was sleeping with the wife behind the husband back. The husband was angry but he wanted to try it and it back fired on him.

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