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Super December 2014

What excites you most about marriage? What scares you the most?

Angie, on November 4, 2014 at 12:12 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 55

It's easy to get caught up in wedding planning, and I know I have to remind myself from time to time the whole point of the wedding!

I'd say I'm most excited to to close the distance, and begin a new chapter in my life with my soon-to-be partner in crime. I feel like we'll be able to accomplish more, together, and that these accomplishments will be all the more rewarding.

I think what scares me the most is the possibility it might not work out ...Not saying I'm not confident in this decision or my relationship, but I'm not so niave that I spout out, "Oh, I just don't believe in divorce," because life can be messy and anything can happen. I'm one of the first of my friends to be married, so there's almost an extra pressure, if that makes any sense.

I'd love to read what everyone has to say.


Latest activity by Sydney, on November 5, 2014 at 11:53 PM
  • Finally mrs.jkr
    Master June 2025
    Finally mrs.jkr ·
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    I'm most excited for marital bliss and kids (in the future)

    I'm most worried about money. Looks like FH's advisor screwed up and he won't be graduating when we thought he would, so that puts off the long time career by a year (Seriously, how can a professional miss 2 terms worth of missing credits?!) Although, it won't be as bad as when FH was unemployed and we were living off of my part time job and food bank donations...

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  • Kimberly
    Super September 2014
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    What excites me: Just being able to see him everyday. Knowing good or bad at the end of the day we can hug/kiss and share in the good or comfort for a bad day. Going through everything together, no matter how exciting or how scary. What scares me: that some day he'll think it was a mistake and I'm too much to deal with. Also being his son's step mom - damn scary to think I'm partly responsible for his most prized accomplishment.

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  • LadyMonk
    Master September 2014
    LadyMonk ·
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    This is a good discussion. I'm married already, but really there should always be something to look forwards to. I'm excited for our first married Christmas together. We've only ever spent 1 other Christmas together before marriage even though we've been together for over 8 years. We did a lot of long distance, had different amounts of vacation, have familes out of town, and etc.

    I'm excited to continue to get to know DH better and we're just settling in living with each other. Our first real vacation together was our honeymoon, and we went on a relaxing beach vacation. I'm excited to go on a off the beaten path vacation together.

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  • MelissaC
    Master January 2015
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    What excites me is knowing (hoping) that I'm going to grow old with the person I love who always has my back. Our little mantra is "Together, we can do anything." Even if it's something stupid like him using a box to push a box we need off the tallest shelf and me catching it, we are always better together and are the best complements of each other. (That just happened this weekend while getting a new mailbox since our mailman broke ours)

    My biggest fear is kids. I know that when I turn 30, that's when we are going to try for a kid. I am not the biggest fan of kids, but I promised him one. It's not even that I don't think I'll like the kid, it's just the thought of, "What if we fail? What happens if it hates us?" For the rest of our lives after we have a kid, we'll have a kid! It will never be the same. It could be amazing and we could add an awesome human being to the world or we could accidentally unleash a sociopath into the world. You just never know and that freaks me out, and yes, I've seen WAY too many horror movies that revolve around kids. I guess we'll just do the best we can and hope for the best like everyone does.

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  • Lisa
    Expert September 2015
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    I'm excited for the commitment to the person I love most and to share adventures together. We have been together for over 4 years but I am beginning to get established in my career and we will be able to do more together. I am also excited about children as we decided to wait until we married to take that step.

    I am most worried about finances and although we have lived together for about 2 years we keep our finances somewhat separate to date. I have a problem with how he manages his money and I'm not exactly the best at money management either.

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  • Kathryn
    Super December 2014
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    I'm excited about tax returns, no joke. My girlfriend got married a few years back and because her husband didn't work too much their return was huge! It helped them put a down payment on a house, which is what we are going for.

    I'm so frightened about changing because of marriage. I want to travel more than anything. I've been to Europe and I'm one of those people who loves to explore cultures, and new lands. I had a panic attack because I have always wanted to go to Machu Picchu and I feared that once FH and I get married, we will have a child and all that goes out the door for 20+ years. Scared the crap out of me. I told FH and he said we'd travel with or without kids. Our parents would love to watch them while we are gone and once they get old enough, we take them with us, to explore and learn as well. I never traveled when I was growing up and its something I want for my children. I had friends travel to Inida, Russia, Africa, Europe, etc growing up but my parents never were those who travel. They literally go to 3 restaurants when they go out. Never try anything new. I went to London with my mother last year and I learned she was a miserable traveler. If she didn't know what she was eating or if it had cheese on it (yes, just normal regular cheese!) she wouldn't eat it. She play the victim and said she'll just starve to death and will that make me happy? Most miserable week of my life. FH on the other hand is just like me! So I guess I am also excited to have a partner in crime!!

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  • KM
    Master March 2015
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    Excites me the most: The feeling that I will always have someone I can count on when things get tough. I've never had that kind of permanence before. My parents were always sort of a flight risk in the past.

    Nervous about: How much we will both change in the future, and being able to roll with those changes. I can already tell I'm changing. I want to move to a big city. He absolutely does not, ever. He said the other day "What happened to the girl I fell in love with who wanted a big ranch in the middle of nowhere?" I still want that, but I want to experience a big city at least once. I think compromise on big life choices are going to be our biggest challenge.

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  • Lara
    Master July 2015
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    I'm excited for the commitment and for our partnership to be recognized by everyone (the state, etc).

    I'm nervous about trying to start a family. I really want to have a baby, but for some reason I'm scared I won't be able to (with absolutely no medical evidence to back this up, this is just me being neurotic).

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  • soontobeamrs
    VIP July 2015
    soontobeamrs ·
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    To be together everyday. We live apart now and due to my work travel we spend quite a bit of time apart and maintain three houses.

    Scared of being together so much. I have been single for 27 years and what if he hates me once we live together full time lol, unlikely I know, but afraid he will wake up one day and realize he made a mistake. Right now he worships the ground I walk on, and I like it. A lot!

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  • Trixey
    Devoted January 2015
    Trixey ·
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    Well not only am i excited to be married to my best friend but i'm super excited to change my last name. As silly as it sounds, my last name is also in the title of a 70's television show staring the late, great Robin Williams and I am ready never to hear another joke about it again! NANU NANU Smiley smile

    Most scared about starting a family, with him being in the army he can leave at any time Smiley sad

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  • Cheri
    VIP September 2015
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    I'm most excited to spend the rest of my life with my FH, he is the most amazing person I have ever met. What scares me the most is this is my second marriage and after 17 years with my first husband I found out he cheated on me many times (I didn't learn this until after the divorce) if this marriage isn't my forever there won't be another one. I know this is my last marriage and my last Happily ever after so it has to work because I'm not doing this again.

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  • Ashley
    VIP May 2015
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    I have been with FH for 5 years, and lived together for two of those years. So like Valarie, nothing much will change in our day to day lives. But I am excited to grow old with this man. He is my best friend, and I can't believe I actually get to spend my life with my best friend.

    Nervous: Nothing really scares me. We have been through a lot together, so nothing about marriage or spending my life with him scares me. I guess just in general the only thing that scares me is something happening to him. I don't know what I would do without him.

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  • Lady O.
    Super March 2015
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    I'm really excited for having an official partner in crime. Knowing that when I say "my husband" it conveys that sense of permanence to the world.

    I'm nervous about life changes. One of the things we talked about in premarital counseling is that Fh has never experienced the death of a family member, whereas I've lost a couple aunts and a grandma. I just worry about dealing with the super serious stuff. I know it'll be fine because we're a team, but you see so many long marriages ending these days that it makes you wonder what ever changed with them.

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  • AndixLyn
    Master June 2015
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    We already have the ride or die, be there for warm hugs at night, always have your back life. i found my person, it took me a while, but i found him.

    i'm excited to change my last name and put reservations in under LastName instead of picking one of our first names.

    i'm excited to list myself as married and him as husband on beneficiary/insurance/emergency contact info paperwork.

    i'm excited to change the sign in the mailbox that shows the last names of residents for the mailman.

    i'm nervous that we will forget to continue to have adventures, that we will think, this is it and be done.

    i'm nervous that we will not be able to have a child and make up for the lackluster childhoods we were given.

    i'm nervous for the day we have our first big fight as husband and wife, the first time we wonder if it was a mistake.

    i'm excited that even if everything i'm nervous about happens, we won't be doing it alone.

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  • DeniseD
    Master May 2015
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    Excited : To be married to somebody who can handle my quirks.

    Nervous: Changing up a bit of my lifestyle. My college roommate and I have a travel list. We have hit like 20+ countries so that free wheeling will change not to mention my shopping!

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  • LB
    Master May 2014
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    Our priest told us "Married sex is better" and he was right so that's pretty exciting (but also creepy because sometimes after a good shag we'll be like "oh yeah, wasn't Father xx right about this??" (shudder)

    What scared me most was probably that we wouldn't get to the altar or that my dad would die first (he had colon cancer - he died three mos after the wedding) so probably not a universal thing; fear of not getting to the altar was based irrationally on a broken engagement in my early 20s; my fears went away as the date drew nearer and my FH (now husband) was so involved in the planning and I just knew...we're in this. It's happening. All good.

    I can't imagine life without him! We say to each other often (in jest) "Can you HANDLE me?" as in quirks and warts and everything else? The answer is yes. We just fit. He felt like home.

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  • Macksgirl
    Master August 2014
    Macksgirl ·
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    I am so excited to build our life together.

    I am excited to share our life experiences together as a team

    I am excited to raise children with him, and watch him be an amazing father

    I am excited to be pregnant

    The only thing I am really nervous about believe it or not, is that since husband is 4 years older than me, that he will die first. After being with him for so long, I don't ever want to be left on this earth without him. Growing old scares me. I know thats weird and morbid. But, its true.

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  • Kemmie
    VIP May 2015
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    I'm excited to build our lives together, travel, buy a house and have kids. Just being with him and bonded to him for life.

    I'm worried about balancing school and marriage life. I hope that the demands of my program doesn't make him feel neglected. I'm also scared of the red tape we might encounter with his immigration.

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  • FuturemrsDickinson
    VIP July 2015
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    I'm so excited to see FH everyday. I can't wait to have a family and everything that comes with it. I think I'm most excited in growing together through the years as a unit. The thing I'm scared of the most? Being a good mom. I know it'll all happen naturally but that's a lot to juggle. I'm excited for the journey but really scared to fail in that aspect. Apparently children are different than dogs...ha!

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  • Staci
    Master September 2014
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    @Andi that is hilarious about the restaurant reservations thing. It is so true! DH used to hate when he had to pick up pizzas for "Staci" because I always forgot to give his name.

    I'm excited for babies. I'm excited to be my own family now instead of being a part of one that I wouldn't have necessarily chosen for myself, I'm sure you ladies know what I mean!

    I'm scared that we won't have the time or resources to do everything that we want to do. There's nothing I hate more than older relatives/friends saying "Oh I wish I had done that." We want to travel too and we are kind of planning backwards - okay what can we do in the next two years before we start trying? Etc. Sounds crazy but I'm scared that there won't be enough time! I'm so glad we met when we were 17.

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