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Beginner June 2020

Weight loss?

Jocelyn, on December 4, 2019 at 4:44 AM

Posted in Fitness and Health 105

My wedding is in 6 months and I’m looking to at least lose 30 pounds. Can you girlies recommend any plans , eating tips , apps etc that maybe you’ve used or are using that really really work? Thanks!
My wedding is in 6 months and I’m looking to at least lose 30 pounds. Can you girlies recommend any plans , eating tips , apps etc that maybe you’ve used or are using that really really work? Thanks!


  • Gabbie
    Dedicated May 2021
    Gabbie ·
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    Whats the "program"?
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  • Tamatha
    Dedicated December 2019
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    Thank you Gabbie! I feel your concerns and that’s why is a recommendation ( that’s what everyone is doing on this forum) another alternative to our worlds eating habits and people still need to do their research. What works for some doesn’t work for all I get that and that’s why we are blessed with are own opinions,expressions,concerns and freedom of speech...
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  • Aaliya
    Beginner May 2020
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    I tried that too! It did wonders

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  • A
    VIP December 2020
    Amanda ·
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    I just started tracking my calories again using My Fitness Pal and it's true...if we don't hold ourselves accountable we overeat. I have GAINED 20lbs in the last 2 years and need to get my weight under control. I'll be 35 in a few weeks and the things I used to do no longer work for me. I used to eat anything I wanted and just go running and maintain my weight, that is no longer the case. I'll be tracking my calories (good and bad) and will also be starting my first round of Whole 30 in February. I hope you have gained some good advice and idea's from all these responses, I know I sure have and know that counting calories and controlling what we put in our bodies is the best answer to weight loss. Good luck!!

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  • Gab
    Beginner April 2023
    Gab ·
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    Good luck! Do not to worry about the number of pounds lost, but how you feel. If you begin working out, you may actually gain a few pounds, but it would be the fact that you are gaining new muscle and burning fat - which is of course a win, even though the scale does not show it. Obsessive scale tracking, can actually hurt your progress, if that 30 number is what you are focusing on.

    Meal prep is a great way to create healthier meals in a fun and easy way. Slow cooking chicken is going to taste much better than a bland chicken breast and with the slow cooker, you can make 5 + lunches at once for the week, so you can stay on track and away from impulse buys.

    Do not trust the "healthy" options at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts etc. The calorie count may be low, but the sodium is most likely 800+, which is just going to add to your bloat and water weight.

    Lastly, to help stay on track and aware of what I am eating, I always make sure the complete serving count of sodium is under 500 and there is more protein than sugar - even if it is a protein shake. Good luck!! STAY AWAY FROM SUPERMARKET BRANDED PROTEIN BARS. If you are buying a bar, alcohol sugar is STILL sugar and many fill their bars with bleached wheat, look for whole wheat instead.

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