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VIP September 2012

So what to put on an Enclosure/RSVP card that you aren't getting back?

Jennifer, on February 22, 2012 at 1:41 PM Posted in Planning 0 18

So, we are trying to get the RSVP's by either email or phone and don't want the cards mailed back. Obviously we can't put the info on the invitation itself, so we are doing more of an 'enclosure card,' but I'm not sure what else to put on it. We've got the RSVP by date with the website and phone number. Should I also put on there what the menu choices should be? I would assume that, as long as we have a Registry tab, that would be enough for people, but what about those that just call? How do we let them know about our HM registry? What do you all think?


Latest activity by Hayley C™, on February 23, 2012 at 4:20 PM
  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    If people want to know about your registry they will ask you. No need to advertise it.

    Are you having plated dinners that require a preset menu choice?

    Also - is 7/1/12 your actual RSVP date? Why so early?

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  • Hayley C™
    Master March 2008
    Hayley C™ ·
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    I would only put the menu if they need to tell you "chicken or beef" - if the venue needs a head count from you.

    I'm going to guess ceremony and reception is at the same place?

    Maybe add the hotel block at the bottom?

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  • dragonfly726
    Master October 2011
    dragonfly726 ·
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    You could add the menu choices to the card, but I would leave off the registry info. You should never put registry info in the invitation. If your guests are interested and don't see it on your website, they will ask you/your mom/FMIL/bridesmaids/etc where you are registered.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP September 2012
    Jennifer ·
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    @Kris S. My FH wants an early headcount no later than July 15, we are sending out the cards the beginning of June. I know enough about RSVP's (especially from the feedback on the site) that most people RSVP late, so we figured to put the 1st on the card and, if we haven't heard from someone by the 15th, that's when I'll make my phone calls.

    @Hayley C. - Not sure if we are doing hotel blocks, If I do I will include them on the card, thanks for the suggestion.

    For food, we are having bar-beque buffet, but we are getting a vegtarian option and need a count for that. All the food info is on the site (they are supposed to put their meal choice when RSVPing on the site.) So I wasn't sure if we should put something like: "Evening reception to include Bar-beque buffet " on the card, or just leave it off since its on the website.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP September 2012
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    Hayley C. - what do you think of the card itself? i think the grey overlay looks good, thanks for the tip on that earlier.

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  • Katie Bug
    Super June 2012
    Katie Bug ·
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    I just have to say one more thing about the RSVP're going to get a lot of people who don't RSVP by then and you'll have way more than average to chase down. You're going to have TONS of people who will change their minds between July and September and they'll be calling to add people, remove people, etc...just a warning. To each their own.

    I would add the hotel block information to your enclosure card...that's a really important piece. You need to decide ASAP about the hotel blocks and book them...people will start looking at that as soon as your invites go out. Don't add anything about your registries like Kris said. You could put at the bottom, "please let us know of any allergies or dietary restrictions"

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  • Katie Bug
    Super June 2012
    Katie Bug ·
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    Oh I just noticed at the top:

    Right now it says "the favor of a reply is request by:"

    Change to: "the favor of your reply is requested by:"

    Are you doing a song request on your website? We are and we are including it on our insert cards because we want to make sure everyone is aware and can contribute!

    Ours are going to say, "To RSVP, for hotel information, to request songs, and more, please visit: _____"

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  • Hayley C™
    Master March 2008
    Hayley C™ ·
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    I think the gray box looks great. I would make the date bigger.

    It doesn't need anything else if you can't think of anything.

    I also agree the date is Extremely Early. Why does FH want it so early? The "No" replies will know right away if they can't make it and will send the RSVP's right away.

    Invites should be in the mail on July 21st the earliest with an rsvp around Aug 20 the earliest (and even That is early).

    Just so you know, You are Never going to get an accurate head count that early. People with kids won't know if there is some kind of big huge thing going on that weekend that early in advance. When I was working, I couldn't get a request in for a day off that early. My rsvp was 3 weeks before the wedding and I was still getting people changing their minds 3 days before the wedding. Aug 20 - Aug 27 for an rsvp will still give your TONS of time to hunt down the late responses.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP September 2012
    Jennifer ·
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    Katie Bug, I like your wording better, I think that I am going to change mine and add the stuff about hotels and song requests (hope you don't mind). Also, thanks for noticing the mispelling.

    I get what all of you are saying about it being to early to expect RSVP's, but TRY telling my FH that. If it was my decision, I would have them sent of July and asked for RSVP by end of August, but he is INSISTING on sending out everything early because he REALLY believes people will RSVP that early and he wants definite numbers early on to know exactly how much we are going to spend on food. I will just have to deal with his disappointment then, but right now it's not something I want to fight over. I get to pick the invites, he gets to choose when we send them, compromise.

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  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    Why not just budget for every single person to RSVP yes? You must have the budget to feed all those people anyway, otherwise you wouldn't be able to invite them. That way, when you get no's in the mail, you automatically get to bring in the party under budget. Stick the extra money into savings or spend it on your HM. That's what we're doing. Easy-peasy.

    I hear you don't want to fight the battle, but this is going to cause you so much more headache later on b/c no count you get nearly 3 months ahead of time is going to be accurate, as other ladies have said. It's just not going to accomplish what he's trying to accomplish. Plus it's going to weird out some of your guests. I would put my foot down and compromise somewhere else. Smiley smile

    You ladies are brave to let your guests request songs. We are already getting unsolicited song requests with youtube videos linked "just for our reference" lol. People are funny.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP September 2012
    Jennifer ·
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    I should have mentioned this earlier, but part of the reason why he is wanting invites out so early is that we are doing the A list B list thing. We can afford everyone that we are putting on the A-list, but a majority of them are family members from his side of the family (about 25 uncles, aunts and cousins) that he doesn't think will actually come. We are sending the invites more out of respect, but I want to make absolutely sure, just incase some or all end up wanting to come. After the July 15th count, we are sending out invites to anyone on the B list that we have room for. If it turns that that somehow everyone on the A-list actually replies yes, he is going to work a few extra eekends to invite some people on the B-list that he really wants to come.

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  • Nancy Taussig
    Nancy Taussig ·
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    So, you'll need another set of RSVP cards (with a later deadline) for the "B" list guests.

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  • Future Mrs.
    Super May 2012
    Future Mrs. ·
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    I did the same thing with my RSVP card. I included a very small insert (business card size). On it was my phone number and email address (we don't have a wedding website). And I know I'll catch grief about this one, but I put where we were registered in small print at the bottom of the card. I believe it's a regional thing. Around here, it's almost unheard of to get a wedding invitation without registry information included in some form.

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  • Katie Bug
    Super June 2012
    Katie Bug ·
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    Of course you can steal my wording...that's why I posted it Smiley smile

    I'm no help on the whole A list/B list thing...never seen it done and I'm not doing it myself.

    @Kris - We get veto rights on the song requests and it says so on the website Smiley smile Before the wedding, we're going to print it out and go over it with the DJ...I'm going to cross off any I don't want and highlight the ones I definitely want. I don't really care about the specific songs though...he won't play anything explicit and that's all I cared about. Just because I don't like the song, if other people like it, then by all means let them have a great time! I HATE the Party Rock Anthem song and wanted to blacklist it for the wedding, but FH for some reason loves it and now it is our reception entrance song lol Like @Jennifer...that was a concession item for me Smiley smile

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  • Katie Bug
    Super June 2012
    Katie Bug ·
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    Oh yeah I almost forgot...@Jennifer - If you are worried that they look too empty, you can either add a graphic or use the free business cards!

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  • krisalicious
    Master April 2012
    krisalicious ·
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    If there are people on the B list he really wants to invite, why not just put them on the A list, budget for all of them to come so your FH doesn't have to pick up extra shifts at the last minute, and make that your only list? Seriously, it would be SO much simpler for you and your guests. As is, I think you guys are going to have a minor chaos on your hands in the month or two before your wedding.

    Just trying to brainstorm and help.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP September 2012
    Jennifer ·
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    Thanks ladies for all your help, I really appreciate the advice and ideas. I'll probably repost the RSVP's when I've update them before buying.

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  • Hayley C™
    Master March 2008
    Hayley C™ ·
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    Hey Jennifer.... I have an example of how to do the A/B list on my profile. It tells you how many weeks back to count from your wedding date for the mail date of the first round of invites. When to do the A list rsvp, and when to do the B list invite. Since he wants everything early, maybe take my suggestions and add a week or two... but again, you are Not going to accomplish what FH is hoping to get done. People just don't RSVP to a wedding 2 months early.

    And I'm going to guess the B list is around 20 guests? 10 invites? You can do the 10 free flat note cards for those rsvp cards and still have the 100 free postcards for the A-list.

    Still moving in the new home, "stole" DH computer with the dial up card. Will help more next week when we have internet and I can use my computer.

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