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Should i tell her i don’t want to be her bm anymore?

Lala, on May 29, 2021 at 9:44 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 5
So me and my cousin who have always been the closest in our big family basically used to do everything together. We were so close people always assumed we were sisters and they also thought we were twins. We both always knew that we would be in each other’s weddings or be greatly involved and that’s how it’s always been. I got engaged in 2019 and me and my fiancé split for all of 2020 but ended up
Getting back together in 2021 and decided we would carry on with the wedding plans. Well she ended up getting engaged in March this year and stated that her wedding would be in May of 2022. About a month ago I made a comment that was blown out of proportion that was a general comment not about her. That same night her and cousin #2 hung out and had a few drinks and Apparently that night after drinking and whatever else her and my other cousin decided to have a discussion about me where they both decided that my comment was for both of them 🤦🏾‍♀️So the next day I wake up and notice cousin #2 had deleted me on her social media accounts so I messaged cousin #1 and asked her did she know anything and she stated to me that they did talk about me and cousin #2 assumed the comment was for her and “her feelings were hurt!” I let it go assuming it would pass but then I heard cousin #2 was going around talking about me and telling cousin #1 all kinds of things to get her on her side. As the days and weeks went by I noticed me and cousin #1 hadn’t spoken to each other and I go on and noticed she blocked me. I let it go and went on about my business and about a week later I was sent screenshots and text messages where starting the day she blocked me her and cousin #2 were making subliminal posts and they were clearly directed towards me. I was shocked and hurt because we had never had any issues and this was all new to me. I never engaged in the fb drama and about 2 weeks went by and I had enough of people telling me about these posts so I messaged her and she ended up calling me. We spoke and i thought everything was out in the open and we were good. Well a week later I get a text asking why I wasn’t listed as bridal party in the video? I’m like what video? Apparently she had chosen her bridal party and each BM had their own video she made with pics of them together and asking to be her BM and she also moved her wedding date to august of this year. Mind you I told her that me and my fiancé were gonna get married in October since that was our original plan. Days go by and still hear nothing from her so me trying to be the bigger person I message her and let her know even though I’m not apart of her wedding I still wanted to help in any way that I could if she needed the help. She responds and continues to
Tell me that she has my video but didn’t want to post it or ask me because she thought I was mad at her and then proceeds to ask me would I be her BM. I accepted and assumed she would post my video and include me like she did the others but it’s been almost a month and nothing yet. I haven’t spoken to her since then and yesterday I get a group text from MOH discussing dresses and bachelorette party. My issue is I do not want to be around cousin #2 who started all of this mess because she has kept up a lot of drama since everything first happened and I feel if I see her or have to be around her I will go off. I’ve never been close to her and she is always starting drama somewhere with someone. I also feel like cousin #1 and myself are not close at all anymore and I don’t want it awkward at the wedding or any of the wedding functions so I’m thinking about calling her and letting her know I no longer want to be a BM. Am I in the wrong? I’m still going to extend a helping hand in the planning process if she needs but I’m honestly not even sure if I want to even attend the wedding! I just really need some advice. I’m planning on telling her today either way! I just hate that after all these years she let someone who is known as a gossiper and for being jealous of others persuad her against me, the one who has always been there for her. I just want to drop from the wedding party and keep my distance from both of them! For my sanity and peace of mind and also for the safety of others because I tend to have a temper sometimes and I know I’ll definitely say or do something to cousin #2 🤦🏾‍♀️


Latest activity by Lala, on June 2, 2021 at 1:05 AM
  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
    Sarah ·
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    I would back out if that’s what you want. This all sounds like a lot of unnecessary drama. Did you every try and explain to your cousins that what you said wasn’t about them?
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  • Piper
    Dedicated April 2022
    Piper ·
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    If you want to drop out, then drop out.

    Don't know if it will hurt her feelings ... but regardless of who is right and who is wrong, I can't see why you should be in her wedding when you only want to back out. I don't see the point in it.

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  • Ariel
    Devoted October 2021
    Ariel ·
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    Agreed If you don’t want to be in the wedding don’t be. I’d hate for someone to participate in my wedding who didn’t want to.

    However if you don’t want to be in the wedding because of cousin #2, that sucks for cousin #1. I wouldn’t let cousin #2 ruin your relationship with cousin #1
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  • L
    Lala ·
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    Yes that’s why I’m so confused as to why all the drama even started and I made it clear it wasn’t directed to them or really anyone in particular!
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  • L
    Lala ·
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    That’s the thing we always knew we would be in
    Each other’s wedding so it’s not like she’s someone who I’m not that close to and just agreed to be in the wedding because I was asked. I was genuinely happy for her when she got engaged and couldn’t wait until the planning started because I KNEW I would be a part of it. Then all of this unnecessary drama was started by cousin #2 and now they are “best friends” and I’ve been told they talk about me to others. So why would I want to be in her wedding if she feels some
    Type of way towards me and can’t tell me to my face? She made tik tok videos for all of the other BM and posted them to FB asking them to be her BM but I got nothing. Two weeks later I MESSAGED HER about all the drama and told her even if I wasn’t apart of it I would still help and that’s when she decided to ask me to be her BM. She claims she was going to in the first place but didn’t know how to ask. I didn’t and still don’t believe that.
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