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Sergio & Joanne
Just Said Yes August 2009

SEATING PROBLEMS! i need advice!!

Sergio & Joanne, on May 5, 2009 at 6:39 PM Posted in Planning 0 10

I am planning the wedding preety much by mself and everyone is putting alot of pressure on me to "do the right thing" by placing people in tables with people they dont have issues with including the bridal party. My fiance doesnt care what anyone thinks and wants the seating to have the bridesmaids and grooms men together in one table but they havegirlfriends and hardly anyone of them gts along. i dont want the boyfriends and girfriends to have to sit in a different table and especially have to sit in a table where they dont even know the people. what should i do?!?! im going crazy oing all this weding planning by myself and everyone just keeps complaining about the desicions.


Latest activity by Karen Guyt, on May 6, 2009 at 1:05 PM
  • Jessica
    Expert June 2010
    Jessica ·
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    Well with my bridal party I am seating them with their dates, but I don't have any issues amongst them. My question would be if they if the girlfriends don't already get along what difference does it make to seat them together by themselves or with their boyfriends. In this case I think you and your fiance need to do the seating together, decide on what you like and if the guests don't like it...too bad. It is your day, you don't want to have to worry if people are pleased with their seats. It shouldn't matter, they should be there with you. And if it is a date of someone you are inviting or have in your wedding - they don't have to come...that is one less plate you have to pay for!

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  • A
    Devoted August 2009
    amc ·
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    I think you do have to try to work with them a bit. It does really suck being at a wedding where your date is in the bridal party and you are stuck at a random table where you don't know anybody. If you don't take them into consideration, your guests aren't going to have any fun. And if your guests aren't having any fun, you won't really have any fun either.

    That said - if there are just a couple of people who don't get along and it would be difficult for you to split them up on the seating chart, then go ahead and put them at the same table.. maybe just on opposite sides. Make sure they have people that they DO get along with though as well. And if they really can't stand sitting at the same table together, they have more reason to get on the dance floor!

    Try asking them! Maybe you are worrying about something that they don't even care about, or would be willing to put aside for a few hours.

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  • Laura
    Master May 2009
    Laura ·
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    I don't see why the bridal party HAS to be together. I was in a wedding and was so grateful that bride had me sitting with my date and other people I knew as opposed to the rest of the wedding party that I didn't really know. It was so much more enjoyable for all of us. Is your FH more concerned with the LOOK of the tables or with his guests actually enjoying themselves? You can't please everyone so don't drive yourself too crazy over anything. BUt when it comes to seating I think the most important thing is trying to arrange everyone in a way that will make the night enjoyable for them. Whether that's not putting older people near the speakers or keeping feuding people separate, or putting dates together I think it's worth it if it means people will have a better time at your wedding. If you are doing this planning alone then make the decisions how you want them and don't worry about complaints from people who are not willing to chip in and help.

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  • R
    Just Said Yes April 2009
    Rebecca ·
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    My wedding was 3 weeks ago - and I learned quite a bit thru the planning experience. You will stress out over the seating arrangements for hours and hours but dinner only lasts one hour at the most. And usually the guests aren't even seated the entire time!! We put the bridal party's dates at random tables - with whomever we thought they'd get along with. It may sound ignorant, but this day is just for you and your fiance. Take some advice but not to the point where you will lose your head. This planning time should be fun. It will go by so fast, just try and enjoy it Smiley smile congrats!!

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  • Frankie Leland-Collier
    Frankie Leland-Collier ·
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    Congratulations on your engagement! Wedding parties do not have to sit together. I have done weddings were the bridal party actually sit among the other guest. That way it is less confusion about where their dates are going to sit. I would suggest that you sit down with your bridal party before the wedding and inform them that this is your day and if they would like to be apart all of them including their dates need to get along. I acutally agree with your fiance, I would have the bridal party sit together and seperate each of the girlfriends at different tables and maybe allow them to bring a guest that they would feel comfortable with. Please remember that this day is about you and your fiance.

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  • JJ
    Master December 2009
    JJ ·
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    I am seating the family at the head table and seating the bridal party with their dates together.

    it's your wedding, but don't you want everyone to be comfortable and enjoy themselves? i will probably not seat all of the bridal party at one table, but seat groups of friends together.

    singles can mingle. but i don't have a lot of single friends, so that's not too much of an issue. but if i did, i would have lots of singles tables. Smiley smile

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  • P
    Devoted June 2009
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    Traditionally there is a head table that sits the B&G and the wedding party(12 people for me)..or a sweetheart table where its just the two of you and the party sits wherever. For us, we are combining the two. We don't want to sit alone, but we want our BM and MOH to be able to sit with their other halfs. So our table will hold 6 so that we can sit with them and the rest of the bridal party can sit wherever.

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  • L
    VIP August 2009
    lauren10 ·
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    I'll be sitting with some of the wedding party, but not all, so that everyone can sit with their dates. I really think that's the most important thing...because everyone should be comfortable. Just do the best you can, then tell everyone to shut the hell up because it's not easy planning everything on your own! They have to be grown-ups about it too!

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  • Anne&Tim
    Expert August 2009
    Anne&Tim ·
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    My FH and I are having a "sweetheart table" with just the two of us...and the rest of the wedding party will be sitting with their significant others...much easier and more comfortable that way for all of us

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  • Karen Guyt
    Karen Guyt ·
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    You can sit it whatever way pleases you and is least stressful, but there are people out there who can make it easier for you. Your planner probably has access to seating arrangement software, or there are companies that will do it for you and it may well be worth the money to have everything assigned. If you have your guest list on excel already it should be simple for them to do. (MY software has very amusing little skull & crossbones icons for people who must not sit near each other! DOn't worry- it doesn't show up on the seating charts or table diagrams!) Anyway, if you don't have a planner there is a seating chart company on WW, I think - at least chat with them and see what they can do for you!

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