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Savvy September 2020

Pre-marital jitters due to trauma and ptsd or my gut telling me this is wrong for me...? help

Astrid, on August 11, 2020 at 12:16 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 15

Hi, everyone. I'm in agony. Until a couple of weeks ago, I was in the most loving, wonderful relationship of my life. But one morning I woke up and, out of nowhere, all I could think was "get out, you're trapped, your life is ruined, get out, call it off." I'm so confused - there was no obvious trigger. My fiance' is kind, generous, loving, patient, extremely supportive, and thoughtful. He's wonderful to my crazy family and makes everything in my life easier and more fun. We were friends for seven years before he confessed his love to me and when I decided to give him a chance, we fell deeply in love. I've never been loved so unconditionally before. I never thought it would finally be my turn for happiness. But now I can't turn off this panicking voice, and I've begun to pull away from him. I can see how hurt and confused he is.

We've been engaged since September 2019, and I've been panicked about the wedding ever since he asked me. I thought it was because I have no desire for the traditional big wedding that my family wants. My fiance' and I have planned a really beautiful simple church ceremony with a dinner reception at a mountaintop villa with none of the modern American extras; no bridal party, no bouquet, no favors, no first dances, no bachelor/bachelorette parties, no showers, no rehearsal dinner. The venue is gorgeous and I was having fun looking for dresses, but the wedding still filled me with dread - especially the idea of walking down the aisle. I still loved being with him, though, and felt like the luckiest person in the world. But this new "get out" feeling is so strong and powerful that I'm now wondering if my reluctance to plan a wedding means that there is some huge flaw in the relationship that I've been ignoring, just like my past relationships.

I live with a lot of trauma - I was abused and gaslit as a child so I've never been able to trust my instincts. My self esteem was so poor that it led to a pattern of falling in love with men who didn't want me, and then getting into relationships with other men who wanted me but treated me badly. My family and I have also been embroiled in a horrible legal battle for the past six years against the man who stole my mother's inheritance; I've developed a terror of anything legal. Even signing a pay stub can make me break into a sweat. And of course, COVID has been so stressful for everyone - even though we were blissful in our lockdown bubble, we were living at his place while renovating my apartment for us to move into and because of COVID, renovations that were supposed to take 2 months ended up taking 6, and the bill was 10K over the estimate. I've been working overtime since the beginning of the year to pay for the renovations; I did it (!!!) but am extremely stressed. So there are definitely a lot of outside stressors - add to it, feeling as though I don't deserve the big wedding my family wants because I'm 40 years old, and that I don't want to get married in church at all (I'm not religious).

Every anxiety-ridden scenario I throw at him, my fiance' gives me a debt-free out: we can cancel the wedding because of COVID and no one can say anything, we can get married at the courthouse with just our parents, we can not get married at all and live together like Oprah and Stedman - anything I want, just as long as we're together. And I still don't know what to do. My desire to escape is so strong that I'm terrified. It's made me finally admit that I've been harboring a lot of resentment towards him for pushing me to renovate my apartment - it needed a lot of repairs, but I was nonetheless really attached to the family home I've lived in for the past 10 years and felt hurt by his assessment that it wasn't liveable. I also didn't feel financially ready to take on such a huge investment; I'd just started working a well-paying job after years of scrambling for money at terrible, low-paying jobs - this experience has admittedly made me more frugal than most. I agreed because he said he wouldn't feel comfortable moving in unless the repairs were done (there was black mold all over the walls, which were all cracked, and the last update to the floors in 2010 had been done haphazardly with the cheapest, ugliest materials), but I still felt so much pressure. It makes me wonder if he's controlling, like my dad and my first ex, or if he has other terrible issues that I ignored because I was just so happy to be loved, like with my second ex. He's so particular about cleanliness; sometimes I feel like I can't measure up to his standards. And he takes care of everything to the point where now I feel helpless, and I was so independent before. Once we were watching a movie where a girl was shouting at a guy and the guy slapped her, and my fiance' said, "Good! She deserved it!" Does that mean he'll beat me some day? And the more I think about it, the idea of being legally bound to someone makes me freak out.

But my biggest fear is that I don't love him after all. I think if I loved him I wouldn't care about getting married in church, spending all this money to renovate my apartment, living in this country or walking down the aisle. I know I have a hard time making attachments due to my trauma, but I just don't know what the matter is because I did feel attached to him before. My therapist says she is "certain" that it's my fear of intimacy and trauma PTSD acting up as we get closer to living together, but I don't know. I'm so scared and don't know what to do.


Latest activity by Ehda, on April 4, 2021 at 3:26 PM
  • T
    Super April 2021
    Tiger Bride ·
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    I would talk to your therapist more about this. I think you should work through some of this a bit more before making any big decisions.

    One thing did stick out to me and that was this: "It's made me finally admit that I've been harboring a lot of resentment towards him for pushing me to renovate my apartment - it needed a lot of repairs, but I was nonetheless really attached to the family home I've lived in for the past 10 years and felt hurt by his assessment that it wasn't liveable." Is the apartment in your family's home? Are you saying that you didn't want to renovate the apartment because it would somehow change the family home in some way?

    Tbh "black mold all over the walls" is something that absolutely needed to be addressed ASAP. It is not livable and will do major damage to a person's body. It concerns me a bit (and probably him) that you resisted repairs of this wasn't cosmetic renovations, this was a health issue.

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  • Christina
    Dedicated October 2021
    Christina ·
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    I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way. This must be so confusing to go through! Definitely talk through it with your therapist some more. Even if it’s explained by PTSD, it sounds like there’s some more unpacking to be done, which will be more helpful with someone who knows your full history to be able to figure out what to do. Sending lots of love 💕
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  • Connie
    Savvy September 2020
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    Your fiancé sounds like a nice man who loves you and wants to see you happy. The movie reference, at first made me think wow! Is he controlling and abusing? But on second thought, Sometimes, I find myself doing/ saying the same things in movies and these are things I would never do myself in person or wish upon other people, we just get so invested in movies/ stories sometimes ... I think that would have been a good chance to question him and open that conversation. Based on everything you wrote, I can understand why you feel the way you feel. Lucky for you, he is willing to do whatever you want so I would hold off the wedding until you can sort things out. Maybe calling it off for now will help you sort things faster? You might feel some sort of relief?
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  • Margaret
    Master October 2020
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    There are a couple of things you said that triggered my own past but the one thing I didn't hear you say was that you were "IN-LOVE" - It's one thing to love someone and it's completely something else to be "IN-LOVE" - I think as the pp stated you should definitely talk to your therapist some more.

    You also stated that he didn't care if you canceled the wedding. If your doubts are so big, maybe that should be a consideration, doesn't mean you have to end the relationship, but maybe marriage just isn't right for you RIGHT NOW.

    Don't let age scare you from your wedding dreams or desires. It doesn't matter what your age is you deserve as big or small of a wedding that you want. I canceled my first wedding 12 hours prior. It just didn't feel right, I knew I loved him and wanted to be with him, but getting married on that day just wasn't meant to be. We were together for 10 years following that until he passed away.

    I never thought I'd find love again and I am now 48 and finally getting married to a man that is wonderful and one that I am IN LOVE with. When it's right, it's right and you will know it in your heart.

    I am by no means telling you to leave your FH or cancel your wedding, but I would strongly suggest you talk to someone professionally.

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  • Fleur
    October 2020
    Fleur ·
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    The whole time I read your post I kept thinking she is just not in love with this guy. You either love somebody or you don’t. You cannot force it no matter how great a person is. I would definitely keep exploring your feelings before I would get married. And I would have a problem with the slapping comment too. Good luck.

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  • Erin
    Expert May 2021
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    "One thing did stick out to me and that was this: "It's made me finally admit that I've been harboring a lot of resentment towards him for pushing me to renovate my apartment - it needed a lot of repairs, but I was nonetheless really attached to the family home I've lived in for the past 10 years and felt hurt by his assessment that it wasn't liveable." Is the apartment in your family's home? Are you saying that you didn't want to renovate the apartment because it would somehow change the family home in some way?

    Tbh "black mold all over the walls" is something that absolutely needed to be addressed ASAP. It is not livable and will do major damage to a person's body. It concerns me a bit (and probably him) that you resisted repairs of this wasn't cosmetic renovations, this was a health issue."

    i agree with this above... UM HELLO??!!! DO YOU LIVE IN A DUMPSTER??NO IT'S NOT LIVABLE IN.. i agree with your man that needs to be fixed ASAP, sounds like the floors need updating too, and the walls replaced... and i used to be an insurance agent and that screams red flags.... just on insuring the place... the mold and floors should be dealt with. after that a fresh coat of paint will do wonders. YOU DESERVE TO LIVE IN A BETTER PLACE THAT'S FOR SURE!! sounds like he totally has better cleanliness standards than you..but that doesn't make him controlling...

    i agree with your therapist and the other girl about talking more with them on this.... just breathe.... take a day to relax, it sounds to me like you have a great guy overall!!

    try to ignore the movie, or be more selective of the movies you watch then, just because he suggests "good" for a movie character doesn't mean he will be that way with you... there are plenty of movies i have seen where i wanted to strangle any number of characters due to them being idiotic , but I would never do that in real life.. and i have to remind myself it's just a movie, it was scripted that way...

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  • Laquita
    Expert July 2021
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    It sounds like your therapist is correct and this is your fears & trauma speaking as you get closer to your wedding day. Take a day to relax and not think about your wedding or living together & whatever comes with these major life decisions. I feel like you do love him & he sounds like an amazing man who sees your needs above his own, but you need to think about how this is affecting your current situation & potential future. Remember, we don't need to allow our past to negatively define/affect our future. I also hope you're being very honest with your FH with your feelings & thoughts, the wrong thing to do is to push him away & keep him locked out. Always be open about your thoughts because this does affect him as well.

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  • A
    Super October 2021
    Ashley ·
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    Therapy was going to be my suggestion until I got to the end. Your therapist knows better than strangers on the internet, especially if you’ve attended multiple sessions already. That person is a professional and a person who knows you. I would continue to try to sort this out in therapy because outside opinions from strangers, even well intended, may steer you completely wrong.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    I'm sorry you've been through so much - I was gaslit as a child (my mother is a narcissist), so I understand.

    First, I really think you need to speak with your therapist about this, again. They are the best person (and most qualified) to help you.

    Secondly, while I am also resistant to change, black mold is a *massive* health hazard, and while i understand not dealing with it when you can't afford it, your FH did have your best interests in mind, there. I had black mold in various apartments, the last time it was present, I ended up getting hospitalized for a very bad case of pneumonia... and now I have a scar in my lungs and am high-risk for COVID.

    Thirdly, could you look at repairing your childhood home as a way to help heal your inner child? She sounds very hurt, and giving her a safe place to live is one of the kindest things you could do.

    Fourth, talk to your FH. Communication is so key for those of us who survived toxic childhoods. A good partner will hear your fears and support you as you work through them.

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  • Samantha
    Expert October 2021
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    The real question is, do you value yourself? Your living situation appears to speak to the contrary.

    You deserve to live in a healthy environment; black mold = unhealthy. You deserve to be with someone who cares about cleanliness and hygiene. You deserve to be loved and to feel loved. You deserve to be emotional, physically and intellectually fulfilled.
    I suggest going to therapy with your FH and discussing your feelings of resentment. While understandable, (went through similar feelings when we bought our apartment), it is important to be able to feel and to be able to move forward.
    There is nothing wrong with not getting married and being in a committed relationship.
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  • Jo
    WeddingWire Administrator May 2015
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    Hi Astrid, now that a few days have gone by how are you feeling? Has your outlook changed at all, either from the advice here or from talks with your therapist? We're thinking of you and here to support you if you want to keep talking and working through your thoughts. I'm glad you have support from your therapist to keep supporting you as well.

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  • Astrid
    Savvy September 2020
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    Jo, I'm so touched to receive your message - and all of the messages on this thread. I will start by saying that I've been doing much better these past couple of weeks, which most likely coincides with two things: 1) I admitted to my fiance' that I had been feeling resentment towards him because he'd pressured me to do the home renovations 2) we moved back into the home ... and it's beautiful. SO beautiful. It's still my home, just better. Scratch that - it's our home. Now I feel really excited about being here!

    Through talking to my therapist and some close friends these weeks, I've come to terms with how many control issues I have, as well as how nervous I am about spending money (my friend lovingly called me "cheap") and how important personal spaces are to me since I grew up in an abusive home where I was never safe. So it made sense that doing the home reno and sharing my space would have upset someone like me so much. I chewed on those realizations - as well as the comments from this thread - for a few days, and by the time I got it off my chest to my fiance, I wasn't even angry anymore, so the conversation was just a heart-to-heart that ended up with a hug. To those of you who suggested that I might not value myself - you're right. I don't know why, but in my adult life, I've always lived like an animal. Maybe I was punishing myself. I don't know. But it's time to stop.

    Since my fiance' and I have been back home and in our town, we've been feeling a lot more like "us"... I'm not waking up in a panic anymore, and I'm not feeling paranoid, either, which is a huge relief.

    All of that said... I'm still feeling like I don't want to get married. In my head, it's almost like I've decided that I'm not getting married anymore and I feel relieved, but I still find myself hesitating on pulling the plug, even though I have the perfect "outs" with COVID and my fiance' being so chill about the whole "living like Oprah and Stedman" thing. He's not even offended.

    My therapist thinks I'm afraid to be happy and that I don't think I 'deserve' a wedding because I was abused. I'm not sure if she's right. I DO definitely know that I don't want the hullaballoo of a traditional wedding (and all the stress that comes with it). When I think about COVID, it seems irresponsible to hold a gathering of nearly 100 people from different countries, even if it's next June (and since it's destination + pandemic we'll probably have far less people). Come to think of it, because of COVID we'll most likely be "forced" to downsize anyway, which is definitely more appealing to us. The commitment terrifies me, too. But when I think about the beautiful wedding my fiance and I planned, I feel almost wistful... will I regret not having the day that everyone supposedly wants? There's a part of me that would like to get dressed up and eat cake.

    I still have a lot of thinking to do. But thank you all so much for being so supportive!

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  • Shirley
    Expert November 2020
    Shirley ·
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    Online forums have been a huge source of support for me, but in this case, my advice would be to trust your therapist. I once posted something on a forum and was so spun up about the replies that I almost made a terrible choice. When I printed them out to show my therapist, she pointed out all these things in my question and the replies that were incomplete. I realized that I needed to trust her and work with her, and I also needed to push things with her when I wasn't satisfied with her answer.

    It sounds like this man really loves you. I hope you can work with him and the therapist, separately and maybe also together, to decide what is truly best for you. Also, know that some level of doubt is normal and you don't need to panic. You can work through this in time and come to a good decision.
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  • Jo
    WeddingWire Administrator May 2015
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    Wow Astrid, I'm blown away. You've done some seriously difficult work over the past weeks. It takes so much bravery to examine yourself with that much honesty. I hope you feel like you're at least on the right track, if not yet at the destination. I'm so happy you're happy with your new home, and I think you've laid amazing groundwork to help you make the best decision about your wedding, whatever plan you and your fiance choose in the end. We'll be here to support you!

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  • E
    Ehda ·
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    Am so grateful to this great man DR. Eziza who has brought back happiness to my life. At first i taught he was not real because i saw a testimony ON THIS SITE about him how he helped someone in bringing back her ex within 48hours so i decided to give him a chance in bringing back my lover back to me who left me for 3years. DR. Eziza said my lover will come back to me soon, really before it could get to the 48hour my lover Frank called me and said he was sorry and that he was ready to make it up with me. Am so grateful to DR. Eziza!! In-case you are in need of help you can contact him on is personal mail: ***************@*****.***

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