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Expert June 2019

Photographer troubles

FMM, on July 12, 2018 at 12:24 PM Posted in Planning 0 14
Sorry this is a bit longer than I intended. So awhile back I set a tentative photography budget ($2,500) knowing that I very well may end up going over that to get what I want. (8 hours, second shooter, engagement shoot included) especially because I am honestly pretty picky when it comes to photography. My mom was a photographer for several years so I can definitely tell when someone has a true eye for it vs someone that’s just decent at filtering/editing. I had reached a point where I was about to up the budget to $3,000 and lo and behold I stumble across this photographer who’s in the exact city that my venue is, she’s also even shot at my venue before, I live in a huge metropolitan area so that was a big added bonus, has an amazing eye, edits the way I like, includes everything I wanted in her package for exactly $2,500 and seems super beloved in the local wedding community. Nothing but good reviews etc. So I emailed her and asked if she was available for my date and asked some questions, she quickly emailed back that she was available and offered to FaceTime or meet for coffee. I immediately emailed her back, and even included at the end that I’m ready to book as soon as we meet... and it’s been almost two weeks and she hasn’t responded. Now I know that we’re just finishing peak spring/summer season and she’s probably been busy. But, I follow her on Instagram and every single day since she’s posted new photos. I finally started getting a bit irritated. Or moreso just a little put off and sent a second email a couple days ago, and said “Hey, photographer name, it’s been a bit since I last emailed, just wanted to make sure you received my previous message? Thanks!
and no response..... but whad’ya know, she’s posted TWICE on Instagram since then. It’s pretty irritating that she has time to basically play around and advertise on social media every single day, but doesn’t have time to answer emails?? I mean isn’t the point of a business Instagram to attract customers? Is there any other explanation than just unprofessional behavior? I mean she emailed me originally from her iPhone so I’m sure she gets the notifications when she gets an email. I’m just annoyed because her work is perfect, but even if she does finally email me back I’m a bit less enthusiastic than before because I would feel a little bit concerned about whether or not I can trust her to be professional.. any thoughts? Thanks.


Latest activity by Heather, on July 13, 2018 at 2:43 PM
  • FirstTimeMOB
    October 2018
    FirstTimeMOB ·
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    If you're irritated now, before you've even hired her, then cross her off your list and move on without a second thought.

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  • Soon2Bmrsp
    VIP May 2019
    Soon2Bmrsp ·
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    Time to look around and get someone else, you need to secure a backup just in case you never hear from her again

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  • Rachel
    VIP September 2018
    Rachel ·
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    This happened to me with a few HMUA's. I emailed and used their contact me feature on their website and they took forever to respond. I would check your spam folder just to be sure but if she hasn't responded, I would move on. I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vendor that was that hard to get a hold of before they have a deposit form you. I would imagine that she would be even worse once you're on the hook already.

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  • Rachel
    Super July 2019
    Rachel ·
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    Don't book with anyone that’s this hard to get in touch with before they even have your money! Definitely keep looking!
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    Yup. This.
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  • HayMrsO
    Master October 2018
    HayMrsO ·
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    Direct message her to get her attention to see if she is getting your emails? Strange. Or maybe post a comment like "Great picture! I emailed you and would love a response back!" That ought to make her listen....or is that too passive-aggresive? Lol

    I find it irritating that people are not super responsive to email, but I am beginning to think that is the norm? Every single one of my vendors has done this a time or two in the process. These are all very reputable people with amazing reviews. I try to remember that just because I sit in front of a computer all day doesn't mean that they do. I literally had to ask my florist to send over the contract at least 5 times. Also, most of them are true artists, and artists can tend to be, well, flaky when it comes to the business side. Not making excuses, just trying to see it from another point of view.

    If she is truly everything you want in your price range, I would cut her some slack. Maybe let her know what your expectations for communication are and see if she can work with that.

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  • MrsV1027
    Master October 2018
    MrsV1027 ·
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    Find someone else that will communicate with you. I've been a wedding photographer and would never just stop responding to a potential bride aka potential earnings. Once you find someone new feel free to comment on one of her photos on instagram that you love her work and wished it could have worked out and are sad that she just likes to forget about people lol

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  • Laura
    Devoted August 2018
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    Ditto here. I had to ask my then-hairstylist twice for her email, availability, and costs at two separate appointments over two months. She finally took my email address but didn't email for another month. By then I was fed up with waiting around and found a new hairstylist and wedding HMUA (there were other red flags too). Best decision. The lack of response really just tells you how they operate their business and I don't want to give my money to someone so disrespectful.

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  • queenbee
    VIP October 2018
    queenbee ·
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    This would make me mad, too! I agree with PPs that if she’s not communicating now then you could potentially have issues later on and that would make me hesitate to move forward with hiring her.
    But at the same time, when I started contacting photographers I reached out to my absolute top pick, and didn’t hear anything back from them. I had basically given up hope, when they emailed me asking if I had a chance to review their packages. I hadn’t gotten any email from them, so it must’ve gone to the wrong email or something. I’m super glad I held out for them though, because they’re the perfect fit. Is there any way to call her? Or like PP said, maybe DM her to ask if she got your emails and had figured out a time when you could meet (maybe not as passive aggressive as PP stated tho lol). It is the middle of the busy season for her, and maybe your emails got lost in the shuffle of everything else going on. Good luck and I hope it works out!!
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  • Bliss
    Dedicated June 2018
    Bliss ·
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    I would check your other folders or maybe reach out one last time if you really do like her. If you're this frustrated and don't think you can move past, it might be a good idea to start looking elsewhere. In regards to the social media end of things, I can understand how that can be frustrating. For my business, I set up scheduled posts. These are posts that are made ahead of time and automatically posted for me. It could very well be a situation such as that. Just food for thought.

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  • Casey
    VIP December 2018
    Casey ·
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    Definitely find someone more responsive! Although, I will say there are plenty of apps and services that allow vendors and businesses to schedule posts in advance, so just because they've posted doesn't mean she was actually active then.

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  • FME
    Master March 2018
    FME ·
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    Does she use an emailing software? My photographer and DJ used honey book for there emails and they would send through the platform and I would never get them to my gmail account. I would wait back for responses in my email and then follow up and she'd be like, oh I emailed you a few days ago- and I logged into our honey book messages and sure enough they were there, I just never got them to my gmail email. That software program seemed very glitchy. Not excusing her behavior but just something I went through.

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  • Rachel Langerhans
    Expert October 2015
    Rachel Langerhans ·
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    Yup, this is super annoying!! I'm a photographer and I always try to get back to people within a day or two. This situation is tricky because it seems like she's, in theory, your dream photographer! If you really, really want her to photograph your wedding, I would try another way of getting in touch - pick up the phone and call her. Or send a message through another means, Instragram DM since she's active on there? Facebook messenger?

    I know you really want her to photograph your wedding, but communication is one of the most important aspects of customer service. Send her another message or leave a voicemail saying "Hi X! It's been X weeks since we've last communicated and I've reached out to you X times and haven't heard back from you. I'd LOVE to hire you as my wedding photographer! However, if I don't hear back from you by X, I'll have to move forward looking for someone else. Please get back to me as soon as you can. Thank you!" Obviously she'll either care or not care about getting a booking with you, but this let's her know that you're at the point you will hire her or move on.

    I hope you hear back from her and can book her if that's what you want, but I'd definitely take into account her lack of communication and customer service skills before even having booked her.

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  • Heather
    VIP January 2019
    Heather ·
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    I agree with PP that if you are already annoyed, best to just move on. She may have perfectly legitimate reasons for why she hasn't been able to respond to you. However, none of those reasons are going to erase the annoyance you have already experienced. And any other sort of lag in communication going forward would only cause additional stress.

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