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* Gin
VIP April 2013

Photo Booth for 2 hours- Is this doable?

* Gin, on June 3, 2012 at 11:13 AM Posted in Planning 0 16

My photographer works closely with a photo booth company and when I spoke with her she offered 2 hours for $500. I (verbally) agreed to this as it's something we'd like to do. But after reading a thread about photo booths on here, everyone seemed to have them for 4 hours and I no longer felt two was enough but I don't want to blow our budget too early for something that's an add on and not a must have. I am contracting and paying the deposit for our photographer this week and I sent her an email stating that we have decided to hold off on the photo booth due to budget if she could revise the contract. She replied saying that she already paid the deposit on the photo booth since when she inquired two other people wanted my date as well and that she normally wouldn't do that without having my deposit first but she didn't want me to lose out. While I appreciate her securing that for me, now I feel guilt and am unsure what to do. But we also wanted to look into other companies to see if we


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  • * Gin
    VIP April 2013
    * Gin ·
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    Could find a better deal for 4 hours ( I never mentioned this to her in my email). I don't want to have any issues with my photographer as we LOVE her work. Does anyone think a 2 hour photo booth is possible, should I just stick with it since she paid the deposit (she mentioned she may be able to get it back but our date would be gone for her photo booth vendor).

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  • Kelly
    Kelly ·
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    I think you'll be fine specially for that price point. Or can you maybe squeeze out a 3rd hour?

    When I do a photo booth the bulk of it runs about 2 hours. make sure you tell the DJ when it starts and remind the guests again about 1 hour in.

    I also have a worker run my booth so they help guests get in for pictures. (not sure how your booth is run) I dont have that "booth" I set a back drop up that matches the wedding with props, a camera on a tripod with a wireless system so my worker can interact with guests and have fun with it.

    It will be worth it even if its just 2 hours, they are so much fun!

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  • jlu
    Devoted September 2012
    jlu ·
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    Seems like a good price for 2 hours. i guess how many guests do you have?

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  • * Gin
    VIP April 2013
    * Gin ·
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    Approx 80 guest

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  • Hope
    Expert November 2012
    Hope ·
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    Listen, it comes down to you never signed a contract. If they secured and paid for the deposit on their own accord without notifying you first, that is not your responsibility. Secondly, I have done EXTENSIVE research on photo booths. Mine is for 4 hours and in the contract it states that it will be up and running for 80% of the time as the time he takes to set-up and take down is INCLUDED in the 4 hour agreement. If you get 2 hours is her time to set-up and take down included in that, meaning you only get about 1 1/2 hours? I also get one person to operate the booth and other to operate the stand with the props and guest book. I have it so that my guests get a copy and I get a copy that goes in a guest book and they can sign a message next to their pic. My guests copy has "Hope & James 11-10-2012" at the bottom so it's one of my favors. My booth is $500 but I got $100 off from a bridal show I went to and I'm really paying $400 for all of this.

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  • Hope
    Expert November 2012
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    If you are willing to pay $500 for a photo booth you can get one for at least 4 hours. If you feel guilty, be up front and let her know that you can get 4 hours for $500 and see if she's willing to match it. Good LUCK

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  • jlu
    Devoted September 2012
    jlu ·
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    I would think 2 hours would be good for 80 guests. Realistically, I looked t photo booth companies and some ofthem where nation-wide .... it's hard to find even 2 hours under $500. I doubt many people will let 4 hours go for $500..considering the recent increase in demand.

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  • Mrs. B for real :)
    VIP September 2012
    Mrs. B for real :) ·
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    In my area, a photobooth rental for 4 hours usually goes for around $1000-$1300 this generally doesn't include the set-up/breakdown, but they do have a fee for "idle" time meaning the time before set-up and the start of photos being taken.

    I was lucky enough to find ours through a Groupon, so I got the booth for 4 hours for $375, but then we added on some extras like a prop box etc. which brought the price up slightly. I think you're getting a good price on this and 2 hours will be fine!! Just be specific about when you want it (after dinner and cocktails so people have a little liquor courage maybe?) and like a PP mentioned, make sure the DJ announces its open and to make some memories and have a reminder half way in Smiley smile

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  • Fawn
    Super October 2012
    Fawn ·
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    I think it's a good deal. If it's something that you wanted 2 hours is better than none. If you want to try see how much money you have the week before the wedding you can try to add another hour if it's in the budget but if not you've at least got it for a good price for the time that it's there.

    I know how you feel when someone takes your options out of your control but I think your photog did you a favor by securing you that service at such a good rate.

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  • * Gin
    VIP April 2013
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    Thanks for the advice. I just wasn't sure if two hours would be enough after seeing most people get them for 4. But in the area where I am getting married they are around $1000 + for 4 hours and I am just not sure at this time we could budget that in. I will ask her about the set up take down time for the booth.

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  • Kelley
    Super May 2012
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    We had 120 guests and a photo booth for 3 hours. It was packed for most of it, but I think 2 hours would be ok. (as long as everyone has been drinking for a bit).

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  • * Gin
    VIP April 2013
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    Yeah that was our concern is that 2 hours wouldn't give people long enough to really get in the photo booth mode. Our reception is 6 hours.

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  • B'Loved
    VIP November 2013
    B'Loved ·
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    How did she secure? If you did not sign anything, you have no obligation.

    As for having the booth 2 hours for $500 that is very high. I say try to find it through someone else.

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  • * Gin
    VIP April 2013
    * Gin ·
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    She paid the deposit so my date wouldn't get booked bc I had already told her I wanted to go with the photo booth but was not able to get the deposit to her until this week. (She didn't do this to obligate me, she works close with this vendor and could have gotten her refund back and she told me this but that if I wanted to book it later my date would be gone) I'm actually glad she did though. After everyone's advice I checked it out and we get the full two hours of booth time, that excludes set up, take down.

    @B'Loved- I don't know what they average in your area but in FL most booths price at $1000-$1300 once you factor in props, double prints, guest book ect.

    We get 2 hours including props, attendant,guest book, two copies (one for guest, one for our guest book) and a dvd of all the pics. The pics have our name and date on it also. We can opt to add hours later on if we decide we want to.

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  • C
    Super October 2013
    coffeeandtea1 ·
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    You should be fine.

    I did a wedding a few weeks ago where the couple (actually the coordinator with the couple's approval) designed an elaborate backdrop with props to use as a photo booth. I was contracted to take pictures with my camera. I think there were about 100 guests or less. I photographed the booth for about an hour before I had to return to the reception.

    They had the DJ announce that the photo booth was open for one hour so that everyone would show during that time. It got busy, but I got almost all the photo booth loving guests.

    Have your DJ make an announcement when it opens, and about an hour or half hour before it's time to shut it down.

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    June 2020
    JEANNE ·
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    Hi Hope, can you tell me who you are using for your photo booth? With the amount of research you've done, I'd like to check out the company you ended up with. Thanks!

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