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Savvy August 2021

Phones at Ceremony

o1234, on June 18, 2021 at 11:35 AM Posted in Wedding Ceremony 2 27

I'm curious if people that did NOT announce anything or have a sign about no phones, if phones were an issue at the ceremony. I would really like to have an unplugged sign and have our officiant announce something, but my mom thinks it's rude and people won't listen anyways. She also thinks a good photographer should be able to go around phones. I really don't want people to have their phones out 1) for the sake of pictures and 2) just so people our present. My only thought is maybe this really isn't as big of an issue as I think and it's not necessary to have to announce it. Personally, I would NEVER take out my phone to get pictures at somebody else's wedding, but I feel like sometimes people just don't think.



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  • H
    Master July 2019
    Hannah ·
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    I think it depends on the crowd. I was at a wedding once where someone had an iPad out to record, which was huge and obnoxious. We didn't announce anything, and a few people took pictures. My cousin even took a video of the ceremony, but you don't see any blatant phone usage in any of our photos.
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  • AJ
    Super October 2022
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    I personally think an announcement over a sign, people might not pay any mind to it. I would never think about having my phone out at a wedding, I think it’s incredibly rude. The photographer I hired shot wedding and posted a picture of someone standing in the aisle behind the bride taking a pic/video with his cell phone. I mean I guess they could edit that person out but they shouldn’t have to around your guests.

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  • O
    Savvy August 2021
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    Ugh that's what I'm afraid of!! I'm with you, I think it's rude and I feel like I shouldn't even have to worry about it. I talked with my photographer to see if she's had any issues. Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it!

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  • SLY
    Master January 2022
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    I would never dare have my phone own during a ceremony, but I've been to one where they didn't have a sign or announcement, and I watched people take their phones out and record the bride walking down the aisle, taking photos as she got to the alter, it's just rude!! The couple pay good money to have photographers and videographers, the least you can do is be respectful and put your phone away. My other issue is that you don't know whether the couple wants you to have a photo to share on social's their private event so if they want stuff shared, they'd tell you.

    We have a sign made, AND our officiant will be making an announcement before the ceremony begins. My mom thinks it's rude to have a sign, but I also don't want my photos and video to have people on their phones. It's a moment where everyone really needs to be present and not behind a phone screen.

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    I have never been to a ceremony where people said anything about phones (or had obnoxious signs about it). We didn't at our 225 person wedding and had no issues with anyone taking photos in the way of the photographer. Of course people took photos, but having different angles of walking down the aisle and standing at the altar is great. I have been to probably 30 weddings in the last 10 years at least and this has never once been the problem that people on here seem to think it will be.

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  • Brittney
    Dedicated November 2021
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    I think parents find it rude because when they were getting married, they didn’t need to deal with technology getting in the way. In our generation it is definitely not rude. They sell pre-made signs at every Michael’s and hobby lobby because of how normal it is. I’m personally doing a sign and an announcement because (especially for the older folks) people tend to want their own photos on their own phones, and I don’t want to take any chances. If people don’t listen, that’s a shame, but at least it’ll stop most people from doing it
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  • SLY
    Master January 2022
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    Agreed. I don't know, I just don't see ceremonies as an appropriate time to bring your phone out regardless whether you want a photo or not.

    We're also having both a sign and announcement, but I saw this idea on Tik Tok where you do a social media minute. After you walk down the aisle, the officiant announces that anyone who wants a photo can do so for one minute but after that minute is up, all phones must be put away and silenced. Not sure if we'll do that as well (mixed feelings on it), but it's another option!

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  • Theadra
    Devoted June 2021
    Theadra ·
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    Our wedding planner and coordinator even said an announcement over the sign will resonate with people. We almost got an unplugged sign too.

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  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    As a former videographer, I will inform you that yes, it is absolutely a problem.

    Every wedding I ever filmed that did not explicitly tell people to turn their phones on silent and leave them in their pockets, the aisle was full of freaking phones as the bride walked down, and the entire ceremony there was a handful of people who had their hands stuck in the air with their stupid phones filming. I had to maneuver my camera around idiots filming the whole thing on their iPhone more than once.

    And yeah, a photographer can go around phones - but don't expect your pictures or video to be as good when the professional is having to dodge amateur paparazzi. I am here to tell you they won't be. Any time there is a literal obstacle they have to work around, your photos aren't going to be as good. In fact, our contract and the contract of every photographer I know has a clause that they were not responsible for phones in your photos if you don't request guests keep them away.

    This is just too common and accepted a behavior nowadays for it not to be an issue.

    Have the officiant or MC tell guests to keep their phones in their pockets. No one needs to be able to get a photo of you on their phone, but if they just absolutely will die if they don't have photographic proof that they were present at your wedding in person, they can get a photo after the ceremony when you are not in the middle of a sacred rite that is literally changing your life.

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  • O
    Savvy August 2021
    o1234 ·
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    I appreciate this SO much!! I think it's hard for me to understand because I can never imagine doing that, I get nervous even just bringing my phone in & not leaving it in the car, but I feel like it's just so normal to have phones every where now. It definitely helps having confidence in my decision hearing your point of view. Thank you!

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  • Colleen
    Savvy June 2021
    Colleen ·
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    I haven't been to many weddings but the two I went to where there was no announcements had multiple people with their phones out taking photos. I'm not doing a sign, but I'm having my officiant make a kind but firm announcement.

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  • Jessica
    Dedicated August 2021
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    We are going to have a sign & I am having our Officiant make an announcement. I don't find it to be rude at all. We are paying 2k+ for a photographer, I trust he will get the shots needed & he should not have to work around guests having their phones out. It is a 30 minute time span. Everyone will live with their phone in their pocket during that time lol.

    However, for the reception we are encouraging pictures & utilization of our hashtag to make it fun for everyone. We got I Spy handouts for each guest with missions to find & take pictures of such as "best dancer" or "bride & groom kissing" etc.

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  • Heather
    Devoted May 2023
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    This is how I feel about it too. The more pictures the better imo, and I love seeing what different angles the guests are able to capture. Unpopular opinion I guess. That said, I would never disregard a sign or announcement explicitly telling guests not to take photos. That's so rude and makes me cringe every time I see guests ignoring them (there always seems to be at least one).
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    Six months before daughter's wedding, she was a BM in a wedding where nothing was said about taking photos/filming during the ceremony and it was such a disaster that she immediately decided they were going to do everything they possibly could to prevent their guests from acting similarly. At that wedding, there wasn't a single photo of daughter's friend and her dad walking down the aisle where the bride wasn't at least partially blocked by two different guests who stood up and stepped into the aisle between the photographer and the bride and her dad! In all the professional photos taken from the back of the ceremony site all you see are phones and ipads being held up in the air -- it's ridiculous! In the background of the photos taken up close of the B&G during the ceremony the groom's entire family is holding phones and ipads -- including HIS MOTHER....

    To prevent all that, daughter and SIL mentioned on their website that the ceremony would be unplugged (and that guests would have free access to all the professional photos in digital format when they were done). They had a small sign as guests entered the venue. As the GMs seated guests, they reminded guests to please turn their phones off and put them away, and, finally, before the processional began the officiant asked the guests to refrain from taking photos. It worked! Daughter & SIL received over 1100 edited images from their photographer and there isn't a single phone/camera/device visible in any of them taken during the ceremony. If you don't want cameras in your photos, I'd be very proactive! Good luck!

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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    I have been a guest at countless weddings that did not announce no phones in any way nor were they confiscated. There were never any issues with that either. If I did see or hear an unplugged announcement, I would definitely side eye it and feel like the couple is worrying needlessly at the expense of guests’ comfort. Because the couple is punishing everyone because of one or two bad apples who don’t know or care how to behave as adults, so the entire group is treated like children instead of the adults that they are.

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  • Katherine
    Expert October 2021
    Katherine ·
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    I would say a sign for when they walk in. Also have ur officiant announced that you both have requested that there be no phones out for the ceremony. Photographers aren't cheap and should get their moments to capture your day without phones in the shot.
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  • Liz W
    Dedicated October 2021
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    I would say, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter others' opinions. They may think it's rude, but YOU are the one paying for the photographer (and for the guests to be at your wedding). If you want to tell guests to put away their phones during your ceremony, do it! Other's may not have had experiences where it was an issue (or they may not have noticed), but there are PLENTY of examples where it IS an issue. And if you can eliminate the risk of your photos having a bunch of cell phones in it, your photographer's path/photos being obstructed because other's feel they deserve to be in the aisle trying to get a photo, or your photographer having to spend even more time editing (thus causing a delay getting the photos to you) all means offend people. If they don't like it, they don't have to attend and can see the professional photos later. Our officiant is making an announcement asking our guests to silence and put away their phones to be in the moment with us. You can't truly take in a moment staring through a small screen. They make announcements at movies, plays, and comedy shows...why would weddings be considered rude if that isn't?

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  • Gabby
    Devoted October 2021
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    It's definitely a problem. When did you get married? People literally pay thousands for a photographer. No one is printing out the iPad pictures aunt Linda took....
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  • Christy
    Devoted April 2022
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    I don’t think the majority of guests at our wedding would even consider having their phones out, but we are having a sign; making an announcement; and putting the information on our website. It is not rude or obnoxious in any way. Some couples actually WANT their guests to take pictures, so without clear instructions on what you would like to see happen on your day, you can’t expect your guests to know! And, yes, it absolutely does effect the quality of your pictures (assuming you don’t want to see devices in your pictures).
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  • SLY
    Master January 2022
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    I don't see how having a sign or an announcement requesting the ceremony to be unplugged is a punishment to guests...

    Couple's are VERY aware that their guests are adults lol, but a wedding ceremony just isn't the place for Grandma Sue, Uncle Bob, Aunt Cathy, and countless other people to have their devices out to get personal photos/videos. The couple pay good money for their vendors, so it's understandable that they wouldn't want devices in those photos/video. It most def. is a problem at most weddings that don't make this known, and I find it odd that a guest would take it rudely if they saw a sign or heard an announcement to kindly put all devices away.

    Guest comfort is important, but I don't see how having their devices out during a ceremony counts towards guest comfort...

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