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Super October 2020

My birthday, fh birthday, Moving, the Bridal Shower, then the wedding!

Brittany, on September 14, 2020 at 11:31 AM Posted in Community Conversations 0 7

So the month of September to October is a little crazy!! I had my birthday on the 5th of this month, today is FH's birthday, we are moving tomorrow, my bridal shower is this weekend, and then the wedding is at the end of October. It has been a little hectic and crazy and I am doing my best to keep stress free and calm down. The only thing keeping me sane right now is having a checklist to help keep things in order. Would you suggest anything else that I can do to help with all the events and the happenings going on? What do you do when you are stressed out and need to take a break?? What has helped you with multiple things going on in your life?? What helps you keep things on track??


Latest activity by Taran, on September 14, 2020 at 1:39 PM
  • Shirley
    Expert November 2020
    Shirley ·
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    I love a busy schedule honestly, but it does take some logistical planning. I think if you still have the ability to carve out some time, doing everything possible ahead of time totally helps. Do a big grocery run and have food all set for the rest of the month (this may mean a lot of pantry staples and frozen meals). Splurge to have some household chores done for just this month, if you can afford to treat yourself. Keep a detailed planner of the things that need to be done in your normal life because you won't be able to just run errands and do chores whenever you want. Set many calendar alerts on your phone to help you reminder the things that have to be done, like paying bills.

    As for keeping yourself sane, definitely try your best not to cheat on sleep. If it is getting late and you are still overwhelmed, write down the 3 most important things you need to do and go to bed, with a plan to knock those three things out first thing tomorrow. Remember to eat, even if you have to set an alarm--skipping meals will make you tired and cranky. Carve out some time for a walk or light workout on very busy days as well.

    Most important--don't sweat the small stuff. Your house may look less tidy than usual for the month. You might have to throw some things together at the last minute, and your busy schedule might mean things don't go according to plan. Let things roll off of your back.

    Also, this may seem silly, but it works for me--light a nice smelling candle. Makes everything feel more relaxed.

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    Wow that’s a lot going on! For sure take moments to breathe and take a self care break even if it’s short
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  • Lisa
    Rockstar July 2022
    Lisa Online ·
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    Sounds like a lot of fun activities in a short period of time! I suggest focusing on just one day/event at a time. Update your checklists as you think of things or complete things, but put your main focus for the day on the activities taking place that day and be present.
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  • Jai
    VIP May 2020
    Jai ·
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    Def take time for self care! Examples : getting your nails done, having a glass of wine, etc. Gives you time to take a breather
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  • L
    Expert September 2020
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    Lists. I am not a very organized person haha but lists help me when I have a lot going on. And what also helps is not pressuring myself to get everything done at once and knowing its okay for things to go unfinished for a bit. Also definitely make sure you are delegating tasks to your FH cause its easy to forget to do that
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  • Molly
    VIP September 2020
    Molly ·
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    When ever I felt stressed I would make lists of everything I have to do. I also got a large planner so I could make detailed lists for each and every day leading up to the wedding day. I tried talking tome to do self care but I found making detailed lists to be much more relaxing because then I could see just how much time I had to finish everything.

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  • Taran
    Expert September 2020
    Taran ·
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    Baths have helped me keep my sanity. I take my computer, put on a movie, light some candles, turn out the lights, and it is such a relaxing time for myself. Adding a glass of wine doesn't hurt either

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