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Devoted May 2015

Minor plastic surgery before wedding? Advice please (gulp)?

Megzie, on November 9, 2014 at 5:19 PM

Posted in Wedding Attire 42

I have had a birthmark in the center of my forehead for my entire life. I hate it and it makes me feel super ashamed. I work with children/teens and they always ask me about it, saying how much prettier I would be if I didnt have it. I dont get my validation about my looks from children, but it does...

I have had a birthmark in the center of my forehead for my entire life. I hate it and it makes me feel super ashamed. I work with children/teens and they always ask me about it, saying how much prettier I would be if I didnt have it. I dont get my validation about my looks from children, but it does make me feel bad having to explain parts of myself to others.

I started looking in to surgery options to remove it and am curious if others have had a mole removed prior to a big event. It sounds like I could get it shaved down so at least it would be flatter and able to be covered with makeup. But maybe Im making a mistake.

Im not sure what is driving me to do this before the wedding, but I just know that I would feel so much more beautiful on my wedding day if it were gone. When Im looking in to hairstyles for the day, Im only considering ones where I can wear bangs to try to hide it...

I know this may be controversial, but I do welcome any thoughts. Ive attached a picture...


  • KM
    Master March 2015
    KM ·
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    I wanted to get braces before the wedding, but moving and costly dental surgery got in the way. Another girl on here got a nose job before hers. Everyone was really supportive. Go for it!

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  • Megzie
    Devoted May 2015
    Megzie ·
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    Thanks everyone! I will let you know tomorrow what the plastic surgeon says.

    @ Lady Firefly because it is not cancerous and it is cosmetic only, insurance will not pay to have it removed...I checkedSmiley winking

    If I could cover it with makeup I would, but its raised so it doesnt look right. That's why Im thinking that the shave might be a better option for me--even if the pigment stays the same, at least it would be flat.

    @Monica- you had your mole shaved? Did they say it might grow back? Did it grow back? If its a flatter version of what it was before, is it as dark?

    Thanks for all the WW love. Its scary because its on my face, and I dont want to go down a road I regret.

    Ive been thinking about all the things I can do if it goes away, like getting out of a swimming pool without covering my forehead and throwing my hair back in a stylish bunSmiley winking At least people are less rude with a scar.

    I cant tell you all how much better I feel with all your helpful and supportive comments. Thank you all so much!!!

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  • Shannon
    Expert May 2014
    Shannon ·
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    I had braces put on 8 months before my wedding, ostensibly to correct a bite problem that was causing jaw pain and migraines. But really, I HATED my front canines - they stuck out like I was Dracula. I paid an exorbitant amount of money for lingual braces, which are attached to the back of your teeth so they wouldn't be visible on my wedding day.

    Only my Grandma knows how much I paid, I haven't told anyone else. But I look at our photos and my smile looks so straight and I don't for a second regret my decision. From the sounds of it this is a decision you've been considering for a while, it just happens that your wedding provides a good motivation to proceed. Best of luck to you!

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  • Kari  Taggard
    Kari Taggard ·
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    Have you noticed any changes in the mole at all? Even the slightest change? If so, insurance should cover to have it removed. You need to do what feels comfortable. If you aren't happy with it, by all means have it removed. You only will have one set of wedding photos, and you need to be happy with yourself.

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  • Megzie
    Devoted May 2015
    Megzie ·
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    @Kari--No, no changes at all. Its been exactly the same. Also, Im leaning more towards the plastic surgeon anyway because I think they will have better equipment/better techniques. If I get it done through my insurance, there is no way I can guarantee the skill of the doctor.

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  • Hannah
    Devoted August 2015
    Hannah ·
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    Love your dress!! Either way you are beautiful Smiley smile I'd say go for it, if it will make you feel that much more beautiful on your special day!!

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  • Hannah
    Devoted August 2015
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    Love your dress!! Either way you are beautiful Smiley smile I'd say go for it, if it will make you feel that much more beautiful on your special day!!

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  • Michy
    VIP June 2015
    Michy ·
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    I just wanna say the dress you are trying on in the picture is gorgeous!! And so are you! Anyway I agree with the others - do what you want. As for the scarring/recovery stuff, I have no idea. But maybe getting a 2nd/3rd/even 4th opinion might be a good idea. Also some plastic surgeons might have payment plans that would make it more affordable if your insurance doesn't cover it or something. Anyway good luck with your decision!

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  • H
    Devoted May 2014
    HappyGirl ·
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    I have had about ten moles on my face/neck removed by a dermatologist using the "shaving" method. It wasn't painful and I am a big wimp when it comes to anything medical. They all healed up super fast too, about a week or two. Moles are funny- the doctor told me ahead of time that she couldn't predict how far down the pigment would go. I got lucky on some of them and they were taken off and you can't tell that they were ever there! And a few went from large moles to small freckles. And a few basically look like freckles that are the same size as the moles were, but they're flat and not as dark. It was one of those things where afterwards I kept kicking myself for not taking care of it years ago!

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  • Edmee
    Devoted December 2014
    Edmee ·
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    I notice that a lot of the women on SYTTD come in with "My fiancé doesn't care as long as it's not....." or "my fiancé really wants my dress to have....." .

    In "real life" I know a bunch of people who just went, bought dress, and said nothing to fiancé.

    Did you ask his opinion before you went or no?

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  • Kristin
    Expert August 2015
    Kristin ·
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    I had two moles removed (moles removed for testing) when I was in high school and I still have markings/scars from it. I had it done by a dermatologist not a cosmetic surgeon though. I don't see anything wrong with your mole though. I think it adds character to your face. It is makes you self-conscious I understand. Make the decision that is right for you :-)

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  • Pancakes
    Master October 2015
    Pancakes ·
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    I had a mole removed on my back at least 5 years ago and there is still a scar. But every time another doctor sees it, they talk about what a poor job the guy did because there shouldn't be a scar (there is a line and then dots where the stitches were). So that's why I would be hesitant because sometimes the doctors are great and can remove it without a scar, but sometimes there is a scar. So I would wait and try your best to cover it up with make up the day of. Maybe look into it after the wedding. FH and I both was Lasik, but we are waiting until after the wedding. You just never know! My oldest sister had sugery done on her eye the year of her wedding and the surgery went wrong and she now has a lazy eye. So she had that for her pictures. Not trying to scare you, just letting you know that I think you should wait. Personally, I don't think birth marks are such a big deal. I'm sure your family and friends don't even notice it. But I understand it's bothering you. But just do make up right now.

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  • rusticbride
    Master May 2014
    rusticbride ·
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    I think you look lovely either way! I hope you find the right resolution to this that makes you feel gorgeous on your wedding day!

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  • kristenann
    Master October 2014
    kristenann ·
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    You need to do what makes you happy and feel beautiful.

    As a kid, my teeth were very, very messy. I ended up getting braces, which revealed that I was actually missing a tooth. (the tooth right next to the front tooth) In an xray, they found said missing tooth hiding behind another tooth, so they cut my gum and brought it down. While it was great not to have a giant hole in the front of my teeth, the tooth ended up being what they called a permanent baby tooth. After my braces came off, it was more noticeable that I had this super tiny tooth next to all of these adult teeth. I was super self conscious about it and hated smiling. My dad encouraged me to get a porcelain veneer cap on the baby tooth. It was probably the best decision that I made for my self esteem. It honestly changed the way I thought about myself at the time. People can say that it was vein or unnecessary, but to me, it was neither. It made me happy, feel pretty and added the confidence in myself that I lacked.

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  • SnappyLove2015
    VIP April 2015
    SnappyLove2015 ·
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    For starters...Your dress is gorgeous!

    When I was a sophomore in High School (13 ish years ago), I had a weird growth form on my face right at the crease of my smile. Like where dimples would be. I went to a dermatologist then to get it checked. She said it was most likely cancerous and sent me to a plastic surgeon to have it removed and then bioposied. Best decision of my life. It was cancerous. I had stitches for about 2 weeks and have had a scar since. The scar isn't very noticeable because they did it long ways Up and down to blend in to look like a dimple.

    This is your body. Your face. YOU and only you can make the decision to do what YOU want. You are beautiful. Make sure you ask the recovery time. I would do it before the end of this year if you a good 5 months to recover. Good luck!

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  • Koch Bride
    Master September 2014
    Koch Bride ·
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    I have a mole on my left cheek that I begged my mom to get removed in high school but my mom told me, "you know what your mole looks like, you don't know what a scar looks like."

    My mole is small in diameter and relatively flat though but I've always been a little self conscious of it. I totally understand how you feel but I think you look lovely. Its totally and completely up to you. I think a plastic surgeon would be the way to go.

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  • Megzie
    Devoted May 2015
    Megzie ·
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    Thanks again for all the advice and support! Also, Im appreciating all the dress love! It was a journey finding it, and Ive had to send it back to Sophia Tolli once, but I will hopefully try on my dress tomorrow (they sent me a new one!)

    Listening to all of the comments has been super helpful. Im realizing that my mole may not be this freakish thing in the middle of my face that people look at in disgust. Everyone has something about themselves that they don't like...I look forward to meeting with the plastic surgeon today to see what he says. I know that shaving it down will greatly reduce scarring...Ill keep you all posted!

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  • Trixey
    Devoted January 2015
    Trixey ·
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    I had a mole in the corner of my eye, my graduations pictures were so air brushed that they took the mole right off my face for the picture. It was then I decided to have it removed, it was a small proceedure and I couple stitches, and there was no scar. I would say go for it. if you have it now, you will be good to go by wedding date!

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  • ValZtoB
    Master March 2015
    ValZtoB ·
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    If it will make you happy and more confident, not just for the wedding, but over all then go for it. It is your body! I had two moles removed from my face a few years ago - one from my cheek and one from my nose. I have a horrible skin tag I am about to have removed from my neck.

    Do what makes you happy!

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  • FinallyMrsW
    VIP October 2014
    FinallyMrsW ·
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    I have had many moles removed it is a quick and easy processSmiley smile Dont worry!

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