I have had a birthmark in the center of my forehead for my entire life. I hate it and it makes me feel super ashamed. I work with children/teens and they always ask me about it, saying how much prettier I would be if I didnt have it. I dont get my validation about my looks from children, but it does make me feel bad having to explain parts of myself to others.
I started looking in to surgery options to remove it and am curious if others have had a mole removed prior to a big event. It sounds like I could get it shaved down so at least it would be flatter and able to be covered with makeup. But maybe Im making a mistake.
Im not sure what is driving me to do this before the wedding, but I just know that I would feel so much more beautiful on my wedding day if it were gone. When Im looking in to hairstyles for the day, Im only considering ones where I can wear bangs to try to hide it...
I know this may be controversial, but I do welcome any thoughts. Ive attached a picture...