I'm trying to figure out how to book an officiant. My wedding is DW in my college city, and while I was in college, I was discovering Christianity and started to get really involved in the Methodist campus group. I sang in worship band and went on an international mission trip. After I graduated, I started attending services at the big church affiliated with the college church. I don't think I'm officially part of the Methodist church (I'm not sure how all that works). I got Baptized at a non-denominational church a couple years later that I volunteered at in a different state, but have always felt most comfortable in a Methodist church. FH and I started (infrequently unfortunately because of crazy work schedules) going to a Methodist church in our town, and hope to find a Methodist church together when we're married and have more of a routine. (He's more non-denom).
Anyway..are there rules for having a Methodist pastor marry us? I'd love to try to reach out to my former college pastor, because I credit him with bringing me into the faith. Is it an issue that FH and I are not officially members? Is pre-marital counseling required? (I personally think counsel is a great idea, but because of distance, we'd have to attend over webcam). Also, my ceremony is at an outdoor venue, certainly not in a church. Is this an issue? I also hope to keep the ceremony short and sweet, approximately 20 mins, and don't plan on doing all the candle/sand ceremony events.
If I can't use a Methodist pastor, what are other options that people use?
Sorry for my ignorance on the topic!