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June 2022

Letting go of bridesmaids

Hayley, on July 24, 2022 at 8:25 PM Posted in Planning 2 4
Okay hear me out before answering…

We got engaged in October 2020 and at the time I had a very close friend group in the town we live in. They were both part of planning the proposal so I immediately asked if they wanted to be bridesmaids.
Flash forward to that spring, my mom passed away from breast cancer and at the same time, I stopped being invited to girls night with them as often (or any other event that they did together). When I asked why, I was told it was because I was being too much of a bummer and they didn’t want to be with me (again, my mom had just died….)
Then after a few months we ended up moving 20 minutes out of town and they really stopped asking me to things, and never agreed to come to our new house when we invited them to parties. We virtually stopped seeing them and their SO’s entirely, after what was a few years of SOLID friendship.
The icing on the cake though is that I was in a head on car collision in May and we had to postpone our wedding out for another year (it was 6/25 and now it’s next June). Neither of these bridesmaids have really reached out to me about it other than one text weeks after the incident. It kind of felt like the final nail in the coffin of our friendship, and I have been incredibly hurt and frustrated about why they have completely abandoned me.
All of that to say — what do I do about them being in our wedding? Do I suck it up? Do I let them go? What’s worse is that in the almost 2 years we will have been engaged, I have a couple other new friends who ROSE to the occasion when I was in the hospital and someone FLEW from Alaska to just be with us. (We live in Oregon). I kind of want to honor her as a bridesmaid but I know “firing” BMs is such a taboo thing to do….
I’m just looking for advice. Please help ☹️


Latest activity by Bailey, on July 25, 2022 at 10:58 AM
  • Scarlett
    Dedicated December 2023
    Scarlett ·
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    Do what makes you happy! It seems that you found friends who make you feel loved and appreciated! It seems like these old friends wont be in your life much lonher, and you want people to be in your wedding who will stay by your side through thick and thin. You want to be surrounded by love on your wedding day and not people who are cold hearted.
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  • M
    Dedicated June 2023
    Mary ·
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    Agree with other response. Do what gives you inner peace and mental calm. I’m sorry to hear all you went through & how your former friends let you down btw- honestly from your post, I don’t think they’ll be surprised or even hurt if you rescind their bridesmaids invitations & wedding invitations. The writing is on the wall already. If they give you sass or try to guilt you, ignore it please. Better to go through a little stage of awkwardness now and get it out of the way vs. dealing with that awkwardness during your wedding planning and then at your actual wedding.

    And consider it a blessing that this happened now… so in 5 or 10 yrs when you’re looking at wedding photos, they will include people whom you feel warm about. Idk about the taboos of wedding planning (I just got engaged & was never one of those people who did a ton of research before), but honestly screw it. Who cares? Your wedding day is about you, your future spouse, and celebrating the first step of your continued journey in marriage. You and your spouse’s joy should be the focus. Invite bridesmaids who make you feel special about your special day. Wishing you all the best & sending some love and light your way.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Dropping someone from your wedding party will risk ending the friendship. I guess it depends on whether you're wiling to take that risk.

    I'm sure you look at things differently since your accident, and only you can determine what is best.

    I hope you're OK following the accident!

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  • Bailey
    Expert October 2023
    Bailey ·
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    100% agree with Maryanne. If they end your friendship for dropping them, then it was their time to go. They did not step up for you during two very extreme life events and there is no way they aren't aware of that - if they aren't, refer back to "it was their time to go." I think you should do what's best for your heart & inner peace, but I highly suggest not sucking it up. This is YOUR day to be with your most loved!

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