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Dedicated August 2019

Last month stress

Kendall, on July 26, 2019 at 2:33 PM Posted in Fitness and Health 0 5
Ok so we’re down to crunch time. Wedding is in 33 days. How it’s snuck up so quick idk but here we are! I have several final payments coming up. Lots of decor to purchase/make. I’m stressing. And as a result my face is breaking out bad! It doesn’t help I work outside in the summer heat so I’m constantly sweating. Any tips on having a clear face come wedding day? I don’t want a giant pimple to pop up in every wedding photo. Most products dry my face out and I can’t afford to go to a dermatologist for some high end stuff. I don’t wear makeup unless I’m going out and I take it off before bed when I do.


Latest activity by Caitlin, on August 1, 2019 at 3:36 PM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    Lots of water. I even had some of those pimple patches for the days before my wedding
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  • Kayla
    Devoted November 2019
    Kayla ·
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    Go get a facial on average a decent one is like $60 go two weeks before your big day and you will be amazed!

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  • Clíodhna
    WeddingWire Administrator January 2030
    Clíodhna ·
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    Hi Kendall!

    As the wedding is so close I would definitely caution against trying any new product that you’ve never tried before. It would not be ideal to have a reaction or breakout caused by a product so close to your wedding day!

    Over the next week or two, I would personally concentrate on exfoliation and getting my skin as clear as possible. Once I was 1 - 2 week from the wedding day I would stop exfoliating as it brings everything to the surface and in some people can cause breakouts!

    If you do get a pimple, don’t fret! It’s amazing the work makeup artist can do to cover up blemishes and you can always have your photographer retouch anything that shows up on camera Smiley smile

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  • FutureMrsHadi
    Dedicated May 2021
    FutureMrsHadi ·
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    Lots of water and exfoliate with a sugar scrub (my favorite is the black sugar scrub and you can find it at Ulta in the K-beauty section) a couple times a week. Finding a good face wash that won't strip your skin is key as well. A lot of people who have issues with break out use really harsh cleansers, but that will just strip your skin of all it's natural oils and cause it to just produce more. I highly recommend the Blueberry Cleanser from Glow Recipe. I think it's around $20 and will last you for a while.

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  • C
    Dedicated October 2019
    Caitlin ·
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    Ok so I've had struggles with my skin for ages. I know everyone's skin is different but here are some tips that have been helping me get my face "wedding ready":

    *Olly Vibrant Skin vitamins. I get these for like $13 at Target. They've made a HUGE difference in my skin. If I skip a day, it shows.

    *Hydrate! Simple, but super important. Try to drink a gallon of water a day.

    *Skin care routine. So I did invest in some products that I think are worth it. Tarte's Drink of H2O moisturizer has been key, and so has their Knockout tingling treatment. They're like $40 a piece but they last FOREVER.

    *Neutragena's Light Therapy spot treatment pen. It helps with little problem areas that pop up!

    *Vick's Vapor Rub. Hear me out on this one. There is something in Vick's that is actually anti-inflammatory. It will not clog your pores. And it helps moisturize. I drool A LOT (I did Smile Direct Club and my night time retainers make it difficult to close my mouth all the way), so I tend to breakout around my mouth. I put Vick's on the area every night and it creates a barrier against new drool (lol so gross), and it treats anything that's already there.

    *Oxy Wipes. They're super cheap and they're great for on the go. I use them in the morning, and if I workout in the middle of the day I always wipe my face with one afterwards to get the sweat off.

    *Steam facials. Fill a bowl with hot water and set it on the table. Sit down, bend your head over it, cover your head and the bowl with a towel. Let the hot water steam ya out.

    *I haven't tried this, but I'm assuming drinking some teas with anti-inflammatory properties would probably help as well!

    Good luck!

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