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Dedicated September 2021

fmil drama.. Should we just pay for our own rehearsal dinner?

Th, on March 12, 2021 at 1:07 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 19
So we don’t talk to my FMIL if we can avoid it about wedding things, because she’s been super nasty to FH (nothing new) and myself about certain things, not everything. It’s more of guest list, and anything else that would involve her family who lives on the other side of the country and has never showed any interest in her FH life now that they r older and have been living far away for 22+ years, but FMIL takes offense to literally everything which is why FH doesn’t have a good relationship bc if you don’t agree with her or do what she says you are terrible in her eyes. For content she also overstepped dress arrangements w my SIL but I have gotten over that quickly, even tho she tried to blame me as the reason to my own mother..
Anyways, my mother is paying for the majority of the wedding and I had a conversation about figuring out who we are inviting in person with the Covid guidelines in NY state and who we were going to cut to invite virtually since we have to cut 100 people for in person. FH and I have already cut people off our list which is nothing new we’ve been doing that since we got engaged, my parents have cut a ton of people off of their list (family friends who know both FH and I) and she told FMIL they had to cut the same number of people off of their list for the wedding. FH was talking with FMIL tonight and I walked in and when I got on the phone she brought up wedding stuff. Now last night after my mom and FMIL had this whole conversation about cutting people off of the wedding guest list to meet the Covid restrictions our state currently has, she tried telling my mom we would now need to also cut the rehearsal dinner guest list bc she is hosting it and I guess could dictate that. I called the place we’re having rehearsal dinner at and they said they have more than enough room to accommodate our initial guest list. Our rehearsal dinner guest list is your typical rehearsal dinner people, it also includes six of my aunts and uncles I’m really close with that my mother has told FMIL from the start a year ago that she would cover because it’s not someone you would typically invite to the rehearsal dinner. Now FMIL says it needs to be cut, when we discuss wedding stuff tonight I told her that it was really important to me to have them there, and she kept saying it wasn’t fair and kept going back to how she had to cut her aunts and uncles (FH greats) from original in person wedding guest list, even though she keeps telling me for a long time now that they probably won’t actually make the trip out here and show up to said wedding and why would they bc they don’t go out if their way to drive 15 min to FH Gma’s house to see him when he goes out to visit home state which us far from where we live and are getting married. Felt like it was an unfair punishment for me because of Covid and cutting wedding guest list that now my aunts and uncles who have been an integral part of wedding planning any huge part of my life growing up can’t come to this rehearsal dinner that they can be accommodated to and FMIL Doesn’t have to pay for. What do I do? FMIL said from the beginning that she would cover this dinner as part of her contribution to the wedding and was prideful in it, I tore dsyif if aunts and uncles can’t be invited to OUR rehearsal dinner, FH and I would just pay for it, but second I mentioned that it was a whole other hissy fit about it’s not about money but fairness and she’s paying for it. I also don’t want to tarnish this relationship with her because she is my FH‘s mother and although he knows how toxic she is, he still tries when he can and is close w siblings and future step father in law (my future that guy is like his dad), his parents were never married and the fact that we are inviting people to wedding not rehearsal, from his biological dad side is a whole huge issue too, even though he is super close with them. No pleading this woman! HELP! And sorry for the rant. I’m really giving up on wedding planning, I wish we had just eloped from the start


Latest activity by Suzie, on March 17, 2021 at 2:48 PM
  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    It's your FH's family, it's on him to deal with them. I'm serious. If it's his family mess, he has to clean it up. Wash your hands of it other than emotionally supporting him.

    Though, as someone with toxic family members.... the cost/reward ratio to keeping them in my life wasn't worth it.

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  • Elizabeth
    Super June 2021
    Elizabeth ·
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    I honestly can see your FMIL's perspective. She doesn't view the rehearsal list as fair because you are allowed to invite people to it that FH isn't (and throwing money in to pay for them doesn't make it better). Also, she is the host, so she probably wants the rehearsal dinner to be even, and as the host that's not a crazy request at all.

    If I were you, I would let her get her way on this one. You don't need aunts and uncles at the rehearsal. Qnd it's nice of her to host the rehearsal, so I wouldn't take it away from her becaus inviting these 6 people id the hill you want to die on.
    My parents are paying for the wedding and honestly FH's parents feel all types of ways about the guest list for the wedding and the rehearsal. It's hard to balance everyone's feelings. But from this post, I'm not getting toxic, I'm getting normal (if not totally rational) emotions
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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    Just pay for the rehearsal dinner yourself. Tell her that she’s no longer allowed to be a part of the planning process. It will save you a lot of stress and aggravation. Also, this is your wedding day so I’m not too sure why you wouldn’t be 100% in charge of the guest list.
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  • MIWM
    VIP June 2019
    MIWM ·
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    I would pay for your rehearsal dinner yourselves and do not allow her to help with the rest of the planning

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  • Ava
    VIP May 2022
    Ava ·
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    I agree with Elizabeth. Although these six aunts and uncles are very important to you, there is no need to have them present at your rehearsal. The rehearsal was created for wedding party members to practice what will happen during the ceremony, and the rehearsal dinner is simply a thank you to those individuals for taking time out of their schedules in order to rehearse. Simply invite the aunts and uncles to the wedding and reception.
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  • S
    Expert November 2021
    Sara ·
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    I would just pay for your own rehearsal dinner and that will enable you to invite the people you want. I totally get wanting to invite aunts and uncles--inviting our aunts and uncles to our rehearsal dinner was a must!

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    I actually agree with your MIL. If she had to cut a bunch of guests from the original list i think it's more than fair that you guys cut some people from the rehearsal list too, especially since the guest in question are all from your side and don't need to be involved in the rehearsal.

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  • Th
    Dedicated September 2021
    Th ·
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    I appreciate your perspective. And I did let her know if she wants to invite her siblings, FH uncles too then she should, I think it would be great to have them as well since they are traveling so far. No one ever said it’s only my aunts allowed, she asked who we wanted and I really wanted them bc they live far away and I don’t see them. 2 sets are flying in from a different state and they all have been helping me with planning but I see where you are coming from too! And where she could be coming from
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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    I agree with this!!!!! There's no need for aunts & uncles to be at the rehearsal dinner unless they are in the wedding party
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    I agree with your MiL 100%. By 6 aunts and uncles, is that including their SO's? 6 to 12 additional guests at a dinner that is only "required" to invite bridal party and immediate family is a lot.

    I'd pay for your own rehearsal.
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  • Stacey
    Super May 2021
    Stacey ·
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    I tend with agree with your MIL in principle, though definitely don’t agree with the way she is going about it which seems more out of spite than anything else. Aunts & Uncles are optional (unless they are in the wedding party). If she’s making a stink about it, and having them attend is important to you, then I would just pay for the dinner myself. Frankly it sounds like it will save you a lot of stress in the long-run anyway:
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  • F
    Expert April 2022
    Fred ·
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    Exactly . The best way to calm eceryone down is to pay for everything.
    99% of parental contribution come with strings attached.
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    I absolutely agree with step mom that they are extras at the rehearsal dinner. And provided those required to be at the rehearsal, and their SO , are accommodated, it has always been the host of the dinner right to determine numbers, not just because of costs, but because 6-12 more people is a distinctly larger group. Her tit for tat, childish logic, I don't agree with, but you made her hostess and should not undermine it, offering to pay for just them. And I understand how you can be so attached to these distant elders you rarely see, because I am attached to mine. But what I don't understand about you, at all, is why you do not find a separate time, even if they fly in a day early, to have a meal with just them. They don't give a hoot about your wedding party or in-laws, and your WP and inlaws don't care about them. A dinner or brunch if they are there a day before or after everyone, just you and them, and if you want your parents, them too? Seeing them with no one else to focus on, no EP, would be so much nicer than one big group. I did, and am happy I did. I exchange real letters with these people, they have filled my mail box since I was a child, and in the army they were bedtime reading. Stop fighting a ridiculous fight no one will ever be happy with o er RD. And have your own time / special meal with family elders you love.
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  • Th
    Dedicated September 2021
    Th ·
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    Actually I really like that idea, maybe doing something two evenings before the wedding or something with just them! Great idea thanks
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  • Hanna
    VIP June 2019
    Hanna ·
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    I don't think it's unreasonable to want to invite your aunts and uncles to your rehearsal dinner. In my family, it's customary to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, and first cousins to the rehearsal dinner. However, in many other families, it's customary to only invite the wedding party and parents. I think it depends how important it is to you whether you want to include your aunts and uncles. If it's very important, then I'd pay for your own rehearsal dinner and then you can invite whoever you want.

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  • Th
    Dedicated September 2021
    Th ·
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    So I’ve heard it both ways too, but at my cousins my aunts and uncle were invited to hers and I think her husbands uncle and honestly tradition or not it’s important to me but I let her know we’d cover them bc I wouldn’t expect her to pay for extra. She got mad and said it isn’t a money issue and went on about the guest list again. We ended up offering to pay for the dinner ourselves and that made her more angry. Threatened yet again that she wouldn’t come. I just kept apologizing for im not even sure what, whatever she kept saying about me how I’m disrespectful and horrible to her (anyone who doesn’t agree w her is) just to end the convo and by the the end she said we could invite whomever we want and they would still host it so I guess it’s resolved altho I know she’s still really pissed at me. I think I’ll just avoid her for the remainder of the planning haha but thanks for the advice!
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  • S
    Just Said Yes July 2021
    Suzie ·
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    I didn’t read the other responses, I’m in a similar situation though. In laws, am I right! It sucks, but pay for it yourselves and thank ONLY the people who helped you.
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  • Th
    Dedicated September 2021
    Th ·
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    I’m sorry you are in the same situation! I offered to pay for it ourselves and I got screamed at more at how awful I’d be and how hurt she would be if we didn’t let them host this for us. By the end of it she agreed to what I wanted but not before an argument that extended into the next morning and ended w me apologizing for calling her out on the nasty things she’s done during our engagement so far just so I could get off the phone w her, so I’m going no contact unless I absolutely have to talk w her and I won’t be discussing another thing wedding related with her. I wanted to try and include her in things but given how that backfired every time im over it. FH can give her our list for the RD and deal w her, at least he’s used to the verbal abuse from her, I am not and won’t tolerate it any longer. Good luck with your situation, I hope it can be resolved smoothly!
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  • S
    Just Said Yes July 2021
    Suzie ·
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    What a mess! I’m so sorry to hear. I have no idea why weddings bring out the worst in people! My mom died just before I got engaged, and I’m an only child, so I’m literally all alone with planning. I have one bridesmaid who gets it, but the rest are clueless. My future step mother in law sent me a evil message about how I haven’t gotten over the death of my mom (up until then, there has been NO issues with her and I, ever, in 8 years). I had asked my bridesmaids to get back to my MOH about a shower date in a group text, then after 8 days of no response, I just said I don’t need a shower and that we are just going to sign papers because I am too stressed. My FH’s little sister, who the world revolves around, must have told her mom (the step mother in law), and she sent me the meanest, cruelest text ever conceived, mentioned earlier. I said nothing in response, and instead forwarded it to my FH. He called her and asked her what the problem was. He said she sounded as if she was drinking (no excuse). He and his dad had words, and we haven’t spoken to them since. I didn’t have to ask my FH to say something, he took it upon himself to defend me, which really made me feel like he had my back. He is so quiet and reserved, so it’s a big deal that he did this. We decided to just pay for everything ourselves, not that we have money to do it, but we are making it work. If they offer, they offer, but we aren’t asking for anything. She or her daughter hasn’t RSVP’d for the shower either, so we shall see how that all goes. All I can say is focus on you and your FH and that’s all that matters. Screw everyone else. You can’t please everybody.
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