I get married on Friday, and FH's family are absolutely taking all enjoyment out of it and I just want to get to the wedding and have all this planning be over with.
Last night my FFIL asked if he could invite one of his friends and his wife.... SIX DAYS BEFORE THE WEDDING
I said no, because we have already given the final headcount and seating chart to the venue and it can not be changed. He proceeded to blow me up with "I really screwed up with one of my best friends" "they should have been included" etc. etc. We gave them a printed version of the guest list in June a month before the invitations went out, and t hey didn't say a word, now the week of the wedding you want to act like this?! How could of a friend could this person be (a person FH and I see once a year at an annual event) if you're only thinking about them now?!
I also have FH's cousin who's going through a break up (thankfully her ex was never invited to the wedding) and she's trying to get a permanent restraining order on him, she's got court tomorrow, and she asked me to go with her, I told her I couldn't cause I have this entire week booked with things for the wedding, she said "oh its fine I understand, I just thought I'd ask" and now she's trying to guilt me into going to court with her. I HAVE THINGS TO DO. I offered her help with ending this relationship four years ago and she didn't want it and now the week of my wedding we want my help?!
Dealing with his family and my family are polar opposites. My aunt texts me every morning with an update so excited for the wedding, all my cousins are calling me daily asking me what they can help with, my parents are helping getting everything in order. Then I have his family, his mom hasn't talked to me in a month since she acted horribly at my shower, his dad is trying to guilt me into adding people to the guestlist, his cousins asking me for favors, no one from his side has said "what can we do? what can we help with"
It is just SO SO frustrating.
I can't wait to marry my fiance, he is my best friend and I love the life we're building, but I swear after the wedding there is a 90% chance I snap on his family.