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Beginner April 2020

Copy cat bridesmaid

Nycole, on October 19, 2019 at 1:20 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 10
So I'm am looking for advice from people who are maybe experiencing the same issue. I have been planning my wedding for almost 2 years little by little and putting in a ton of effort for every little detail. I have 3 bridesmaid dresses that all match but give my bridesmaid choices for the sleeves because some what different ones then others. I totally do not want to be a bridezilla however I have a bridesmaid who is getting married also. After we have had our date set and our venue locked down and paid for since the beginning of the year, they picked the weekend before ours just 2 months ago and she is now copying the details I have in my wedding. She also asked me to be in her wedding. About a month ago she sent me a dress she wanted for her bridesmaid dresses. And I told her I would order it the following month. Her reply was that they were discounting the dress and it needed to be ordered within the week. Not only did that give me 1 week to drop $200 but the dress only had 2 sizes and not one anywhere close to what I am. I put my foot down and said I was not doing that as it is not fair and I already was planning my fiance bday party amd a baby shower that month. The last straw was when she sent me a picture of a dress she picked... and it is the same exact dress that I picked 6 months ago for my bridesmaids. I replied with oh you are having the same dress as the one I'm having? And she came back with I'm not trying to copy you I will change it. No worries. I'm not copying. And it was not a problem. And then the following day came back and said this is the dress I'm having and just because I picked it in 5 seconds doesnt mean I'm copying you. I just like that dress. . . She also has been talking badly about her sister in law for the last 6 months because all she does is copy her. And when I confronted her about it she keeps saying I'm not copying you. I'm not copying you. And is now acting like it's no big deal amd because she said she is not copying me but picked the same exact bridesmaid dresses that I picked 6 month ago and doesnt get "what the big deal is?" And then said you said no one picked that dress sk I dont get what the deal is. When in fact my matron of honor and future sister in law has already purchased and recieved this exact dress.
I asked 2 friends for opinions because I can be rude and overreact, but they both told me she is being ridiculous. But am i being crazy? And i in the wrong for being upset about it?
I really want to tell her that I dont want to be apart of the drama she is creating and not be apart of her wedding. I dont need to stress myself out about this or be upset when I have put so much time and effort into my own wedding over a wedding that is being thrown together in a short amount of time.


Latest activity by MIWM, on October 25, 2019 at 4:45 PM
  • N
    Beginner April 2020
    Nycole ·
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    Oh and it is also the same color just a different shade of the same color
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I don't think you're wrong for feeling frustrated, but the whole "are you copying me?" thing seems kind of immature to me. If she wants to copy you, let it be a poor reflection on her!

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  • Mandee
    Devoted September 2020
    Mandee ·
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    I agree with Cher. You aren't a five year old who wore the same Halloween costume to the class party. Don't be concerned with what she has in her wedding, it's not yours. If she want to carbon copy your wedding then she will and there is nothing you can do about it and stressing yourself out about it is not helpful.

    What was your relationship with this girl before the wedding? You don't speak very kindly of her, so I'm curious about why you asked her to be in your wedding. If you are/were friends before all of this, you need to take a deep breath and evaluate if you still want to be friends with this girl after the wedding. Is your friendship worth more than one day of your life? (I know weddings are SUPER IMPORTANT to the people in them, but everyone else is not as concerned with them as the couple in it).

    My oldest friend got married in May and I am getting married in October. I didn't speak about my wedding AT ALL while I was in her bridal party because it was HER TURN to be the center of attention. Now it's my turn and if I happen to incorporate certain things that she did (we're both huge Star Wars nerds and I'm sure there will be overlap) I'll ask her on her opinion on where to get the thing, not ask her if it's okay if I "copy her".

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  • Jazmine
    Expert September 2019
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    Too funny! I had a Star Wars wedding too! Can’t wait to see the photos
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  • Jazmine
    Expert September 2019
    Jazmine ·
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    I agree with the other people. For example, we claim we click, “Inspiration,” but really we are copying strangers’ weddings on Pinterest or WeddingWire. If you two are best friends and have a similar budget, it’s no surprise that your weddings would be similar.
    I’m sorry you’re frustrated. Truly I am, but copying some aspects of your wedding is just part of it! My best friend was married 10 years ago and we had a similar dress, similar colors and similar readings. I didn’t know her then, and found out after i picked it.
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  • Fleur
    October 2020
    Fleur ·
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    Nycole Im with you on this. I would have a serious talk with her about copying your dress; there are literally hundreds of dresses out there, many of which look the same for Pete’s sake. Pick another! If she doesn’t respect this and understand, I would also consider separating myself from her wedding. Had a friend in college do this on all my fashion ideas, it drove me nuts!!
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  • Yana
    Dedicated October 2019
    Yana ·
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    Wow. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Some people just need to be center of attention and can’t handle letting their friends outshine them. It’s really messed up of her to pick the weekend before yours for her wedding, seems like she did that on purpose. They say imitation is the best form of flattery but this is just too much. And the same bridesmaids dress?! Come on! The week leading up to your wedding should be exciting and fun but now she’s making it about her. Sorry, I hope your wedding is amazing and stress free
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  • Tara
    VIP November 2016
    Tara ·
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    This is a tough situation to be in and one I definitely wouldn't want to experience on my own. I think you have every right to be upset if she's blatantly copying you. Naturally there may be some things she inadvertently does similar to you. Like if you both want to carry a bouquet of roses or some other detail like that. But if she's seen all your ideas and is literally trying to carbon copy them, I don't think that's right. Maybe try to have a calm conversation with her. You don't want to lose a friendship over little details! Evaluate what's more important. Maybe she's not creative and values your taste so she's trying to do things like you because she's stressed?! Wedding planning should be funny enjoyable! And you should each have your time to shine. I would recommend taking a few deep breaths and evaluating the situation with a clear head then trying to talk to her about it. Explain how you feel and that you're upset because your weddings feel like they're be the exact same.
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  • Natalie
    Devoted January 2021
    Natalie ·
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    Personally I wouldn't care but I guess it depends on the type of friendship y'all have. My bridesmaids and I all have very different styles though

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  • MIWM
    VIP June 2019
    MIWM ·
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    I can see how it can be a bit frustrating. Unfortunately some people do not have a mind or identity of there own. If it's becoming to toxic don't be in her wedding.

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