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Super April 2021

Bridal Party Gifts! How Much? Same or Different?

Tiger Bride, on July 27, 2020 at 1:22 PM Posted in Planning 1 8

Happy Monday ladies! Since we postponed I have some time to figure this out, but wanted to get some thoughts. I have two big questions:

1. How much did you spend on your BP gifts/have other brides spent on you?

2. What do you prefer: same items for everyone, or different?

I have 7 girls. Some of them have some specific interests/likes so at first I was trying to find unique gifts for everyone, but that was proving to be really difficult for a few of the girls, and some of the items I'm afraid to get the "wrong" one (e.g. I was going to get FSIL a passport holder but FMIL told me there's a specific one she wants). I'm still considering this but I also had some ideas of generic gifts to get everyone. Here's what I've had in mind:

- LL Bean boat and tote bag

- Yeti tumbler

- Wooden hanger with their name on it (not "bridesmaid")

- A small jewelry dish hand painted with their name and their dress

These together would come to about $100 per person. That's more than I wanted to spend (I was originally thinking $65-$70 per girl). I feel fairly confident in the selections but I could be biased since they're things I'd like myself. What do y'all think? Any advice or suggestions?


Latest activity by Jana, on July 28, 2020 at 1:25 AM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I spent around $50-60 a person.
    I think some individualized gifts and some common gifts would be really cute altogether. Those items altogether look good
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  • Lisa
    Rockstar July 2022
    Lisa ·
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    I'm doing a few gifts that are all the same (tote bags, bracelets, and wine glasses with their names on it), and going to get a couple gifts that are specific to each person based on their interests. I think the items you picked out sound great!
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  • Caitlin
    Expert January 2021
    Caitlin ·
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    I think $50-$60 for each girl is a good budget and you've got a ton of wiggle room in there because there's so much you could do for each girl with that amount of money. The ones I planned for are coming out to be $80ish a piece, but they're filled with tons of stuff. My brother and sister-in-law's wedding was in November and I was a bridesmaid. She spent like $5 per person because she's an the world's most tacky person and such awful planner, so all of the bridesmaids felt kind of forgotten about. She's the kind of person that wants everyone else to pay for everything for her so that she has desirable things, but she wouldn't ever think about doing the same in return. She just wants everything to come to her easily and free. She's young and immature though, so nobody expects much of anything out of her. Anywho, the basic idea is to get the girls something they'll actually enjoy and use. My sister-in-law bought hair ties, face masks and facial serum from dollar tree. The skin care items broke everyone out so badly that they went straight to the trash. I planned on getting my girls pretty generalized gifts - robes, slippers, makeup brushes, bath bombs, monogrammed tumblers, etc. - to make them feel extra special and NOT forgotten about. If I tried to mix them up, my sister-in-law (yes, she's supposed to be an adult but somehow acts like she's five about everything) would have a conniption that she wasn't getting this or that. I think it's totally okay to give them different gifts as not everyone has the same interests, but most brides stick with a uniform gift that all girls will like. My husband is giving his guys personalized gifts. You could also do a combination of both by getting them some alike things and some personalized things that are tailored to their interests. I think your items sound great together. As for price, maybe you could search around for more cost-effective options? Wishing you the best of luck!
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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
    MrsD ·
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    1. I spent around $60 per girl on day of gifts, then paid $140 for their hair & makeup. I also sent proposal gifts & made favors for the bachelorette. I had 9 bridesmaids.

    2. I think this depends. My presents were all similar but tailored to each girl. I bought them a getting ready outfit but they picked between a short strapless romper, a cotton waffle print robe, or a long PJ shirt. It had their first initial on it. So that was different for every girl. I gave them little ankle socks with cute designs but picked those based on each girl. Then I wrote each girl a letter.

    I like the tote you linked! And I'm all about nice water bottles or coffee tumblers, so I'd be really happy with that gift. For my bachelorette, each girl got a wine tumbler and they all liked it. I'd skip the hangers. I think the ring dish is adorable too if you added that!

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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    I'm a big fan of individual gifts unique to each person. Your bridesmaids probably don't have the exact same interests, so I feel like giving different gifts adds a personal touch. However, with 7 maids I could see it getting tricky to find different but equivalent gifts for everyone. You could do a hybrid where you give all your maids something that matches, and then do something a bit unique as a second part of the gift. For example doing the tote bags for everyone, but then maybe a pair of earrings for one, a picture frame for another, a Yeti tumbler for someone else, etc based on their individual interests.

    I think how much you spend should depend a bit on what they are spending and what is expected of them as your maids. If your demands have been super low key and your maids got to choose mismatched dresses and just need to show up on the day of, then you don't have to splurge much on gifts at all. However, if you've asked them to get expensive dresses, matching shoes, stay in at an expensive resort, etc then I think spending more is appropriate.

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  • A
    Super October 2021
    Ashley ·
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    I gave mine gifts when I asked them to be in my wedding, and my budget for the thank you gifts is about the same as yours. Each of mine are getting an overnight bag and then items inside that are unique to each person. I’m planning to shop like I would for their birthdays!
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  • Natalie
    Super November 2020
    Natalie ·
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    A friend (and one of my BM’s) got us each an LLBean tote when we went on a cruise for her bachelorette party a few years ago, and I find myself using it all the time! It is so well-made!
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  • J
    Master October 2022
    Jana ·
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    The amount depends on what you can afford. I'm not doing proposal boxes since 2 of the 3 ladies I plan to ask are overseas and that is cost prohibitive.

    I do think that gifts that fit their individual interests (shopping like it's their birthday) that are not props or labeled 'bridesmaid on date' would be appreciated more and less likely to go into the annual Goodwill donation box.
    For example, Etsy has cute custom coffee tumblers in any theme that anyone would use. And the sky is the limit for ideas.
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