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Savvy September 2018

Any Residency or Med school brides out there?

FutureMrsSlaby, on August 17, 2017 at 11:49 AM Posted in Planning 0 11

Just reaching out to commiserate with Brides to be who are planning a wedding in Residency or Medical school, or those who are already married. My FH just started his Psych residency program in July. He has little time to talk about the wedding or help me plan at the moment, and I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed. Looking for tips and advice from brides in a similar situation, or have already been through this. Its very much appreciated!


Latest activity by Lindsay, on August 20, 2017 at 12:49 AM
  • MrsBeetoBe
    Super October 2017
    MrsBeetoBe ·
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    Well, my FH isn't med but he is in an MBA program that sucks his time away. We had to plan the wedding date around his exams...ugh. So needless to say, he's not coming home and skimming through Pinterest with me. It really frustrated me at first, but I found that I just have to schedule decision making with him. On days when he doesn't have class, I say, okay tonight after dinner i need you to look through x,y,z with me

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  • Davistobe
    Super September 2017
    Davistobe ·
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    I've found that I narrow it down to two or three things that's I like and then let him pick from that. He was able to go look at venues with me but that's about it.

    I know he's stressed and I try not to add to that. But he's been great about asking me if I've found this or that.

    Sometimes I'll text him what I have found also and then when he gets time he will respond back yes or no even if it's when I'm sleeping.

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  • Elizabeth
    Dedicated January 2018
    Elizabeth ·
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    I'm not in medical school but I work full-time as an RN/ADON (in an understaffed facility of course), plus I am a nursing instructor for students, AND I recently underwent major surgery for myself and I am recovering from complications. I just couldn't handle it anymore, and I hired a wedding planner. She is literally my savior right now! I highly recommend doing the same.

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  • Carolyn
    Super September 2017
    Carolyn ·
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    I was in pharmacy school for about 70% of our wedding planning during my clinical rotations. I understand completely the stress you are feeling. If possible, I would look at his schedule and see what times he is least busy to set times to dedicate towards the planning process. You and him probably don't want to work on wedding stuff if school is stressing him, I know I didn't. Smiley smile Try and break up the wedding workload into parts so it's not having to decide a lot in one period. Make sure to communicate with each other about how you are feeling as you go. Don't leave any feelings unchecked so that it doesn't add up. Y'all can do it Smiley smile Just take one part of the wedding at a time Smiley smile

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  • Kayla
    Savvy March 2018
    Kayla ·
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    My fiancée and I are both finishing up pharmacy school while planning our wedding. Some days I just simply cant do it or I have a meltdown. I'm trying to make a million other decisions about my life, sometimes I just don't have the capacity to decide what color napkin I want lol. Do things in small bits and try to narrow it down if you really want his input. You can do it! Smiley smile

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  • FutureMrsSlaby
    Savvy September 2018
    FutureMrsSlaby ·
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    Thank you for the advice everyone! It helps knowing you're all out there! I'll definitely have to take it in small parts, and set aside decision making time with FH Smiley smile

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  • lkg72
    Devoted July 2018
    lkg72 ·
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    Make it known very early when he needs his vacation time. Totally agree with simple questions, A or B. This will continue even after he's done with his training Smiley winking

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  • Jayme
    Devoted June 2018
    Jayme ·
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    I feel your pain and time pinch. I'm not in medical school or residency, but I am studying for Doctorate in Nursing and have unpaid clinicals, school, and still work full time. Time management is challenging to say the least. My FH is also in nursing school full time and working full time. I am lucky he helps with the planning and is very hands on. It is great that you started planning with ample time. That way you can break it into chucks and enjoy the process. We started with getting the big vendors researched and secured. My FH and I try to set aside 1-2 days/month to do the footwork together. Now we have time to easily work on the smaller details. Make lists and use your checklists.

    Most of all , relax and enjoy the planning process. You only get to be engaged once!

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  • JJAF
    Super October 2019
    JJAF ·
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    FH is on clinical rotations right now, but when he comes back for rotations here, we're going to use any free time he has to start planning the wedding! We're hoping to have a majority of it planned in the event he matches in another state all we have to do is fly back for the wedding Smiley smile FH knows how important it is to me that I want him to help in the decision-making process and he is making every effort to, but on the other hand, I understand he can get overwhelmed if he's had a long day. Carving out time when you both are free is the best way to go! Or try to narrow down choices the best you can so then he can pick from less options Smiley smile

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  • KMJ
    Expert May 2018
    KMJ ·
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    My FH is finishing up his last year of medical school right now. With his busy schedule and mine, I tend to do all the research for things, and then show him a few options of what I've found (ie: bakers, photographers, catering, etc.) and then we decide from there. It is easier to give him a few options than to have him research different vendors - plus, I enjoy that and I know he would hate doing the research. We try to set aside some time on Sundays to review any tasks that need to be completed. For example, I've been emailing and meeting cake bakeries all week to get quotes on cake pricing, set-up, delivery, the whole nine yards, and then once I'm done gathering my information, we'll get together next weekend to review the options and decide on which vendor to choose. It will be harder for you, since he's in residency and that is more time consuming, so you may need visit venues/meet with vendors in person, take photos, and give him a run down on everything

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  • L
    Just Said Yes May 2018
    Lindsay ·
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    My FH is in his last year of residency. Luckily - second year does get a little bit more relaxed than intern year. Most important thing is to make sure his weeks off for the wedding are already lined up for his rotations and hopefully he's not on call those few days before. Not sure how the program works where you are, but I know here, he gets his weeks off for the entire year in about March before the program year. I have a really full work schedule too so I just try to stick to planning a few things at a time, and try to do any real planning on his lighter rotations or electives.

    It's harder sometimes for sure! This last week we had our tasting and he had to write all his patient notes for an hour and a half in the car while I drove, but you make the most of it!

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