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Happily married 🎉

June 23, 2018

2170days 17hrs


Pearls and superstitions
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on February 27, 2017 at 11:18 PM

Has anyone heard it's bad luck to wear pearls if they aren't your birthstone? My future mother in law told me her mother told her that. What other superstitions have you heard that don't make sense?

Lourdes, Aug 14, 2019 38 7,082
Wedding budget app
jennifer in Planning, on February 15, 2017 at 7:38 AM

Has anyone found one that they really like? I've started a few and end up not liking them whether it's the layout or them not calculating the total estimation of the budget. Any free ones that you...

Mckenzie, Jun 10, 2019 10 68
We did it
jennifer in Married Life, on June 27, 2018 at 10:10 PM

We were gonna get married under the gazebo but it rained instead so we used the tent. I was pretty calm the day of but the few days before were crazy and I wish we had been more careful who we had...

Lisa & Watson, Jul 2, 2018 21 573
Photo sharing
jennifer in Planning, on June 15, 2018 at 11:19 PM

Hi everyone I am very low tech. Is anyone else doing this or has done this and it was worth the money? Or found somewhere less expensive that was worth it? All advice welcome. Thanks all.

Tammy, Jun 17, 2018 12 350
Bridal emergency kit?
jennifer in Planning, on June 9, 2018 at 7:34 PM

Did you make your own or buy one? How much was it? Where did you get it from? What list did you use to buy the items? Thanks just realized I should do this. This is the one I’m considering and then...

Liana, Jun 12, 2018 5 172
To hand write or use stickers?
jennifer in Planning, on June 8, 2018 at 6:13 PM

This is the escort cards and place cards with stickers. The stickers are supposed to be clear but you can see them. So my question is stickers or hand write them? It’s about 103 names. I appreciate...

jennifer, Jun 9, 2018 13 281
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on August 17, 2017 at 9:09 PM

Any advice on how to get rid of them? I'm thinking of buying a charcoal mask. I have been using new pimple washes lately but it's too soon to know if either work. I bought checks and balances by...

Billiy, May 19, 2018 29 80
Hair comb which one?
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on April 18, 2018 at 1:34 AM

Hi all, so I had a hair comb picked out. I was going to do appliqués from my dress, however they came in too big and not the same color as my dress. I narrowed it down to three combs. The first comb...

Hannah, Apr 22, 2018 33 492
Folding fans for the ceremony
jennifer in Style and Décor, on January 23, 2018 at 7:55 PM

I want to get some fans for the wedding in case it's hot outside during the ceremony. How many fans should I order? One person said one per woman. Should it be one per guest instead? Or should I round...

jennifer, Apr 20, 2018 11 766
Help . . . Bridesmaid dress problem
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on April 15, 2018 at 9:36 PM

So one of my girls ordered the wrong color. She’s gonna call the company and see if there is anything they can do. I need help with the plan b if she is stuck in the wrong color. I was doing an ombré...

Kiley, Apr 15, 2018 2 280
jennifer in Planning, on April 8, 2018 at 9:45 AM

Anyone else have invitations that required three stamps? I’m just wondering if I should go to a different post office and get them weighed. The woman didn’t really listen to me and started stamping my...

LaraLouM, Apr 8, 2018 14 396
jennifer in Wedding Reception, on March 1, 2018 at 9:25 PM

Thinking about getting some for the women at the reception so they don’t have to be in heels all night. What do you all think? Have you been to a wedding that did this? I’m not too worried if not...

ricky, Mar 12, 2018 15 1,323
Bachelorette party
jennifer in Family and Relationships, on March 11, 2018 at 9:44 PM

So my family decided to throw me a bachelorette party which is very nice of them. Since I don’t like the party type scene they are rentin house near a beach. All of it sounds amazing. My friend who is...

jennifer, Mar 11, 2018 84
Bridal jewelry is all done :)
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on March 4, 2018 at 11:08 PM

I love my custom made jewelry Glennpeter in Albany New York did an amazing job the necklace I think I posted before, but I think the earrings go nicely with it. They were very nice about my not having...

jennifer, Mar 5, 2018 4 220
Underwear what to buy . . .
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on February 26, 2018 at 11:40 PM

I saw a lot on this subject, but most of the comments asked to see the dress you are wearing to better help the comments. My cousin suggested jockey. I do want to be comfy and usually wear boring...

rica, Feb 27, 2018 6 286
Getting ready on the day of the wedding
jennifer in Etiquette and Advice, on February 18, 2018 at 1:53 PM

On the day of the wedding I know I'm supposed to feed certain people lunch. Besides the bridal party who else should I be feeding?

WED18, Feb 21, 2018 26 705
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on February 8, 2018 at 10:36 PM

I am trying to find a pastel to dusty blue lace garter that I can have an appliqué of my dress sewn onto. Any links or thoughts would help. I’ve googled, been on amazon and Etsy. The one pattern I...

jennifer, Feb 20, 2018 5 164
Shoes . . . I know I've asked before.
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on August 17, 2017 at 8:37 PM

I apologize for being indecisive. I finally have it more narrowed down and plan to return the rejects this Sunday. All help is appreciated. I like them all so I'm not sure which one goes best with my...

jennifer, Feb 8, 2018 34 98
Left over cake
jennifer in Planning, on February 5, 2018 at 7:36 PM

I’m wondering if I should buy some cake boxes in the event that there is left over cake. For people who got married how many people went to your wedding and how much cake was left over? I’m planning a...

Marie, Feb 6, 2018 2 226
Shoes I’m back to staring at them again . . .
jennifer in Wedding Attire, on January 19, 2018 at 10:59 PM

I still don’t get why this is so hard. I knew the dress I wanted for months even though I couldn’t try it on I kept going back to it. I have the perfect jewelry set which has been emotional (I used my...

Michaela, Feb 1, 2018 18 547
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