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Kellie Martinez
Super October 2019

Young Brides

Kellie Martinez, on March 22, 2019 at 12:19 PM

Posted in Community Conversations 48

I am getting married at 22 years old. (but will be closer to 23 by the wedding date) and I have been disappointed by the amount of people who have told me that I am "too young". .especially at work. My new department is awesome but I worked with a lot of (for the lack of a better word) bitter women...

I am getting married at 22 years old. (but will be closer to 23 by the wedding date) and I have been disappointed by the amount of people who have told me that I am "too young". .especially at work. My new department is awesome but I worked with a lot of (for the lack of a better word) bitter women who were either divorced or did not believe in marriage and made sure I knew that whether I asked them or not lol. I met my fiance when I was in highschool. We were best friends for over a year until he became my boyfriend. We have been inseperable for over six years. This is unimportant to a lot of people because of our age but it's irritating to me because we didn't run to the courthouse at 18 behind our parent's back and make a huge impulsive decision. (not that that can't work out. one of my best friend's is going on 7 years after doing that) but he's done with school and working as an agricultural truck driver. I am halfway done but still have a great job at a hospital and weare doing well for our age. We have a nice life together in a nice condo with our dogs haha,

I'm not posting this for anyone to say "who cares what they think.." etc etc I'm more just wanting to see who can relate and hear the cute love stories Smiley tongue


  • K
    Devoted September 2019
    Katelyn ·
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    I am 21 and my FH will be 23. We hear it a lot from people who don't know us. But all of our friends and family support us fully because they know us!

    I honestly think that if you are with the right person, your early 20's is a great time in your life to get married. You have a few years before you have to think about kids and you can really just focus on your marriage. Since we are still growing as individuals, through school, and the workplace.. we will also be growing together.

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  • K
    Just Said Yes June 2019
    Kris ·
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    I'm 19 and so is my fiancé. We'll have been together for 4 years by our wedding day (June 29th). We could have easily of gone to the court house and eloped when we were 18, but because of some comments, we waited to have an actual wedding. I'm a few years younger than you, so I totally relate to your situation! I just rest on the fact that I know he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, no matter what age we are. I know you probably feel the same! It's about the 2 of you, not anyone else.

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  • Lafuturaseñora
    Devoted April 2019
    Lafuturaseñora ·
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    I just turned 23 in January and we got engaged a couple years ago. I haven’t had too many people say anything about my age but I know the age difference between us has gotten some comments and looks. We have a 12 year age difference.
    he’s the love of my life, we have a house together now and we have built and done so much, we just got a dog 🐕 . I can’t wait until our day is here. I also can’t wait for it to be over because I’m done with stressing over wedding details!!! Lol I am gonna live it up on our wedding day in April!
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  • Juliette
    Savvy August 2019
    Juliette ·
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    I feel you! I’m 21, but will be a week away from 22 when we get married. I feel like some vendors don’t take you as seriously, and some people judge. My fiancé’s grandparents said they won’t be coming to the wedding. They gave some BS excuse, I think it’s really because they don’t approve.
    Super disappointing, but whatever. Glad to hear I’m not the only one!!
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  • Fwbride
    Super July 2024
    Fwbride ·
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    I’m in a worse spot because I got engaged shortly after turning 21 after only dating for 6 months and knowing each other for 7 months. I’m 22 now and will be married in July! Even worse I was engaged before at 19 and everybody freaked out about that but that one was after dating for 2 years and we weren’t planning on getting married for another 2 years. He cheated on me and that was that and everybody said “told you you were too young”. I’m like uhhh that could happen to anyone at any age lol cheating man whores arent limited to just 20-something’s lol. But I’ve gotten wayyy more support this time around because my man is amazing😍
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  • Kora
    Expert September 2021
    Kora ·
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    I am 23 and we even have a 3 yr old boy already so I feel like people might see it as more “acceptable” but either way it doesn’t matter.. even if we didn’t have our baby we would still want to get married! Don’t let anyone tell you different.. they don’t know what YOU feel.. a lot of older generations (like our great grandmas or even grandmas) used to get married in their late teens and still are married!! Have a wonderful time at your wedding! Smiley smile
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  • Summer
    Dedicated April 2019
    Summer ·
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    I imagine people react this way for several reasons; because it is typical for young adults to make half baked decisions, the divorce rate is so high (at least in America), and our brains are not fully developed until we are in our mid-20s. Which brings me to an interesting point - we are waiting longer to get married yet the divorce rate is increasing. Logically, if people want us to wait to get married because we will make better decisions, then statistically the divorce rate should be declining. However, this is not the case. So I believe the most important thing when it comes to getting married is being fully aware of the commitment you are making and completely dedicated to honoring that commitment. Forever. No matter what.

    My FH and I started dating when we were 17 and 15, respectively. So by the time we get married we will have been together for 10 1/2 years. At this point, people are more relieved than anything that we are finally getting married lol.

    So my recommendation is to just tell them how you are aware of the gravity of the situation and both are more than ready to make this commitment. Just make sure this is true (I know people who got married young just to "prove" it could work instead of truly being ready). And in the end, their opinion is irrelevant because only the two of you are responsible for maintaining the institution that will be your marriage. Good luck and congratulations!
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  • Lacie
    Dedicated April 2019
    Lacie ·
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    So I'm not at all in your boat, but I'm wondering, are we all supposed to get married at exactly age 28? I'm early 30s, fiance is a bit older, and everyone is surprised it's going to be our first marriage. And the bitter divorced ladies are telling me to run away! I'd have loved to have gotten married younger, though; I do feel like we've got to rush now to have kids.
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  • Victorian Bride
    Master April 2023
    Victorian Bride ·
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    One of my best friends, who is an elderly lady now, only knew her boyfriend TWO WEEKS when they announced at age 18 that they wanted to get married in 2 weeks. So they knew each other a month when they married. She and her husband are getting ready to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So I say best wishes and CONGRATULATIONS to each of you!!! 💐💍💐💍 This could be YOUR STORY, so to speak, in 50 years!! ❤
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  • K
    Dedicated August 2019
    Katy ·
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    I definitely relate to this. I’m 20 and will be 21 for my wedding.
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  • K
    Super February 2021
    Kayla ·
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    I am sorry you are going through this. I am 23 and my fiance is 39. I grew up way to fast and have always dated men who were way older than me. No one was surprised or shocked or even hesitant about me getting married or marrying an older man. None ofmy family and friends ever told me I was too young especially my mom. Being that she is the one who made me grow up fast she expected me to start my life early. You are not to young, they may be meaning to say naive or not mature enough. Or maybe just wanting you to experience more before settling down. Even still you stick to your gut. At the end of the day you have to be confident in your decision, whatever that may be.
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  • Keeya
    Dedicated August 2019
    Keeya ·
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    I'm 22, and my fiancé just turned 24. We were high school sweethearts (I was almost 15 when we started dating), so we've been together for a little over seven years. Both of our families have been so awesome throughout the process, but I think they all knew it was coming. My Dad was always the one that gave me a hard time about wanting to get married (I think it's just a protective Dad thing), but he's been the one that's been most excited about it. When you know its time, you just know.

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  • Stephanie
    Dedicated April 2019
    Stephanie ·
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    I live in Utah and getting married young it totally normal. My first marriage was when I was 21. I was with him since jr high and we had two kids up to that point. So 21 year old me thought that it was the right thing to do but ultimately it wasn't. But I will say, no matter the age, people will ALWAYS have thoughts. I'm getting married next month and I'm 29, we've been together for 7 years and people have opinions all over the place about it. It's annoying. But I've just learned you can't win. People will always have their dumb opinions on how you should live your life.

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  • N
    Expert July 2019
    Natalie ·
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    Me!! I’m 22 getting married a few weeks before my 23rd birthday and I get the same thing The 1st time I went to look for a wedding dress the lady thought I was there for a prom dress!!!... I do look very young for my age so that doesn’t help. My FH is 25 so he gets it less but he graduated has a good job and we love our life with our 2 dogs
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  • B
    Savvy August 2019
    Bekah ·
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    I'm 22 and will be at the wedding. I've known him literally my entire life since he's my brother's best friend. I had a new coworker I'd met once before tell me I was too young and naive. I've gotten to the point of just rolling my eyes and smiling cause that's one less person I have to invite.
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  • Chyeneh
    Just Said Yes May 2020
    Chyeneh ·
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    No worries! I totally know where you are coming from I am 23 will be 24 by my wedding date! As long as you and your fiancé are happy that’s literally all that matters in the world! My fiancé and I also met in hight school we started dating our senior year, had our son and have been living together for almost 5 years! He’s also a truck driver and I am a medical assistant and phlebotomist at a hospital, soon to be going to nursing school. Don’t let anyone discourage you from y’all happiness. Live your best lives TOGETHER!!! I’m rooting for you guys! This is your life decisions and you have to do what makes you happy. If it works great, if it doesn’t at least enjoy the ride. Congratulations!!!
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  • A
    Master June 2020
    Anna ·
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    Well, I'm old enough to be your Mother and I'm a first time bride!Smiley smile
    I've been engaged, three times in my life and for various reasons they didn't work out. The last time I called it off six months before the wedding. Even though I thought each time was forever...Now, I know it is.
    So, I'm glad I don't have three divorces under my belt.

    I'm engaged to my junior high crush. He was my School bus driver. He was 16 ....I was 13 and couldn't wait to go to and from school just to see him. We went our separate ways, but found each other again when we were ready for forever.

    I will tell you , I'm not the same girl that I was at 13, 25, 30 or 45... I've changed and grown in lots of different ways, as we all do.

    My path in life led me back to my true love. Luckily you found yours early.
    I don't think anyone is trying to be mean, it's just because through experience, they know how in life we all grow and change and sometimes we outgrow relationships. Or, life itself causes change that we could never just happens sometimes, but not always.

    I guess they don't want you to get hurt in the long run. But, if you don't jump right in and go for it how will you know? Love is, after all a leap of faith.

    As long as you two are happy and in love, that's all that matters.
    As we get older , life can get tougher but with the heart and will you two can take on life together and defy the odds and the negative nellies.

    Good luck to you and best wishes on your life together.❤❤❤

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  • Wendy
    Super August 2021
    Wendy ·
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    My FH and I started dating when we are 18 and 19.... we met when I was 16 and he was 17... we have been together since 2008, and we chose not to get married at an earlier time for different reasons, but the point is that we are still together... age is nothing but a number..
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  • Melissa O'
    Devoted April 2019
    Melissa O' ·
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    Met when I was 20 (he was 23). Married when I was 22.

    Coming up on our 42nd year year of marriage.

    Looking at all the marriages and divorces around us, I have come to the conclusion that people change as they mature, and the lucky ones change together. That and the willingness to do what you need to keep your relationship healthy. I am a big believer in counciling.

    Just smile at the naysayers and thank them for their concern.
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  • jennifer
    Dedicated May 2019
    jennifer ·
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    I totally get it! I’m 22 and my FH is 24, while there are some supportive family members there have also been very bitter ones who been saying ‘rumors’ that I’m only getting married because I’m pregnant or I’m not graduating school- which isn’t true AT ALL but they just make things up because they can’t understand. One time my mom went to a family reunion & my mom was speaking about how excited she is that I’m graduating and one of my aunts told her “that’s what they all say, but they could be lying”. Regardless, there’s so many negative family members, I try to ignore this and focus on the ones who are supportive.
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