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Dedicated January 2018

Worst wedding you've been to?

Sarah, on November 20, 2017 at 2:02 AM Posted in Community Conversations 0 88

So just for fun: what's the worst wedding you've ever been to? What happened, what was bad about it, etc? I photographed weddings for 5 years and have seen A LOT of crazy stuff, but the worst wedding I went to was on Christmas Eve, in the clubhouse of my FIL's active adult community, where the groom insisted on making a bunch of lasagnas for dinner, and that's all there was to eat. Reheated, flavorless lasagna he made one at a time a week before the wedding and froze. What's yours?


Latest activity by Kimberly, on January 25, 2021 at 6:41 AM
  • lilchameleon
    Expert April 2019
    lilchameleon ·
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    A drunk/high 24 person wedding party (12 bridesmaids, 12 groomsmen) and I can't recall how many ring bearers/flower girls. I'm also a photographer, and I legit went home and cried. lol.

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  • Sarah
    Dedicated January 2018
    Sarah ·
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    @lilchameleon 24 people?! I dont even KNOW 24 people! LOL

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  • J
    Devoted September 2017
    jj ·
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    200 people were invited to the church , then to the reception in a fancy baroque castle. But only 50 people were allowed to stay and got food. the rest got a glass of champagne and had to leave.

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  • Anastasia
    Devoted October 2018
    Anastasia ·
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    Little background this was a couple I knew from high school. Hadn't talked to them for 5 years they moved away after graduation. Got a group together to carpool 2 hours away. This is a lot but here it goes!

    No address on the invitation for the ceremony site had to Google the name.

    Beginning of November outdoor wedding. Which none of us were aware of. It was so cold the bridesmaids wore the groomsmen's suit jackets.

    Reception was at a separate site with a 2 hour gap. We were told by someone in the BP not to arrive too early the place wouldn't be open.

    Dessert only reception. It started at 6.

    The group I was with decided to stop and get food during the gap. We we were frozen and starving.

    Arrived at the reception site about half hour before invite time. BP had already been introduced and the first dance was halfway over.

    Father of the groom decided to order a bunch of pizzas at the last minute.

    No open bar.

    Never got a thank you card.

    Needless to say none of us stayed in touch with the couple.

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  • Samantha
    Dedicated July 2018
    Samantha ·
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    First off. Love when people RSVP that they're coming and then don't show. Love paying for food for 100 peoples and 40 show.

    second. My dad is a jerk and tricked my then fiancé/husband into the hall before the ceremony when we weren't going to see eachother anyways, because my dad thought it was funny.

    MIL who doesn't like me gave her toast and said "Well... I don't really KNOW Sam but..." I don't remember what she said but it wasn't positive.

    Dad got way to drunk almost ripped my hair extensions out while pushing his way between my mom and I when we were talking and also nearly started a fight with his uncle.

    groom, who was drunk before the ceremony even began, for WHATEVER reason he had, decided to go sit in the middle of a huge field of fireweed (if you don't know what that is its 4 ft tall fuzzy sticker plants) that I had to go out into in my dress to convince him to come back because his family didn't want to go out and get him.

    ... and we lived happily ever after.... Until this past March and we got a divorce. I think that whole wedding was just an omen.

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  • Samantha
    Dedicated July 2018
    Samantha ·
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    First off. Love when people RSVP that they're coming and then don't show. Love paying for food for 100 peoples and 40 show.

    second. My dad is a jerk and tricked my then fiancé/husband into the hall before the ceremony when we weren't going to see eachother anyways, because my dad thought it was funny.

    MIL who doesn't like me gave her toast and said "Well... I don't really KNOW Sam but..." I don't remember what she said but it wasn't positive.

    Dad got way to drunk almost ripped my hair extensions out while pushing his way between my mom and I when we were talking and also nearly started a fight with his uncle.

    groom, who was drunk before the ceremony even began, for WHATEVER reason he had, decided to go sit in the middle of a huge field of fireweed (if you don't know what that is its 4 ft tall fuzzy sticker plants) that I had to go out into in my dress to convince him to come back because his family didn't want to go out and get him.

    ... and we lived happily ever after.... Until this past March and we got a divorce. I think that whole wedding was just an omen.

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  • Katie
    Expert July 2018
    Katie ·
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    Many things wrong with this wedding, but most strikingly, cash bar. Enough said.

    ETA: there was no DJ. The bride was at her iPod all night choosing music. Everyone went home before the sun even set.

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  • L
    Expert November 2017
    Lck5002 ·
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    My cousins wedding:

    GPS didn't take you the location and it was about an hour away from where most of my family lives--I almost went back home when I couldn't find it.

    Dry wedding with water and lemonade--ran out of water during the reception and grooms mom had to go out and get more.

    Had family members make a random assortment of their fav. foods that didn't necessarily go well together.

    2 story reception and the downstairs had low ceilings and was crowded with tables and pillars.

    ran out of plates for the veggie tray appetizers.

    I should have just stayed home.

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  • D&G114
    Super January 2018
    D&G114 ·
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    @Samantha, you got divorced in March and are planning another wedding now?

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  • Sos0033
    VIP September 2017
    Sos0033 ·
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    Beach wedding (reception under a tent on the sand). Lots of drunk people. Lots of vomiting. On the sand. As everyone else unknowingly walked in it. Barefoot.

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  • Sarah
    Super September 2017
    Sarah ·
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    D&G that’s what I was wondering.

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  • Samantha
    Dedicated July 2018
    Samantha ·
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    My years are goofed. not this March. its 3 am. brain isn't on.

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  • K squared
    Super October 2017
    K squared ·
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    The zombie themed wedding I was in. It was on Halloween and the ceremony only was in a town known for Halloween (so insane traffic) The wedding party had to wear zombie makeup, which we had to do ourselves unless we wanted to pay $150, and mine came out horrible because I suck at zombie makeup. (Despite being a thriller zombie 3 years in a row) The ceremony started an hour and a half late because the bride's makeup took that long. While we waited one of the groomsmen opened champagne just for him, one of the other bridesmaids and the couple No food or drink was provided to the rest of us although the bride requested that we be there 5 hours before the ceremony started. It was cold and rainy and all the pics were outside. Then we had to drive for 45 minutes to the reception. The bride and groom had a limo and the rest of us drove ourselves. Of course by then the signature drink was all gone so no free alcohol for the wedding party. Their friend was the DJ and only played industrial/goth. The zombie makeup scratched my skin all night and all the guests were in regular clothes.

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  • Mrs J
    Expert May 2018
    Mrs J ·
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    One of my HS friends got married and had her reception in the gym at the church. No alcohol. There was also limited finger foods, and no formal DJ. And, she had hired a friend (i.e. non-professional) to do the photography, so we waited hours for the bride and groom to show up to their own wedding reception while they took pictures--all while sipping on punch, nibbling finger foods, and watching a slideshow on loop. I've never been so happy to leave a wedding reception in all of my life!

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  • Celia Milton
    Celia Milton ·
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    I could tell you but I'd never work again....

    Suffice it to say that pretty much EVERYTHING that is brought up in this forum as a "OMG, don't do that" idea has been brought up already, and what hasn't will be; cash bars dry weddings, long drived, tiered receptions, not enough /self catered food; basically inconsiderate behaviour by the hosts because, "it's our day"......

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  • Future Mrs M
    Super June 2018
    Future Mrs M ·
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    This is a tie between two.

    First one, a cash bar wedding, horrible music. The send off was meant to be at 10pm, everyone was leaving by 730. I ended up spending 120 on drinks that night for FH and myself. On top of the 200 in their card. As a guest, not what I wanted to do.

    Second, a woman wanted a completely unplugged wedding. ceremony, reception, everything. She had a guy walking around making sure people did not take photos, and a guy next to me who took a selfie with his plus one was asked to delete it.. yeah I KNOW!

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  • VC
    Super April 2018
    VC ·
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    My cousins, hands down.

    We arrived to the wedding already being done because the bride got cold feet and didn't want to do in front of the whole family, so they rushed to get it done before the rest of the family showed up.

    The reception was in a teeny tiny hall, made for maybe 50 people. They had easily 150 there, stuffed in like sardines.

    It was a buffet, all homemade by the in laws. And lukewarm and gross, at that. No organization to getting food, long lines. Barely enough space to get around people to get your food.

    Bar was stuffed in the corner, behind our table, of course. People would climb all over us to get to it. It was a cash bar, and only bottled beer of the grooms choosing was available to choose from. Only free thing was warm water sitting out on the counter top.

    Glad I didn't get them a gift (being that I was 16 and attended with my parents), but I would've taken it home with me anyways.

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  • Jennifer
    Master September 2018
    Jennifer ·
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    FH's cousins daughters wedding. The couple were 23 & 22 and had no idea how to be good hosts besides the open bar. The ceremony started an hour late & the officiant was terrible, we couldn't understand a word she was saying or singing. The bride & groom hired a band to play all the music they love, the fastest song they played was "everybody wants to rule the world"- horrible music. The food was ok at best, served family style. We had no idea what anything was when the servers dropped it off. The bride nor the groom said hello to anyone who wasn't in their wedding party and the entire wedding the bride was looking for the groom who kept disappearing with his groomsmen.

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  • ThePeoplesBride
    VIP October 2020
    ThePeoplesBride ·
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    I once went to a wedding with my parents where the bride and groom had already been married in a courthouse (nothing wrong with that, just some background). The couple left the house where everyone was getting ready before the bridal party and most of the OOT guests were done getting dressed and made up.

    No one but the pastor, who also was getting ready at the same location, had the address to the ceremony so everyone had to follow him in one long procession to the park. The pastor got lost because he had written the directions down incorrectly so we arrived nearly an hour late. By the time we got there, the couple had already left. They had their niece scatter petals on the walkway and said their written vows to each other before leaving to go to the reception venue with the photographer.

    We went to the reception where they had already done their first dance to a crowd of only 10 people and cut into their cake. My parents couldn't find their names on the seating chart because apparently the couple didn't invite any guests with kids to the reception. When the bride found out that people with kids were staying anyway she threw a tantrum and had everyone put their kids at an unmade table in the corner of the reception hall.

    My family talks about what a wreck the wedding was to this day. My mom has always held onto the invitation because the bride is always bringing up how people can't follow directions on invitations during family events. Nowhere on the invite does it say that the reception was adults only or that my parents were only invited to the ceremony.

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  • Susan
    VIP December 2017
    Susan ·
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    My cousins wedding. Starting with the night before when his GM were making bets on whether or not he'd go through with it. Then the next day, early afternoon wedding, fine, we get to the reception and there's a cheese tray set out, but we've all been told by the staff to go have a seat at our tables. So we sit, assuming someone will be by to dismiss tables to go up (and all very hungry and assuming we aren't getting a meal because nothing was said on the invite about one.) No one ever dismisses tables, so eventually her family goes up and starts piling their plates with cheese and crackers (apparently they assumed no meal as well). By the time we realized no one was dismissing tables, all of the food was gone, so half the guests didn't get any appetizers. At least we were all served a meal. But then they tried to make the reception last for several hours, but it was dry and no dancing, so after a few silly games people started to leave. Eventually our family all left and went to the hotel bar. But we still talk about how crazy and weird that wedding was.

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