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Devoted July 2020

Who is right/wrong?

Stacey, on January 30, 2020 at 9:34 AM Posted in Community Conversations 1 17
Hi everyone. This may be a little long so I will apologize up front. I wanted to get your take on a recent situation that has occurred. My FH and I trust each other but respect is very big between us. So I made a mistake yesterday. My FH and I live together. I work out of my home and live in a new town where I only know 2 people. They work so it’s not like I see them often. My FH works out of our home 2 days a week but travels from Tuesday to Thursday. Anyway, yesterday, we had a delisting our house (new TV and entertainment center). The guy who delivered remembered delivering our dryer less than a year ago (we live in very small town). When he was here before he was a chatter box with me. I didn’t remember him until he mentioned being there. He also remembered we had just moved into the house. He mentioned him and his wife had just moved and he mentioned where he moved from. I got excited because that’s where I’m getting married. I told him that and then come to find out he is a DJ. He provided me details along with some good band groups if interested. During our discussion it was about “our” wedding and my FH. Well, our little chit chat lasted 30 minutes. We stood by front door the entire time. My FH says that was disrespectful to him that I was in our home with a delivery driver (actually two guys). There was no flirting between any of us and the guys were nice to give me information on the town we are getting married in including a florist as well. After taking a step back I realize it wasn’t a good idea to be inside the house discussing this even if it was innocent because everyone’s perception is their reality. I do believe my FH is blowing it way bigger then it was but I’m not going to discredit his feelings. However, it wasn’t that long ago that he went out to lunch with a previous female employee. She still works for the same company and I’ve met her briefly. She is married as well. At the time he went to lunch with her we had an argument a day or two before that. He went to work, even had lunch with her. Later he told me about the lunch. I get they we may have argued but I feel it was disrespectful to not tell me what his plans were. I’m not against him going just feel like a heads up and not a secret. He said he wasn’t really talking to me at the time. I told him while I understand that out of respect for me and my feelings he should have said something. They spoke about personal things but never once about our wedding or about me. My FH is very private. I get that. I’m fact, some of his employees thought he was gay because he doesn’t talk about his personal life and isn’t hitting on woman like other men. So, why am I sharing this with you all...1. I needed to get it off my chest. 2. I won’t share these things with friends and family because I don’t want them to have a negative view. 3. Is either of us wrong here? He said this is comparing apples to oranges where I see it as respect and feelings which is the same thing. So, wanted to get a feel from you all. Ohhhh...and for the record I apologized. He didn’t.


Latest activity by Kari, on January 31, 2020 at 9:28 AM
  • Tina
    VIP March 2020
    Tina ·
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    I’m sure other ladies on here will have better advice, but all I can say that I see HUGE RED FLAGS here!! You had nothing to apologise for at all.
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  • Stacey
    Devoted July 2020
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    Thanks Tina. Everything I said or did was innocent. I apologized because I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Plus, I’m the kind of person that if I go to my friends house and she isn’t there but her husband is, let’s say. If he invites me in because she will be home any minute...I won’t step foot in that house until she arrives unless other people are there. I never want to give anyone any reason to think something that isn’t there. I guess I feel I did the reverse of my own principles. If we stood outside and chatted then in my own mind everything is ok because we are in open view. It was just cold yesterday though. Plus, besides the small talk about the delivery stuff it was all about the wedding.
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  • Julie
    VIP February 2020
    Julie ·
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    I also am seeing the red flags. If you truly trust each other, what does it matter that he went out to lunch with a female coworker or that you spoke with a male delivery driver/DJ?? It seems like neither of you trust the other. You're BOTH being insanely controlling! Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong, and neither did he when he went out to lunch. You're in a partnership, not an ownership. This behavior/mindset is toxic for both of you and your relationship. I honestly would recommend couple's counseling. Sorry if that's harsh, but this post is a bit alarming.
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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    Agree with this 100%. Would he be upset if you had a conversation with a female delivery driver about your wedding? Doubtful. So no, he doesn't trust you.

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  • Katie
    Devoted March 2019
    Katie ·
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    Woah this is a lot to unpack, like a lot a lot. I have a pretty strong feeling that one of you (or maybe both) have been in a previous relationship that involved some kind of infidelity and/or emotional abuse/manipulation/controlling issues that has now set a very restrictive tone for your current relationship. What the two of you are mutually calling "respect" sounds much more like "I cannot be in the same room with someone of the opposite sex because I cannot control myself to not cheat"...or the partner cannot trust that the other will not cheat. You start your note by saying you trust each other, but it honestly sounds like there is zero trust in this relationship.

    Some big questions that only you can answer is this: are you upset because he had lunch with someone of the opposite sex, or are you upset that he is mad at you over something when he has done basically the same thing? You say you feel that chatting in the driveway would've been fine but in the living room would be inappropriate - why is that? Is it because if a neighbor looked out the window they could see you but if you were inside they'd only see a car that isn't your husband's and would assume the worst? I'm really struggling to wrap my head around this, and think this will involve the two of you (and in the best case a therapist) sitting down and really discussing the root reasons WHY you have created these controlling relationship rules?

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    My biggest concern is that you are both so threatened by your partner JUST TALKING with a member of the opposite sex in what I'd see as perfectly harmless social settings. For those issues, I'd definitely recommend you get some counseling asap. I don't know what happened in your pasts that makes you both so sensitive to what I'd see as completely normal social interactions, but I'd try to figure that out. Aside from that, different people have different communication styles. My husband (like his mother, and pretty much every other member of his huge family) is an extreme extrovert -- that man can literally have a 45 minute conversation with any random stranger. So he has had lengthy personal conversations with delivery people, mail carriers, store clerks, someone at the gym, you name it. In 34+ years I've NEVER been threatened or upset about those conversations (unless he lost track of time and made us late for something because he was chatting up a stranger...). At the same time, my BEST FRIEND at work is male. When our schedules cross, we have lengthy conversations that I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to. I am NOT in any way "attracted" to him. He's a colleague and a friend I enjoy talking with. There is a lot of research that suggests people in healthy long term relationships who have a well developed network of other friends/family are MUCH HAPPIER in their marriages/etc., than those who rely too much on each other for social interaction and support. Good luck to you, but I agree there are some red flags in the situations you've shared. Smiley heart

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  • Mrs. S
    Master November 2019
    Mrs. S ·
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    You did 0% of anything wrong and I’m sorry to throw out the phrase red flag again but it’s the first thing that came to my mind.
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  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
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    I agree with this advice. There are much bigger issues at play if you’re both upset about the way the other interacts with members of the opposite sex.
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  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    Wow. You can't even chat with a delivery person in your own home? Red red red flag. He thinks this is not ok but he's allowed to have lunch with a female? Red flag.

    Is he not supposed to have lunch with females without telling you first? That would be a red flag on your end.

    It would honest to god scare me to marry someone like this. Controlling, jealous, and double standard behavior is not the kind of thing that goes away with couples therapy. It could make it worse.
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
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    This is awful of him. You’re not allowed to talk to men?? Talk about controlling 😳
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  • Julie
    VIP February 2020
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    I'm pretty sure she left wedding wire. I hope she gets help 🥺
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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
    MrsD ·
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    Not to be rude, but your fiance is being absolutely ridiculous. You talked to a delivery driver, WHO CARES. Throughout life, you'll deal with men in a professional way, personal way, and many other ways that aren't your fiance. If he can't trust you to talk to a delivery driver, I'd be taking a hard look at this relationship before I married him.

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  • Flame Princess
    Dedicated April 2021
    Flame Princess ·
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    He sounds a lot like my ex husband. See a couples therapist asap so yall dont have the same fate as my first marriage.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    These are major red flags. The fact that neither of you can talk to people of the opposite sex is ridiculous. You say you trust each other, but your actions say otherwise. You cares if you talked to the delivery guy and of course he had to come inside your house because he was delivering something to your house. He should also be able to have lunch with a coworker without having to run it by you first. I think you need to halt the wedding planning until you can learn to trust one another otherwise your relationship will not work out as trust is a major part of any relationship romantic or otherwise. I would seek couple's counseling.
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  • Ingrid
    VIP October 2020
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    I don't think he's being fair. You didn't keep it from him, and the home belongs to the both of you. You stated that there were 2 drivers there so how was it remotely disrespectful? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, what goes for him should go for you and vice versa. It seems he wants to hold you accountable and then not hold himself accountable. It sounds like jealousy and control to me.
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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
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    Joining the chorus - this is not just a red flag, this is controlling, abusive behavior, MORE on his end, but your jealousy of female coworkers is concerning as well.

    I'm not even sure I'd recommend couples' counseling, so much as I would recommend ending this relationship and getting OUT. Going to therapy for yourself, yes, but ... anyone who won't let you talk to others is going to get worse.

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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    This sounds like a Mike Pence situation where he won't eat dinner with any woman other than his wife. Which btw, is insane.

    It's 100% totally normal for people to interact with people of the opposite gender/sex in non-sexual, non-intimate, non-romantic, completely platonic ways. In fact, everyday life would be pretty darn complicated if this was not the case. For goodness sakes is he the only one who answers the door when the the pizza delivery driver is male? Are you only "allowed" to get pulled over by a female cop? Are all of your medical providers (doctor, nurse, dental hygienist, dentist, optometrist, etc) female and all of his male?

    When my FH and I started dating I had been planning a camping trip with a male friend. A 3 day, 2 night getaway to a national park about 6 hours away where we were going to spend the weekend rock climbing. My now-FH stayed at my place the night before and I was an hour late getting to my friends house the morning we were supposed to leave. You know who was upset about this situation? Absolutely no one. My FH thought it was awesome I was going and doing fun things on my own and had my own life and own friends, and my friend was super psyched I met an awesome guy that was worth losing an hour of climbing time for. That friend will be officiating our wedding this May.

    You say you trust and respect each other but if you are worried about him having lunch with a female co-worker and he's upset that you had a conversation with a male delivery truck driver that clearly isn't the case. I would absolutely not be marrying someone who was so controlling of my actions and trying to guilt me for interacting with other humans in a normal, 100% socially acceptable way. As others have mentioned, there are some big red flags here, and like they have suggested, counseling would probably benefit you both individually, as well as your relationship.

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