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Devoted April 2017

What went wrong on your wedding day?

ReadyToBeARathfon, on January 21, 2016 at 7:55 AM

Posted in Planning 67

I've always heard something will go wrong. My first time married I almost had no shoes and my mil and mom got into moments before I walked down the isle. I'm trying to explain to FH that I won't be upset when something goes astray because it happens at every wedding. For those who have been married...

I've always heard something will go wrong. My first time married I almost had no shoes and my mil and mom got into moments before I walked down the isle. I'm trying to explain to FH that I won't be upset when something goes astray because it happens at every wedding. For those who have been married or were part of wedding, what crazy things happened or went wrong?


  • mimitrue
    Master January 2016
    mimitrue ·
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    We had a pastry buffet instead of cake which consisted of cheesecake, fruit tarts, eclairs and macaroons and the venue put them out early for pictures and they were eaten in like 15 minutes during cocktail hour, before any part of the meal had even started so I had to send someone to the store to buy generic desserts to replace them for the end of the night.

    That, and after the fact, I remembered all the pictures I wanted to take but didn't. It goes by so fast, I literally forgot what photos I wanted. I even had a photo shot list and forgot all about it so Im bummed I will be missing photos I really wanted.

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  • ReadyToBeARathfon
    Devoted April 2017
    ReadyToBeARathfon ·
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    I love how most of these can make you grin after. Like Celia said they end up becoming good stories. I have a packing list because I know I will forget things. I'm terrified i'll fall down the stairs I enter from.

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  • Elyse
    Master September 2015
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    My venue was a ship. While we were outside taking pictures, the DJ's speaker for the ceremony went overboard, never to be seen again.

    Also, MIL's dress has a side zipper which split right before we left the hotel. For some reason, she brought a backup dress, but it was obviously good since she needed it!

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  • Princess Consuela
    Master November 2015
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    We ran out of time in the morning and one of my BMs didn't get to have her makeup done. It was also really windy, so I was hoping for some cool windy veil shots, but none really came out the way I wanted. One of my false eyelashes fell off, so someone had to bring glue from the hotel to the church. Then I had a major panic attack during the ceremony, was afraid I'd faint, and was super fidgety, causing the guests to think I had to pee and the priest to think I had to puke. The priest asked if I "needed to take a minute" and I told him to just hurry up haha.

    These were all tiny things though! Honestly at first I couldn't even think of anything.

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  • Katy
    Master September 2015
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    Our caterer had some logistical issues which still makes me mad. Luckily, the food they served was delicious, but they messed up dessert majorly and never brought food upstairs in our 2 story venue. I was pissed....that's where ALL of the seating was! They also just didn't circulate the food properly causing people to miss some of the food and leave hungry. That was really the only thing but I'm still mad. I paid so much money for catering and they didn't even acknowledge they did anything wrong. Just "well at least you're married now!".

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  • purplekitten
    Master October 2015
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    When they brought us up to do the cake cutting, there was no knife and our cake topper wasn't there.

    They found a knife pretty quickly, but the topper wasn't located in time.

    They did find it later and get some photos, though.

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  • Emmy
    Master January 2015
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    My mom got the flu and had to leave after giving her speech

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  • Mrs. León
    VIP October 2015
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    My grandmother fell that morning and broke her wrist in two places. I didn't find out until right before the ceremony because no one wanted to upset me. My MIL was 20 minutes late which held up our ceremony starting on time. DH also got annoyed during family pictures (he hates having his picture taking) so I only have one portrait of us and it's taking at a distance.

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    Master September 2015
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    The baker didn't put the topper or my flowers on my cake like she said she would. Thankfully, I caught it and did it before we got ready for the ceremony.

    I was an idiot and should have really thought about who I asked to run the ceremony music. The bluetooth kept disconnecting,she didn't know how to fix it, and we didn't have exit music.

    I didn't get pictures with everyone like I had wanted because the clouds came and we started losing daylight fast.

    We waited until after dinner to do entrances ?? (this was because the food was ready before we had thought it would). So by then, one of my bridesmen was drunk and getting on my nerves.

    It started to rain, so we had to move the bar inside and the first dance inside. Then when it stopped, my wife wanted to go back outside, so everyone moved it again. (I'm sure they wanted to punch her)

    Everything was running late by this point, so we just did our first dance, then I got white girl wasted while half the people went to bed! I don't care, the few that stayed up all night and partied with us had a blast (granted it was like 10pm or later by the time people started going to bed).

    My drunk self got mad that someone took my phone and change my playlist (that I had worked 6 months on), I made them turn it back hahah

    By 3 am I was throwing up and apparently my mom, MIL, and aunt helped me off the bathroom floor and into bed. I was crying that no one gave me water all day...and something else. My wife stayed up in the hottub until like 4 or 5am.

    hahahha this just sounds hilarious as I read it back.

    Honestly, it was a great day. Everything ran relatively smooth. My wife looked gorgeous, all the decor turned out fantastic, we didn't get rained out, the food was amazing, and most of all I got to spend it with my family. They all had such a great time. We just now know that my family members are party animals, we will go through 2 handles of fireball, and multiple people will get sick (I wasn't the only one).

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  • Possum
    Master December 2015
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    My cake bakers emailed me the night before the wedding to tell me the cake didn't turn out. Well the gold lace to go around the layers. They ended up using ribbon, which was fine. But I got their email while we were driving from the rehearsal to the rehearsal dinner! My BM's were amazing and calmed me down and took care of things.

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  • Missys984
    Master October 2015
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    The only thing that went wrong was my dad forgetting his suit at my house. It was a 25 minute ride back to my house from the venue. Thankfully we were doing a first look so we got to the venue about 2.5 hours early and my mom and MIL had plenty of time to go back and forth. It was stressful but it was ok.

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  • N
    Master November 2015
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    The DJ got caught in traffic and showed up exactly when the ceremony was supposed to start. He was set up ready to go in 5 min. So, not a major glitch. He had a few other bumps after that, but no one noticed. He was frazzled from being late, but it wasn't his fault that the Skyway got shut down while he was on it.

    Our photographer was all up in our grill through out the entire ceremony. I was getting pissed, but apparently hid it well.

    That was it. Everything else went on without a hitch.

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  • Mrs. Kassy
    Master June 2015
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    My grandmother was supposed to be ushered to her seat at the start of the processional. She never showed up.

    This was at the rehearsal, not the wedding, but one of the ring bearers threw up all over the gazebo. Poor thing.

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  • Yasmina
    Master November 2015
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    Not much for my own wedding, really. And none of its really "wrong." Just different, and a mild bummer for 1 or 2.

    It was windy, so my centerpieces weren't EXACTLY how I wanted them, but they were still beautiful.

    The wind made my hat/veil almost fly off during the vows.

    One of the groomsmen wore the wrong color shirt. (I totally didn't notice till after the ceremony...and it didn't look bad.)

    I really wanted to try to get a photo of all the guests and us, but just got caught up in other photos, and didn't get it.

    Oh,and DH didn't get any of the special cake I ordered just for him.

    that's it.

    Now...2 other wedding's I was in:

    Wedding One

    1. The mother of the bride was supposed to bring the dress to the church, and she forgot it. And she wouldn't go 5 minutes back to the house to get it, so I went to get it for her.

    2. Her MOH didn't want to give a speech, so one of the other BMs gave this totally inappropriate speech about how the bride didn't like the groom when they first met, and was really rude.

    Wedding Two:

    My sister's DJ didn't have their first dance song. Didn't tell anyone until the reception was starting. My aunt and uncle had to drive to the mall to buy the cd. He said he couldn't find the song anywhere. They found it within 2 minutes of walking into the cd store.

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  • GlassGiraffe
    Expert October 2016
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    The best of these that a married friend told me is that they had a limo take them to the venue but not back, and forgot to bring their car there that morning. They had to bum a ride to their hotel from someone who worked at the venue!

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  • Hollyberry
    VIP October 2016
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    I love reading these stories! Not married yet, so who knows what craziness will happen (I am sure something will!!!), but my friend's top tier of her cake completely fell and ruined her cake as they were doing the cake cutting. We all died laughing because it was funny and they are so easy-going, but I could've seen it going in a much worse way if either of them really cared!-

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  • Ostrich
    Master April 2016
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    1. DH's neice, parents, grandparents didn't attend the wedding we had in their state for their convenience.

    2. My dress was too short the week before after alterations so I had to get a new one the week prior.

    3. I paid for a bustle and never bustled it since didn't have a good time

    4. The bathrooms were kinda far for my outdoor reception and the golfcart stopped running after dinner even though it was supposed to be all night. This lead to me peeing in the grass in my wedding dress because no way was i making it 50 yards and back and missing the party

    5. we had 200 guests, got liquor for 400 but still ran out. luckily some great family friends ran out to the liquor store down the road. We could supply our own and we never actually ran "out" since they were proactive in this.

    6. I forgot my garter in the getting ready suite, luckily that was also 50 yards away in the opposite direction so I sent my brother's girlfriend to grab it for me

    7. I wish my photographer came a little earlier, we were pretty much ready when they came just waiting for first look

    8. I only ate the cake at the cake cutting

    9. The custom dancefloor thing I made "fell off" the kinda cool thing was it just had a spotlight on the dancefloor. We got this reimbursed.

    10. I think i left my bouquet in the hotel and I would have liked to try to preserve it

    11. my veil fell off when i was walking up the aisle, bobby pin those suckers in!!

    12. Everyone was told to walk extra slow, so the music ended right before I walked down the aisle. People thought it was on purpose but it was awkwardly quiet lol

    13. Two of my friends/teammates didn't come and didn't want to tell me in advance, instead they text me the morning of my wedding "We can't get off work tonight at Forever XXI to come to your wedding. You wouldn't understand since you're not black and didn't have to work in college" -_- we were all on scholarship and I bartended, delivered Jimmy Johns, gave private lessons, worked in our video department, babysat throughout college so that irked me.

    All these things didn't bother me for even 2 seconds and I had, to this date, the best day of my life, even after It was so much fun having everyone together. Looking back, everything made my day what it was, so I love everything that went wrong (okay except 13 lol) and chose to be happy and not let anything bother me. You can truly choose to be stressed on your wedding day or not give a fuck, so i recommend the 2nd. I never really made a list of everything until recently, here's my little blog post on it i did earlier this month

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  • Frugal Gator
    Master May 2016
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    I kinda love this thread. Thanks for all the "horror" stories, it helps because despite all the stuff that went wrong, you all are married and seem happy with your weddings.


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  • StitchingBride
    Master October 2014
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    Overall not that much went wrong. I decided to give my dress a quick steam before going down the aisle, turned my head to talk to the photographer and burned my arm badly, that was the worst thing that happened. It hurt for a minute, but then didn't hurt until late that night- don't ask me why, but at least it didn't ruin the wedding.

    husband and I made the cake which was made from painted fondant. I didn't realize until we went to cut it that I forgot to steam it! lol which just means that the appearance of the surface wasn't as shinny and smooth as it would have been.

    That's why God created photo editing software! Smiley winking

    This part isn't really wrong as it is interesting- After the wedding I starting hearing news stories that there was a Church housing giving sanctuary to a man avoiding deportation. I'd been keeping up on the story here and there, but it never said where it was. Months after the wedding I found out that it was my wedding venue what was giving this man sanctuary. I had no idea! Told my DOC that had someone told me I would have invited him to join us for cake. Smiley smile

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  • Z
    Master May 2012
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    Something WILL go wrong-- I knew that going in, so I wasn't fazed when it did. My attitude was, "As long as I'm married at the end, it was good".

    At my wedding I.... put down my pearls to pick up my dress-- and forgot them in my apartment. So, half the posed pictures, which we took before the wedding, I don't have them on. DH and I had written our own vows, but didn't write them down (HUGE mistake) so we just 'winged it'. Nothing Earth shattering, and we were quite married at the end, so I was happy.

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