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Just Said Yes September 2011

Wedding on a Monday

Missy, on December 6, 2010 at 12:10 PM Posted in Planning 0 23

I just got engaged last week, and we already picked a date. The venue we wanted is already booked solid for every single Saturday next fall; therefore we opted for a Monday as opposed to a Friday or Sunday. Does anyone have any experience or advice on a wedding through the week? I am sure this will mean some cannot get off work in time to make the wedding, but perhaps they could still make it to the reception? Any advice is appreciated!




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  • Meghan
    Master August 2011
    Meghan ·
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    You will have alot of guest who will not attend. Not just the ceremony, but the recpetion as well. Any out of town guest- you can pretty much forget it. A few will come, but most will not be able to get off work.

    You are much better off choosing a Friday or a Sunday. Or if you want to do during the week, a Thursday would be a better option- people don't mind taking off a Friday from work.

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  • Nik_McAwesomepants
    Master October 2011
    Nik_McAwesomepants ·
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    If you have to pick a weekday I would say pick a Friday instead of a Monday. I'm having a Friday wedding and haven't come across any problems as of yet, not to mention the savings :-). I know I couldn't go to a Monday wedding. Not only because I'd have to take off of work, but I wouldn't be able to have a good time because I know I have to get up and go to work the next day. JMO

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  • october bride
    VIP October 2010
    october bride ·
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    I think there will be alot of people that wont be able to come. all out of town guests probably wont show, and what about the traffic? it will take longer to get to the wedding and people probably wont drink or stay late because they have to be at work the next day. and who wants to rush home from work and have to hurry up and get all dressed up for a wedding? not trying to be harsh, just think the guests would be much more happy to attend a friday or sunday wedding.

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  • Missy
    Just Said Yes September 2011
    Missy ·
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    All of my family is local. I only have 1 cousin that lives out of town, and she probably would not have came anyway. The reception is going to be alcohol free, so its not like people will be afraid to have a good time because of work the next day. A Monday wedding definitely has its pros and cons....but it seems to be more cons than pros. I suppose I didn't really give it enough thought before choosing it. I was thinking a Monday would work better for the wedding party so that the rehearsal dinner is on a Sunday and not a Thursday if it were a Friday wedding.

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  • ~FabulousBride~
    Master November 2011
    ~FabulousBride~ ·
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    I am getting married on a Wednesday night. The night before Thanksgiving. Because we did it on a weekday we did it next to holiday to ensure that everyone had off the following day. Also we are having a late wedding ceremony starts at 8pm and the whole thing is over at 2am

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  • MrsD2011
    Master October 2011
    MrsD2011 ·
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    Even locals, may not want to come to your wedding. I know for me when I get off work on Mondays especially, I just want to go home, make dinner, and curl up and watch TV, I don't want to do anything else. I would quite honestly hold off for a bit, then look at other possible venues that will allow you a Friday or a Sunday wedding ... If the date you choose is an anniversaryof sorts, then get the wedding as close to that date as possible, even if that means its 3 days early or 1 day early. Also have you considering pushing the wedding back into November? Many places have their off season start in November ... and it'll be cheaper in general.

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  • Meghan
    Master August 2011
    Meghan ·
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    Fabulous- you are most definitely the exception. You are doing a midweek wedding, but it's most people's Friday since they are off work the next day.

    Under normal circumstances, a Wednesday wedding doesn't make alot of sense.

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  • Mrs Cupcake
    VIP January 2011
    Mrs Cupcake ·
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    I am having a Friday late afternoon wedding and it is much cheaper than saturday. I think you should reconsider about Friday or Sunday, you would be amazed of how much you would save. Almost all of my guests is coming to Friday wedding especially local guests get off earlier on Fridays from work.

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  • L
    Devoted June 2011
    Lauren ·
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    IWell, t definitely helps if both your families and most of the guests are local. As someone else noted, people aren't going to be as pumped to celebrate on a Monday night. They have to go to work and even if they get out a little early, they still have to go home and get dressed up.

    It depends on what type of reception you're expecting. A Monday can work if you're looking to do just do a nice dinner. But if you want lots of dancing and a party atmosphere, you may not get it.

    Monday nights are kind of blah for people. Some things to think about because I wouldn't want to see you disappointed.

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  • Genevieve
    VIP February 2011
    Genevieve ·
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    Regarding the date of the rehearsal dinner, especially since everyone is local, you don't have to have it the night before the wedding. Plenty of people have it a few days before the wedding, I've even heard of people doing it a week before the wedding.

    I'm having a saturday wedding and doing the rehearsal dinner on Thursday.

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  • November2010Bride
    Expert November 2010
    November2010Bride ·
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    I had a Friday wedding..and my guests came late and still left early (guests with family/kids etc). I would not recommend a Monday wedding at all..unless you don't really care who attends/doesn't attend as long as your close family/friends are there..Friday wedding was quite difficult to deal with, I can't imagine having a Monday wedding..just my thoughts..

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  • Mrs. Paula
    Super October 2010
    Mrs. Paula ·
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    I'm bad with Holidays, but when is Labor Day? Alot of people have that Monday off. I was going to have my destination wedding on a weekday- because I wanted a small wedding and I really only wanted our parents there. We ended up getting a Saturday, because of my husband pretty much talking me into it, because none of his family would have showed up had I had it on a weekday he said, and really the people in his family I wanted to show up didn't (his parents).

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  • Shannon C
    Master May 2011
    Shannon C ·
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    You might want to check on Sept 4th. That is a Sunday and many people will be off on the 5th for Labor Day. It would give you an "off day" wedding and still allow for people to stay out a little later.

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  • ~FabulousBride~
    Master November 2011
    ~FabulousBride~ ·
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    Megan totally. If we did not do the wedding the night before Thanksgiving it would have been a Friday or Saturday. BTW, Love the new name! lmao~!

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  • Kirsty
    VIP December 2010
    Kirsty ·
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    We are going with a thursday, and found that actually, a lot of our local guests were able to come BECAUSE it was midweek - at weekends they are often busy

    it also meant it was a lot cheaper

    the people we really want to be there? well, we gave them advanced notice, and they booked time off work

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  • Missy
    Just Said Yes September 2011
    Missy ·
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    Thanks for everyone's comments. I have talked it over with my FH, and I think we are set on Monday September 26th. I have talked to a lot of the people that would be invited and am getting no pushback for doing it on a Monday. Kirsty, you are definitely right about people being booked up on the weekends. Who really plans anything on a Monday so its not like people can say sorry I have plans. It will be an evening wedding with a nice dinner following the wedding, and no drinking and not a lot of dancing. The reception will be set at around 7pm, that way if some can't get off work to attend the wedding then at least they can attend the reception without having to fight rush hour traffic. We plan on sending out our save the date cards extra early for those that need or want to ask for time off work.

    Thanks again for everyones comments

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  • Konichiwa
    Master January 2010
    Konichiwa ·
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    I had a Sunday wedding because it just worked out better than Friday for us. But the following day was a holiday so no kids had school and quite a few of my friends and family had it off as well. I'd probably re-think the Monday wedding. If you opt for a Friday wedding you can have the rehearsal the week before (no one says it HAS to be the day before.)

    FYI, my step daughter had a Friday wedding and had the rehearsal starting at 7:30 Thursday evening and the dinner immediately following that. It worked out fine, but like I said, you can schedule the rehearsal the week before if need be.

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  • KenWay
    VIP July 2011
    KenWay ·
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    My only advise this far is give people plenty of notice. I am getting married on a Thursday because I wanted it to be small and it saves me like 10 grand lol. But I have a girlfriend that got married on a Monday and 175 people showed up~! She was very very loved lol. Just make sure you send save the date cards 6 months or further out, and you should be fine. The people that can be there will :-)

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  • ~Samazing
    Super October 2011
    ~Samazing ·
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    I am having my wedding on a wednesday next fall... yes, you may run in to some guests not being able to make it..

    but like my mom said "The important ones will be there" "they wouldn't miss it"

    I have asked some of my guests (before I was engaged... I knew the proposal was coming, so I started planning ahead of time Smiley tongue ) that if I were to get married on a wednesday, if they would come... and all of them said "Of course!!... I wouldn't miss it!'

    But definitely give them lots of notice... a few of our guests already know that our wedding is falling on a wednesday..

    the other nice thing about weekday weddings is that your venue is usually cheaper Smiley smile My venue is only $600... its about 1500 on the weekend... and if I keep my guests under 100 I get a 20% discount.. between 100-200 is 10% Smiley smile

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  • B
    Just Said Yes October 2012
    Bianca ·
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    Fabulous Bride - My fiance and I are considering the day before Thanksgiving next year (11/21/12); just wondering how your family and friends reacted to the date and whether they found it inconvenient. My only concern is that I do have aunts and uncles about 4 hours away, so if they do come, we'll need to host something nice on Thanksgiving day. That being said, I'm not sure if it will be a complete deterrent to where guests don't even come. Any thoughts or advice based on what you've experienced so far is greatly appreciated!!

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