This group has been super helpful as I’ve been figuring everything out so I wanted to pay it forward and recommend a planning tool someone recently sent me that’s been game changer. It’s called Tulle ( and it’s a WAY better version of the budget spreadsheets everyone sells.
It has a really cool projection tool that estimates the cost of a wedding in your area based on guest count and what vendors you care about which was cool on its own but way more useful is its ability to compare vendors you’re considering based on the package quotes you get. It makes all these graphs that show you how you’re spending your budget so it’s much easier to understand if you’re on track or even updates the projections as you fill in your vendor quotes and tells you if you’re on track to spend more than your budget so you’re not making choices in a vacuum. It’s really helpful- all the formulas are in there already (which is great because I’m pretty hopeless with complex excels) it even helps you track what you’ve paid and what’s still due. Anyways just thought id share- no agenda it’s just helped me a ton.