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Dedicated August 2012

Waiting 3 months for my special order from Shane Co.

FutureMrsShaneCo, on December 4, 2011 at 1:54 AM Posted in Planning 0 9

We purchased my engagement setting and my wedding band on 10/22/11 at Shane Co. but we had to special order them due to my size. They told me that the vendors were already on "holiday" and that my rings wouldn't be in until after the first of the year. I was upset but knew that I had found THE ring so it was worth the wait. But after a couple of weeks I contacted them through Facebook and asked about it, and they had the store manager call to explain that the vendors stop taking orders at a certain time before the holidays since they get backlogged so that they can catch up. They said that the latest my rings would arrive in store would be the 2nd week in January, but that there was a note from the vendor "cannot guarantee before Christmas". So here I am very impatiently waiting. Has anyone else had this experience??? The guy from corporate had said he wasn't even aware that this was going on. Either it's rare to have to order such a small size and go through this, or my FH set this up


Latest activity by FutureMrsShaneCo, on December 4, 2011 at 5:39 PM
  • Tara
    VIP April 2012
    Tara ·
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    That's really frustrating, I'm sorry! My FH gave me a "small starter ring" as he called it, until he can afford something more extravagant. Plus we have had to push back the wedding several times for financial reasons. So I know how much it sucks to wait.

    But what do you mean by maybe your FH set it up?

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  • FutureMrsShaneCo
    Dedicated August 2012
    FutureMrsShaneCo ·
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    Well maybe he told them to tell me that it wasn't going to be available so that he can surprise me with it. I'm not sure how he would do that though, I have the center diamond because it was my grandmother's so he would need to get that from me (he doesn't know where it is, even though it's in my jewelry box) to have it set in the engagement setting. And I love him dearly, but I honestly don't think he would have taken those steps to try to trick me, he knows I investigate things like this lol

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  • Krista
    VIP May 2012
    Krista ·
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    Yeah around the holiday time I can understand that. It is a huge time of year for jewelry purchases. My poor FH was all ready to propose to me but found out because of my tiny little size 4 fingers the ring he picked had to be custom made and took 2 months to get in. So he had to wait anxiously for 2 months to propose to me. The funny thing was when i got it it was still too big. I guess I wear a size 3 instead. I hate how skeleton my fingers are.

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  • Kimm
    Master October 2012
    Kimm ·
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    I'm a true Shane's fan. Was the ring coming directly from the manufacturer or from another Shane store? Did you make this purchase through the internet or through your local store? I have dealt with Shane's for over 20 year, have done special orders and have never heard of what you are saying, but then I have never placed an order over the internet either. I have placed a special order, but that was for something to come from another store, so the item was in stock and didn't have to come from the manufacturer. I do know once an item is out of stock they will no longer carry that item for a period of time if ever again. My order only took 7 days to arrive in the store - not 3 months. Something is definitely weird here.

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  • Ashley R.
    Devoted August 2012
    Ashley R. ·
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    My ring size was a size 4 as well and I was able to pick up the setting that same day and I got my ring from there was as well. My fiancé had the diamond already and it set at a different jeweler but I'm surprised you are going through all this! That sucks though. I wanted my ring so badly, and then as soon as it was ordered I forgot all about it. So I know the fixation is there because you don't have it. But put it out of your mind. I did and I ended up being surprised about my proposal.

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  • FutureMrsShaneCo
    Dedicated August 2012
    FutureMrsShaneCo ·
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    I'm a size 3.5 and they don't carry that in-store anywhere, so it had to be ordered from the manufacturer (we had them order it in store), they are basically making it from scratch. And they said that a lot of their manufacturers are overseas and they just get behind with so many holiday orders that they stop taking new orders that are promised to be filled before Christmas. I know they tell you the absolute latest date that it would be in so that you don't get mad if you're told a particular date and it ends up being later than that. Then if it comes in earlier, you're pleasantly surprised, which I am really hoping will end up being the case. It's been so long at this point, I've had to stop worrying about it so much and try to just be patient. However, that is much easier said than done ; )

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  • Kimm
    Master October 2012
    Kimm ·
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    Having it custom made from the manufacturer for that small of a size is a bit different and could probably take a little longer than a normal special order. Their normal special orders are usually from "in stock" items that other stores already have. And once that stock runs out that's it - they won't be making that item any longer. Shane's pride itself on it's one of a kind items. Their products really aren't mass produced. That's why you find won't their product in other jewelry stores. Their product is custom designed for their stores and their stores only. Good luck, but I know you'll love it when you do get it. You can trust Shane's, they'll treat you right. So stop worrying about it.

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  • Mrs. Reese's Pieces
    VIP October 2012
    Mrs. Reese's Pieces ·
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    My fiance got my engagement ring from Shane Co. as well... and he also had to special order it because of my finger size (opposite of you.... I have fat fingers). If I remember correctly, he ordered the ring early to mid May and didn't get it til the day he proposed (July 2).

    We love Shane Co. and already got our wedding bands from them (which also took a while to get my band again due to finger size). I believe Shane Co. is amazing and will/do not take advantage of customers.

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  • FutureMrsShaneCo
    Dedicated August 2012
    FutureMrsShaneCo ·
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    Awesome feedback, I feel much better! You just don't know sometimes if you should be worried if no one you've ever heard of had to wait so long. The manager had actually called me to see if we wanted just a simple solitaire setting to set our diamond so that I would have something to wear until my ring came in, which was a wonderful offer. We just really wanted to wait and have him formally propose with my actual ring, and it's worth the wait. Thanks everyone! I will definitely post a pic when it finally gets here. Maybe Santa will grant my wish and I'll get it on or before Christmas ; )

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