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Rockstar December 2022

Unpopular opinions that worked in your favor

Michelle, on April 27, 2023 at 4:09 PM Posted in Planning 0 3
Without inconveniencing guests or intentionally making them uncomfortable, was there anything you included that worked out well that you and guests enjoyed that was strongly discouraged by the wedding articles and websites as “bad planning” or “inconsiderate to guests”?


Latest activity by Michelle, on April 27, 2023 at 8:38 PM
  • Lisa
    Rockstar July 2022
    Lisa ·
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    Do you have an example of this? I don't quite understand what you're asking.
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  • K
    Super September 2023
    Kimberly ·
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    I’m considered an inconsiderate bride for doing a destination wedding (because of the stereotype of them involving more travel, costing guests more, etc and being a way for the couple to have guests subsidize the cost of their wedding). But by hosting in a bigger city, it’s sooooooo much easier for the majority of our guests. We live in a smaller town, and I can count on one hand the people we’ve invited who also live here. So 95% of our guests would have had to travel to our tiny airport that only has direct flights to a couple cities, costs more to fly in and out of and has virtually no alternatives if you miss your connection, would have needed hotel anyway, and would have needed a rental car to do anything while they’re here because everything is so sprawled out and public transit sucks. Now they get to fly into one of the largest airports in the country that has tons of options, have more choices in hotel, and easy (and free!) access to all kinds of restaurants and activities while they’re in town. I never got the subsidizing argument anyway, but with the exception of the two couples in town with us, everyone is paying for the same stuff they would have paid for anyway, and our one benefit is a free hotel night, which hurray I guess but we didn’t even know about that when we made our decision (obviously if we stayed in town we would have just stayed at our house for free). So others can call us selfish, but our guests are sure grateful!
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  • Michelle
    Rockstar December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    For example, the websites and articles say that in the current generation, you must have a wedding website with everything that would normally be on a details card and if you don’t, guests will not have a clue what is going on. For us, we knew that a website would not be looked at, even with tech savvy guests. A couple friends who made them for their weddings said they would nix them if they could do it over. Our guests had no issues with information in the invite packet, including rsvping.

    We read that kids don’t belong at weddings unless they are your attendants’ children or your siblings’ infants, and that any who do attend are always bored out of their minds. We invited children of all guests, as that is the norm for our social circles and parents who prefer to leave them at home with a sitter can do so. Also, in our experiences as guests, kids have more fun than the adults and it gives them an opportunity to learn to behave in social settings. The same cannot always be said for adults who drink over their limit or have unchecked social anxiety.
    While we ultimately decided to have an open bar, we strongly considered doing a dry wedding as roughly half of our guests don’t drink alcohol, and have attended many that had no issues. None had any advance warning of any kind and no one left early or brought flasks for the parking lot, and those would have been more odd to have alcohol. Those in our social circles who do drink don’t touch beer or wine which are the “default” options according to the websites. Because our state requires us to provide alcohol for the bartenders to serve, it would be wasted money and product that the stores don’t accept returns on to serve mostly/only beer and wine.
    Also we had bachelor/ette parties the evening of the rehearsal dinner, as our parents’ generations used to do and we had no issues. It also was more cost effective for everyone since the majority had to travel anyway and limited budgets/PTO didn’t allow for a destination weekend party which neither of us wanted.

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