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Super January 2015

Tattoos on bridesmaids: What should I do?

Nicoletta, on July 17, 2014 at 5:27 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 96

During our dress fittings, I found out that two of my bridesmaids have tattoos, while I fine with what ever they want to get on their body in their personal life, I am not really a tattoo person and don't know if I want them to show on my wedding day. I don't mean to be snobby about this but I am...

During our dress fittings, I found out that two of my bridesmaids have tattoos, while I fine with what ever they want to get on their body in their personal life, I am not really a tattoo person and don't know if I want them to show on my wedding day. I don't mean to be snobby about this but I am more conservative ( and my family and my fiance are 100 times more conservative) and would just rather they where covered up. One bridesmaids has a tattoo on her back and short hair and one bridesmaid has one on her arm. How do I ask they nicely if we can cover them up with out sounding like a demanding bridezilla, wha are some ways to cover them up?


  • Mrs.Matthews
    Master January 2015
    Mrs.Matthews ·
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    Kuddos for OP for NOT hiding the thread. YAYYYYYYY. Maybe this post will get you your 5th star . lol

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  • Monica
    VIP August 2014
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    I agree with the last few PPs. Good on you for taking advice and not getting defensive.

    I won't add my two cents about what you should do. I think you've already made your decision. Good luck and happy planning!

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  • Magz1018
    Devoted October 2014
    Magz1018 ·
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    Two people in my bridal party have arm tattoos that take up a good portion of their arms (half sleeve and dress is sleeveless). I asked them both to cover them up. One is my sister another is great friend - they have no problem doing it as it's "my day."

    How well do you know these women? do you think they would really be upset?

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  • AndixLyn
    Master June 2015
    AndixLyn ·
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    Hahaha, throwing out a few things to match other comments....

    i have 2 BMs that are not tattooed, i see their naked skin and think, arent you bored with plain skin, lets go get tattooed. but jokingly.

    i'm TTC now so the idea of kicking out a pregnant BM is hilarious

    i go back to my comparison, if my dad is a professional body builder and thinks fat people are disgusting, should i honor his concerns and tell my fat BM to lose weight and wear a girdle?

    another side note, this makes me want to get a tattoo of godzilla wearing a veil.

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  • Emma
    Master October 2024
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    Smiley smile

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  • mlw
    Master December 2016
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    I understand where your coming from on trying to please everyone, I am the same way. The reality is you can't. No matter what your going to do, your going to displease someone. My personal motto is Family is EVERYTHING. Then there is blood is thicker then water.... however, I also know that my family is made up of a mix, and people that have just joined us along our way on this path called life.

    Personally, were I someone's bridesmaid, I would not be offended. I would understand it was an elegant event and needed to be presented so. I would have understood from the beginning that this was SOMEONE else's event and I would be expected to fall in line to some degree and dress and act accordingly... if I could not respect what they wanted for *their* day, then I would have declined. Really... I don't know why this is such a big deal, and society is overcome with "not offending" people... why can't people just be a little more undertsanding?? There are TWO sides, and not ONE side is always right.

    Talk to them, have a heart to heart. IF it's important to them to be their on this special day, and be apart of everything, they may be understanding. If it's not... you can always ask the photographer to photoshop them out in certain pics Smiley winking LOL

    ETA: BY "them" I meant the tattoos and not the BM's!!

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  • Melinda
    Beginner June 2016
    Melinda ·
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    I completely understand your concern, but from the other end. I was recently a bridesmaid in a close friend's wedding and didn't realize that my tattoo would show until our dress fitting. Because I live out of town, the bride was unaware until the wedding day. I honestly didn't really think much of it, until I realized that as I walked down the aisle EVERYONE would be looking at it, instead of at me, my dress, the bride, etc. I have never before felt "ashamed" of my tattoo. I really wish I would have covered it up, because seeing it in pictures of the ceremony & reception made me feel awful. Everything else looked so pretty and elegant - with the exception of my large back tattoo that I got at 16 years old. I would maybe talk to the ladies about it - perhaps they haven't even thought of it themselves! I think the shawls for the ceremony are a great way to cover up without being rude, you wouldn't even have to tell them why you want them worn. It's your day and true friends will understand. Good luck!

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  • kLo
    VIP August 2014
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    Good on you to be taking the advice from the others here. While it seems that most people have tattoos now, my group of friends is like a little bubble, only one girl has tattoos. She is also one of my bridesmaids, and she got a new tattoo on her back that I know is really special to her. When she tried on her dress she simply told me that she can easily cover the tattoo and to just tell her if that's what I wanted. I don't see the need for her to cover it, but just adding this as another voice that not everyone gets so upset at the idea of covering them.

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  • K
    Just Said Yes May 2018
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    I realise this has been quiet for some time... but I'm now having an issue re a bridesmaid with full length arm tattoos, face piercings and dreadlocks. It wasn't my choice to have her as bridesmaid. It's my fiances sister and his mother demanded that she be a bridesmaid. She said it was non-negotiable. But now I'm really regretting not putting my foot down. To make it worse I can't afford a lot of bridesmaids and it means a closer friend of mine now can't be asked to be my bridesmaid. I should also add that I'm not friends with my fiances sister. I like her and she's great, but we've only met about 4 times and haven't once phoned each other or text each other. I'm so annoyed, I just don't know what to do.

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  • C
    Just Said Yes May 2018
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    I would suggest talking to your fiance about it and expressing your concerns. Ask if there is a way that she could be something else and in the family photos but not a bridesmaid. I have lots of tattoos and gauged ears and previous facial piercings and purple hair. I don't like any of my tattoos, I took out my facial piercings and I wish I didn't do anything to my body. I am happy to cover everything and I want my own as well as any possible bridesmaids to cover their tattoos. I would suggest really sitting down to tell your fiance what you think of it. I am a professional wedding makeup artist and hairstylist and I suggest talking to him, telling him you are uncomfortable and that you really want your friend to be your bridesmaid and see if you can assign her another position as something such as a reader or something else, or say it's as much your day as it is his and your mother in law is not getting married, YOU are. Is it going to be a non-negotiable for you to be in her wedding when she is married? That doesn't even make sense. I am choosing my love's sister as my maid of honor but that's my choice and I feel that she should be in the wedding and I love her like a sister and I'm not even choosing my half-sisters. I think if your fiance is understanding that Vampirella isn't fitting in with your ideal fairytale wedding, you can ask to have her tattoos covered, facial piercings removed, and either ask if the dreads can be removed or simply have her get a wig. I will feel no shame in asking any bridesmaids to cover things if I deem it necessary. You can be polite and ask, and I'm SURE she will feel uncomfortable anyway, if she has any sort of manners or decency to realize that her life choices have made her an un-ideal candidate for things such as weddings and professional appearances and she should have thought of that before she did these things. I cover everything when I am to be conservative. Facial piercings should absolutely not be a problem to remove for a few pictures and a ceremony. YUCK, I would NOT have that at my wedding.

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  • C
    Just Said Yes May 2018
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    Nicoletta, what did you decide? Can you send photos?

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  • D
    Just Said Yes June 2018
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    My opinion is that if you have a tattoo you either showcase it or cover it entirely. No halfsies. It's all or nothing.

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  • M
    Dedicated February 2020
    Michelle ·
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    Ok super not helpful, because I'm in the same boat as you, but I wanted you to know I don't think you're being a bridezilla. I would just talk to your friends maybe. If they're your friends, they should understand.
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  • Augusta
    Dedicated February 2020
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    Agreed. I feel like it’s like asking them to not be themselves. I have 90% coverage and if someone didn’t like my aesthetics for their wedding- I’m going to assume we aren’t that close.
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  • Shayla
    Just Said Yes December 2021
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    Wow. I think the people here to complain are here for the wrong reasons. She asked for ways to ask nicely not ways to convince her otherwise. IT IS HER DAY. HER WEDDING. having a make up artist who will most likely be there anyways take two minutes to cover up the tattoos does not make her a bad friend or person! It is literally ONE day and maybe a FEW hours out of that day.
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  • Katie
    Savvy July 2020
    Katie ·
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    I think it is extremely rude to ask them to cover their tattoos. I would never even dream of doing so.
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