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Savvy May 2018

Sunday Weddings- Your thoughts?

Rachel, on November 9, 2017 at 7:04 PM

Posted in Planning 73

I? am having a Sunday wedding because they are SO much cheaper where I? live. I? am starting to feel slightly worried because I? have already had some people tell me they won't be able to get off work that Monday so coming to the wedding may not be an option (even though it will end at 9:30pm). I?'m...

I? am having a Sunday wedding because they are SO much cheaper where I? live. I? am starting to feel slightly worried because I? have already had some people tell me they won't be able to get off work that Monday so coming to the wedding may not be an option (even though it will end at 9:30pm). I?'m inviting around 130 people total, and I'm hoping that turns out to be 100-115 people and not any less because I? still want it to be a lively event. (There will be alcohol, just FYI)

I? just wanted to see what people's thoughts were about Sunday weddings. I? want it to be fun and I? don't want my guests worrying about the work week ahead while they are there.


  • Hazel
    Just Said Yes October 2018
    Hazel ·
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    I have been to a lot of Sunday weddings and had no problem with them personally but then again I didn't have to travel to far. One of my former coworkers had her wedding on a Sunday evening and she invited the entire staff from our office. We all went and were very tired at work the next day but it was so worth it and so much fun!

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  • Kelsey Brielle
    Super June 2022
    Kelsey Brielle ·
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    We are considering a Sunday wedding. My mom always says, if they want to be there, they will. Those who truly want to share this special moment with you, will show up.

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  • C
    Beginner November 2018
    christina ·
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    I am having a Sunday wedding. As a teacher I just figured it would be thoughful that the next day is a Monday off for my friends, but in NY where prices are beyondd astronomical its very normal- people often do Friday and even random holiday weekdays.

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  • A
    Dedicated April 2019
    AnonPoster1234 ·
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    A sunday on a holiday weekend is clearly not the same thing as an average Sunday wedding.

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  • S
    Dedicated April 2019
    Sassi ·
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    My dad and stepmom wed on the first Sunday in December 2005. Theirs was 3-10pm. I stayed til 9pm (I had work and college the next day!), but it was still hopping when I left. My 2nd wedding probably won't be a Saturday- my first was and out of towners still took Friday off. I have also attended Friday night weddings, and they were fun. The only times I can't do are mid-day during the week. My cousin is a teacher. She got married at 3pm on a Thursday in July. I didn't have the vacation time and it was more than a 2-hour drive. Do the time that works for you! If it were a sibling or best friend getting married at 3 I would call out or something.

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  • Alforev
    VIP August 2018
    Alforev ·
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    I've only ever been to one Sunday wedding and honestly, as a guest it really wasn't pleasant. The bride and groom spent a lot of money and really did have a beautiful wedding and reception, but my FH and I both work early on Monday. This was his sister's wedding so it was expected of us to stay late, but it was exhausting. They didn't serve dessert until after 11:00pm and at that point more than half of the guests had already left and my FSIL was crying. I would highly recommend having an early wedding and reception if you're having it on a Sunday and have realistic expectations that people may not want to go because of work. If it weren't my FSIL I never would have considered attending, regardless of how friendly I was with the couple, because it's too much with having to wake up early the following day.

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  • Soon2bMrsG
    Savvy February 2018
    Soon2bMrsG ·
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    Mine is on a Sunday. That Monday is Presidents day, so I think its a huge bonus! Cheaper venue, some people have the next day off, and we are paying for their lodging that night. Someone made a point that most OOT guests take Friday off to travel, so in this case, they can have their Friday and not worry about it. I haven't heard one complaint Smiley smile

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  • Danielle
    Expert October 2017
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    We had a Sunday wedding, out of town. Ours ended at 10pm but a lot of the older folks left closer to 8:30 (which I think would happen regardless). The dance floor was constantly packed and we went through a lot of alcohol. We did have a high decline rate though, but that was expected simply because of our high amount of out of state guests.

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  • T
    Beginner October 2017
    Tanna ·
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    K squared, one of the Sunday weddings was my little sister. Couldn't really miss that and really enjoyed it. The other Sunday wedding I'll be in I'm MOH and agreed to be MOH years ago when it was being planned for a Saturday. Also can't really back out of that. So just not going isn't always an option. A minor annoyance doesn't ruin the entire day and I'll be the first to support whatever a bride wants.

    In general, expecting 90% of your invite list, regardless of day of week, is a lot. I invited over 200; had 120 rsvps and about 115 actually show up. If I expected all 200 to show up, my feelings would have been really hurt and I would have waisted a whole lot of money on food, favors, and cake.

    Never said it wouldn't be beautiful on a Sunday but answered her original question of what I think of Sunday weddings.

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  • Nikki
    Devoted October 2018
    Nikki ·
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    @Jennifer date twin! We're having a Sunday wedding that ends at 10. We expect some guests to leave early but we know a lot of them will stay. In fact some have told us they plan on getting a hotel room and taking the next day off so they can have a mini vacation. Honestly when getting the venue I didn't even realize it was a holiday weekend, my man of honor informed me it'd be perfect because he wouldn't have school the next day. As long as your VIPs are there you'll be okay!

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  • Shellycherea
    Devoted November 2018
    Shellycherea ·
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    My wedding is on a Sunday and it'll be an evening event. I genuinely believe that I'm inviting people that will make it work for me. It'll be intimate, around 100 people. Sometimes you can't overthink these things. Just try to plan the best event you can. It's like trying to control the weather, you just can't.

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  • Tara
    Devoted March 2018
    Tara ·
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    We are having a Sunday afternoon wedding. I think it is just fine. We are having ours on Sunday due to religious reasons though, not because of price

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  • An
    Super September 2019
    An ·
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    I always prefer Saturdays but don't mind Sunday weddings as long as I can be home by 10...I would leave at whatever time I had to in order to make that happen.

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