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Dedicated July 2020

Stations or Family Style for Dinner

Erica, on February 9, 2020 at 5:52 PM Posted in Wedding Reception 0 15
We can't seem to make a decision for which dinner style we want to do. We don't want to do a traditional plated dinner so we're deciding between family style and stations.

For family style there would be a choice of two proteins and sides that would be served family style. Apparently there would be enough for everyone to get both proteins. I'm a bit worried about space on the tables for all the platters since we're doing garland table runners. They told us that as long as they're less than a foot wide it should be fine but I'm worried about it feeling cluttered. Also I'd like to ideally have a seafood, meet, and chicken option and with this style we should really only choose two proteins since otherwise it will be expensive and an overabundance of food since they give enough servings of each protein for every guest.
For the stations, we would get two stations. They have a bunch of options but they all seem so casual (like paninis and cheese steaks) and the only one I really like is the small plates station. This one has a variety of each different protein with sides and a vegan option and they all come as mini plates which I think is nice so people can get a couple and try different options. The only other station I would even consider is the pasta station but our wedding is in July and I'm worried it will be too heavy for a summer wedding. My biggest concern with the stations is that everyone might be in line for the small plates station and not the pasta. Also if we went this route, we would have to change six of our tables to round tables (we're doing rectangle tables with garland) so that they can fit the stations.
I really don't know what to do! We originally really liked the idea of the stations but now I'm not liking that there is only one I really like and that we'd have to change our tables. FH still thinks stations is the way to go but he said we can do whatever I want (I don't know what I want haha). What do you guys think? Sorry that was wordy haha


Latest activity by Kari, on February 10, 2020 at 5:19 PM
  • N
    VIP September 2020
    Neeva ·
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    I think my concern with stations is the long lines that it creates and then people aren't being well fed. I've been to two weddings with stations and felt it was a nuisance. Maybe if you have plenty of stations with good portions and a low guest count this would be a good idea!

    I would prefer family style, I think it may be cluttered but only for up to an hour so it won't last long if that helps Smiley smile

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    As a guest, I always prefer to stay in my seat for dinner. I’m not a fan of buffets or stations. Waiting in lines or worrying about being bumped by people, it’s just not my top choice. On the other hand, I love the idea of family style. People can choose what they want at their own table and stay comfortably seated!
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  • R
    Super September 2018
    Rachel ·
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    How do you dismiss the tables for stations? I think I went to a wedding with stations, but tables were dismissed one by one so people just treated it like a buffet. By the time my table was dismissed they’d essentially run out of food. 🤦🏼‍♀️The worst. Went to a wedding served family style and couple of years ago and loved it! It does inspire a bit more talking with the people at your table, so that was kind of nice too.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    I agree with others that I really dislike a buffet or stations for a formal event. If I'm wearing a nice dress (and likely not incredibly comfortable shoes), I'd really rather not have to go stand in line and then carry my food across the room. "Small plate stations" to me are worse than a buffet because it means I either have to go get food multiple times or just not eat much and be pretty hungry. Personally, I prefer a plated meal, but my second choice would be family style.

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I had a dinner served family style with ten courses and let me tell ya it does get the table crowded. But there's definitely plenty to go around.
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  • Jade
    Expert November 2021
    Jade ·
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    I’m not a huge fan of family style for a few reasons. I know all caterers essentially guarantee enough food for everyone, but in my experience that’s just not the case. I was at an event where I was the last to get each plate that was passed around and by the time the food got to me there was never any left! I was also a vegetarian so I was stuck with eating just the sides - I think I ended up just eating green beans and dessert and I was starving. I also am not a fan of eating family style if you’re at a table with people you don’t know. The last wedding I went to had a family style part of dinner and I was with a bunch of people I don’t know and I noticed people touching the food on the plates being passed around instead of using the utensils. To me this totally ruined my appetite. Luckily the main entrees were played so I could at least enjoy that (sides/salads were family style). Id rather do stations I think!
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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    Might be worth a discussion with your venue, caterer, and/or wedding planner. We had the option of buffet $, plated $$ or family style $$$ and went with plated.

    When creating our wedding timeline some on WW suggested that plated can take longer because all of the guests need to be brought individual plates, so I asked our venue/caterer about it when reviewing our wedding timeline with her and she said there wasn't a significant difference in service time between the three meal styles at our venue for our sized group.

    I was then chatting about our menu with a co-worker who used to work as a wedding planner and she said she preferred plated because it actually took the least amount of time to serve, was the easiest to ensure any food restrictions were met and no cross contamination of allergens happened, and resulted in the least amount of food waste. She said buffets often take much longer than plated meals because someone needs to release the tables to eat then people move through the lines at their own pace and it is almost always less efficient, time wise, than direct service. At buffets people often go up for seconds too, which can extend the amount of time needed for dinner, and for any style where guests self serve, the caterer usually needs to prep extra food since guests will not give themselves consistent portions and its important not to run out. In her opinion, plated was the best way to ensure everyone got an appropriate amount of food and that the dinner service happened in a timely manner.

    At our venue family style was the most expensive option because of all the extra serving bowls/plates required and they generally make a larger quantity of the same amount of food to ensure everyone gets fed. Plus there is extra clean up required and family style can just end up messier depending on how elegant or clumsy your guests are.

    Not trying to swing you in any one direction, but your venue/caterer should have a much better idea of what it looks like to serve people using those methods and you may find you end up preferring one over the other because of the venue layout and available space, how much time you want dinner to take, concerns over dietary needs, etc.

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  • Kaysey
    Super February 2020
    Kaysey ·
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    Is there anyway your venue can show you what the table would look like if you did a family style dinner? Obviously without the food on them, or with the food if they're doing a tasting with you. I think if you were able to see what the tables looked like with the place settings for each guest and then the food on top of it, you would be able to make your decision. Do you think your venue would allow you to see the what the layout would be for each option? Some venues use some program where you can see the layout of the space with your tables set up for each scenario.

    Personally I like the station idea. This is b/c the table would be less cluttered. I know some do not like the idea of their guests being in line for food, but every wedding I've been to where they've had stations or a buffet, the line always moves fast; especially if you have servers to speed up the process.

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  • A
    Super August 2020
    Alex ·
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    I originally wanted to do family style, but ended up going with platted. I like family style much better than stations or buffets. We couldn't do it for two reasons: 1. Room at the table. If all of our guest RSVP yes, we will need to do 10 to a table and wouldn't have room. 2. My mom doesn't like the idea of reaching over the table in fancy dresses lol

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  • Erica
    Dedicated July 2020
    Erica ·
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    We will probably have around 100 guests. Our caterer said they wouldn't be calling tables up and that people just go whenever they want. Also there would be staff serving the guests at the stations so hopefully they wouldn't run out of food! So it's kinda like a buffet with the waiting in line but more controlled in the sense that people don't serve themselves.
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  • Erica
    Dedicated July 2020
    Erica ·
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    Thank you for the information! For the stations there would be staff serving guests so hopefully they would keep it a bit more efficient than a buffet but it's definitely something to keep in mind. The reason we're leaning away from plated is because we wanted people to have options and try different things. But our caterer has been very much dodging the price difference question. He keeps saying, well it depends what you get... Not very helpful in making a decision!
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  • Erica
    Dedicated July 2020
    Erica ·
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    Yeah there would be servers at the stations so hopefully that would help move things along.

    I don't think our caterer would offer anything like that unfortunately. He's very nonchalant about these things. But thanks for the suggestion, I like the idea. We have a meeting this weekend so going to try to get some clarity.
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  • Erica
    Dedicated July 2020
    Erica ·
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    Haha sounds like my mom except she doesn't like the idea of stations! She's the one who got in my head about the whole thing and also our caterer. He was like, oh you want to do stations... Haha
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  • A
    Super August 2020
    Alex ·
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    Oh yeah stations and buffet were not options in her head. Walking with plates in a dress was outrageous to her lol

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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    Yea that isn't super helpful, although obviously what you serve hugely factors into the price. Obviously a hand carved roast or an expensive cut of meat is going be be expensive no matter how you serve it, and proteins like chicken and pork tend to be less expensive than lobster. Your caterer should be able to offer you price comparisons for a basic chicken dish served different ways though.

    I personally don't feel like plated meals deprive people of options, and whenever my FH and I have been at weddings we almost always order different plates so we can try each other's food, and we generally end up sampling almost everything anyway. But I think you should go with whatever style you think fits your, your venue, and your guests best!

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