Long before my SIL announced her engagement, my FH and I knew we were getting married and just waiting for the perfect time to propose. I'd already tried on gowns and chosen where to get the ring and scoped out venues. So when she made the announcement I felt a little upstaged but knew she didn't do it on purpose and we waited to make our announcement until almost a year after since their engagement was going to be for a while and we were busy with trying to move out of state.
When we finally did get engaged everyone seemed happy. SIL wedding date was a year before ours until COVID. She had to postpone and the date they chose was a month after our wedding. Her parents are coordinating their wedding and they are my FH's parents as well. No one asked if that would be too close to our date or conflict with what we had in mind. They just grabbed the next available date for that venue. Again, I thought okay that's a bit annoying, but couldn't be helped.
Our wedding will be an elopement then a ceremony just for close family. But it's a destination wedding so we need someone to check in on our pets for a couple days while we're gone. We usually ask my mom, but she's had health issues and heart problems lately and flying back and forth to our home would be a strain on her. So we asked my FH's parents. They recommended that we have their friend, who we barely know, come to the house and watch them instead of them driving out or flying out to do it. They constantly take road trips to our area, vacation here, and my SIL's wedding will be in our state a few weeks after we'd need them to watch the pets. I'm not sure why they won't do it, but my FH knows they play favorites and usually want to be available for the SIL.
I thought Okay maybe we'll ask again later when all this COVID stuff dies down and they feel safer. They told my FH that they are going out more, dining out... So I thought let's try again to ask. This is the only thing we're asking of them for the wedding. Meanwhile, they are paying thousands of dollars for SIL's wedding. They've offered to help us monetarily, but this is all we ask.
Now, SIL makes another announcement. She's pregnant. And the baby is due a month before our wedding and two months before her wedding. Why she planned it like that, I don't know. But it definitely seems planned. She must have known that meant she couldn't attend our family wedding she's invited to. And now the parents are saying they can't watch our pets because they have to stay with her for a whole month before our wedding. It doesn't make sense. A month before our wedding would still give them time to come and watch our pets for a few days.
What do you think is going on and should I feel any sort of way about this? Because right now it's seeming like it's all about her and what she needs and my FH is just an after thought.