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October 2019

Should i go or should i stay?

Lnc, on July 13, 2019 at 3:08 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 12
Hi all, I'm struggling with something and I hope someone out there might be able to give me some insight on navigating the problem.

My brother and his fiance are getting married this fall (2019). A year and a half ago they asked me and my two children to be in the wedding party. Which at the time I was honored to accept. As time progressed I started having problems with my soon to be sister in law. She would call me in tears because things weren't working out the way she wanted, or quick enough. I would listen and offer suggestions, but then she would get mad at me and ignore me for months at a time. When it was time to pick out the dresses, she told me that as long as it was a certain color and floor length then the rest was up to me. I tried on about 10 dresses before she decided on one that she thought was acceptable. It was my least favorite and the most expensive. My 3 year old daughter was to wear pink, and again after many dresses, she picked the most expensive. Our two dresses combined cost me $600 CAD. Shortly afterwards, she randomly stopped speaking to me for six months. I tried reaching out to her, but she would ignore me or I would get short answers from her. Her bridal shower is coming up, so I've recently heard from her and her mother. I was instructed what to wear, and she requested that I have my outfit and my daughter's outfit "approved" because she wanted to make sure no one was planning on wearing white. Her mother harasses me, and is constantly demanding that I pay more money. They have planned an extravagant shower (without me), and I was told that I would be receiving a bill for my share. When I asked for a heads up on the cost, I was initially ignored, but her mom has told all the other girls and the bride that I dug my heels in over money and now anytime I speak with them, they're rude to me and make snippy comments like "don't worry, you don't have to pay for it" All I asked for was an amount because I don't like surprises.

Her shower has cost me $350 and it's not even here yet. I have to travel 5 hours with two small children, make a ton food and spend two days decorating. I had planned on taking my son to have his tux fitted, but the entire two days has been completely used up. Despite that, I was told that while I'm in the area, I really should take him in.

The bachelorette is at the end of August, and they have arranged a 3 day stay 6 hours away from me. I have put a deposit on the cottage and I was told that more would be required of me as we approach the date.

I feel like I'm being steam rolled. This woman is 10 years younger than me and I'm walking on eggshells around her. She is constantly throwing temper tantrums. She is very demanding and will say one thing but mean something totally different. I can't say anything to her without worrying about how she will react. The most recent issue involved my estranged mother. I was told through tears that my mother is going to ruin her wedding because she's wearing a white dress. I eventually bit the bullet and contacted her, even though we haven't talked in years. As it turns out, the dress isn't white and she had originally bought a different dress, but was told that she couldn't wear it because the brides mother didn't like it. And according to my mother, they're all the best of friends. I feel like they used me to be the bad guy, so they could remain friendly.

To date I have spent $1000 CAD on their wedding, and there's still a bill for the shower coming, bachelorette party, dress alterations (x2), tux rental hair/makeup, wedding gift, accomodations and travel. I want to do this for my brother, but I'm so distressed about the demands, rudeness and drama that it's effecting my day to day life.

I don't really have much family left. What do I do here? Should I back out, should I put up with it? I don't think I can even afford it anymore.

We are a one income household. My husband and I have worked very hard during our younger years so that one of us could be home with our children. My brother and his fiance both know this. My poor husband has been picking up mega over time shifts because we've had to spend so much money. I recently explained all this to my brother's soon to be mother in law and she basically brushed me off. Not once have I refused to pay for something, all I've asked for is a little more communication and respect.

I feel very sad and I hope someone can offer some advice.


Latest activity by Judith, on July 14, 2019 at 11:57 AM
  • Mary
    Devoted November 2019
    Mary ·
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    I would talk to your brother about this. His soon to be wife is a bridezilla and shouldn't be steamrolling his family. You shouldn't be paying for more than your dresses, hair and makeup. A conversation with him is a must. I hope it all works out!

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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    Your FSIL sounds like a spoiled brat. I say back out of the wedding party and planning completely! I wholly agree she's steamrolling you and her other behavior is awful. You've clearly already sacrificed so much for her, but she's unappreciative and just wants more. I think FSIL is immature and being totally unreasonable. So please, don't feel bad for leaving! Maybe this will finally teach her a lesson how not to treat people!

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  • Kelly
    VIP October 2020
    Kelly ·
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    Your sister in law and her mother sound like entitled rude brats! I'd find a way to talk to your brother alone and tell him you're really excited and want to help but need her to be more considerate towards you. Surely he doesn't want his future wife causing family problems
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  • M
    Dedicated October 2019
    Miriam ·
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    Im sorry to hear this,they both sound like brats,spending $1000 in a wedding thst is not yours is ridiculous,at least it is to me,
    i agree with the PP a talk with ur brother is a must..
    i hope everything works out.
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  • Pirate & 60s Bride
    Legend March 2017
    Pirate & 60s Bride ·
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    I absolutely agree! If tears come up during that call, let him hear how upset you are.

    But it I would have an action plan of what you can do from here. For example, I’ve already paid “$$$$” for “things” and that’s all I can do. Unfortunately, I can no longer do “what costs more money.” We’d still love to attend & be in your wedding but will this now be an issue?

    I feel like you need to set boundaries on what you will/will not pay for or be involved with. Take back your power!
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  • L
    September 2019
    Lnc ·
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    Thank you so much for all of your help. It's a relief to know that I'm not going crazy, and this isn't the norm. It's been so stressful, and honestly the moment I hit the post button I was terrified that she would find it because she's just that kind of person.... It might still happen. This whole situation has just been so hurtful because in the beginning I truly believed that she felt something for me. Over the last year and a half it's become very obvious that she tolerates me because she has to. My husband told me last night to enjoy this time with my brother because after they are married he believes the niceties will be over.

    Thank you all so much and I will imploy a few different suggestions given to me. Is it reasonable for me to cease communication with her mother? I believe the reason she's the one doing all the talking is because these girls are all way younger than me, and they're getting her to deal with me because they figure she will have a better chance of pushing me around. I don't know, that might be the crazy stress talking...
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I think it's reasonable to cut off communication with the mom. She's a large part of the issue because she's an enabler for her daughter's rude behavior!

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  • VIP September 2019
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    I'm sorry this is all happening you are a better person than I. I would have said to bug off a long time ago. They sound stuck up and not in touch with your feelings or finances. I would talk with your brother. I would never pay 300 more less 600 for two dresses. Plus technically you're only responsible for dress and show up on the day. Nothing else. She should have taken your budget in mind when she insisted you purchase the most expensive two dresses. I would step down and would not fork over another dime. Good luck and best wishes with this bitchzella I mean bridezilla
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  • H
    Devoted November 2019
    Heather ·
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    Yeah, I would play the victim on the cost and say you cant do any more as much as you "care for her and want her to have the wedding of her dreams". Let her know it's up to her whether she wants to keep you and your kids in the wedding party or just come as guests and you will support her either way but 1k is as much as you can spend considering your circumstances. Ball is in her court.
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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    There is nothing wrong with saying you can't afford it and so can't take part. For instance it's ok if you don't go to the bachelorette and skip out on helping the costs for that if you aren't going
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  • Jennifer
    VIP October 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    I would talk to my brother. Lay it on the line and tell him that you WANT To be there ****% bit the money side is killing you, as is her and her moms Bridzillaness.
    Id also record her saying some of the crap she does. Let people( bro) SEE & HEAR her and his FMIL treat you like a bank and maybe he will get a clue. Because it won’t grt better.
    Her behavior is like that of my, Almost, FSDIL— my FSS luckily wised up a month befor the wedding and called it off.

    But I’m sorry you are going thru this. It is soooo unfair to you & your family.

    ( and to us brides who want someone to be there like you are and don’t have anyone! Not $$ wise but willing to help/be there...)
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    Whether spoiled brat and mother have separate wishes to extort ridiculous amounts of money spent on brides and MOG whim, and wishes, or bride knows how to wind her mother round her finger, to help get every thing bride wants, only FI can figure out. But their behavior is outrageous. I realize you should have said no over $200 for you and $100 for daughter ( or just a $300 total), but likely were trying to keep the peace. But had you known what was coming, you would have realized, boundaries are best set early. You have no obligation to pay a bill for any party you did not plan. Not 2 cents. Showers and other parties are always something one actively volunteers to do, and everyone has a say in plans. No bills to those in wp it to family not part of the planning. And the mother is woefully out of touch with the etiquette of her own as well as current times. This stuff has never been okay. Go to brother. All the guilt you may feel, that they have held over you psychologically, is feeding into your fear of disappointing your brother by opposing his fianceé. When you explain that the dresses are twice what you can afford, and they have been totally rude to plan something then present you with a bill, and now want more of you, B and MOB lose their power ( you wouldn't want brother to know you upset bride ...). When he knows, he needs to set the boundaries, travel costs only, nothing more. Participating in wedding, an invited guest only for showers or other things, if you want to do them. No more.
    . . . To many brides go on ego trips, it is my day and I can dictate anything I want. Which is not now true, not has it ever been true, if you want to keep any friends or family. Demanding and spoiled are nasty character traits.
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