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Beginner August 2020

Second marriage feelings, future name change effects

on December 31, 2019 at 7:35 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7
I'm so incredibly conflicted. I was married in 2010, and unfortunately divorced 5 years later. I stayed 3 years too long going to therapy together trying to save something that wasn't able to be saved. I had my daughter in this marriage. She's an only child, and just turned 8 this fall. I never wanted to have her come from a divorced home. I did and the effects stay with you, especially with parents that end up hating each other. She and I are very close obviously but even more so then our bond, while married to her dad we were together often without him for various reasons. He's a decent father and loves her but has issues that can cause selfish behaviors. She often is disappointed in the end, but loves her dad. We both try (sometimes it's difficult) to have a good relationship between each other to make sure she gets the best of her parents. I wasn't serious about anyone for a couple years. Then I met my fiancé. Our kids met eventually, and we decided to work towards creating a blended family. The kids seemed and still are seeming to adjust well to their respective family adjustments and now over the last year to being all together.

I never knew that I'd feel this way but I've had my own adjustment issues emotionally going from being just my daughter and myself, to family life. Nothing bad, just missing the times where it was just my daughter and I, and I didn't have to spread my attention from her. Being just us, we didn't have to compromise or adjust. It is something she's never mentioned being bothered by and I sense the adjustment even though she's taking it well. We all want this family and to be together, but it's not easy to change family structures in divorce.
That being said, when we get married, I do not want to keep my ex husband's last name. I kept it because of my daughter all these years but have never wanted to. Now, I'd very much like to take my new husband's name. Problem is my daughter will be the only one in the house with a different name. She's recently asked if my name changes when I marry my fiancé. He and I are kinda traditional about that. I told her yes, and explained that ususally that's what happens. More so, I don't want to keep my exs name but didn't say that to her. She was not thrilled and said she wants to be the same as me and have the same name still. I do feel terrible about this, and don't want her to feel alienated. We already had a huge but good shift in our lives, and with that shift comes change.a
I feel all the change is at her expense so that I can be happy. I divorced her dad to be more happy, not her choice. I moved us to a new town to be close to work, again benefiting me but also for financial reasons to keep us afloat. Then I met a man and fell in love, but again, asking my daughter (and his kids) to adjust to this new family life. I am extremely happy, but always feel I'm taking from my daughter's comfort zones. It's making me feel like a terrible mom. And now, I'm also taking the family name away.
Thank you for reading and I will just take it one step at a time I guess.


  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
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    Nothing that you do is purely for you. Even the things that make you feel the most selfish, also benefit your daughter. You can't reach your full potential as a mother unless you are happy. Taking your daughter out of her comfort zone is uncomfortable, but not always negative. In this situaton, the long term positive effects far outweigh the short term discomfort. I understand how having a different name from your daughter could cause you some heartache. Unfortunately, this is one of those situations where there's no win/win. You can change your name and your daughter will be sad, or you can keep your ex's name and both you and your new husband can be sad. Hopefully your daughter is young enough that this will hardly be a second thought for her.

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  • Kathryn
    VIP August 2020
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    Deep breaths!!! I can't speak for being the divorced woman in this situation, but I can speak for being a kid that had to roll with a lot of punches when they divorced. It sucks. Of course it does. But the most important thing for your daughter is for her to see you being happy and making good choices for yourself and by extension for her. It's natural to feel guilty because you're putting her through a lot of change, but you're also showing her that change can be a good thing. She sees now that you don't have to put up with a relationship that hurts you - you can set your boundaries and stand up for yourself. Congrats on getting through all of that by the way!!!

    This is a post to tell you that it's ok to move forward, change your name, embrace your new love. My mom rolled through a similar divorce, with three kids in tow, and it was the 4 of us for a long time while she recovered. Then she met my stepdad, and I actually saw her smile and laugh again. He brought her to a place of true healing that her kids alone couldn't. When she said she was getting married, we were all thrilled even though it meant more change. That's life sometimes.
    She changed her name, and my siblings and I kept our dads. That doesn't have to be the case - all three of us were adults at the time and made that choice. I would talk to her, see what she wants. And explain to her that changing your name isn't abandoning her but expanding your love. Also, your ex's last name is a part of her. I know that feeling all too well since I struggle with my own father. Give her space to adjust and know that you are giving her the amazing gift of an example of a healthy relationship she can follow.
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    Every relationship is different and let me tell you that you're not a bad mom. My best friend and her husband don't have the same name able she has a daughter from a previous marriage with her ex husband's last name and their daughter has her current husband's last name and she doesn't share either of their last names and everything is happy. I think she may be sad for awhile but I don't think it will stay with her. I think you keeping the name will be remembrance of a hurtful past. Plus your fh wants you to take his last name. I think you should sit down and in a way that doesn't bash her dad explain why you want to change your name but know that she's still your daughter and a part of the entire family.
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  • Taylor
    VIP October 2020
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    I don't have children but all of these actions are done out of love for your child. Staying in an unhappy marriage would have caused so many more issues. Now your daughter can see what a relationship full of love and happiness is supposed to look like. You're setting a wonderful example for her. As far as her last name, I wouldn't feel bad about that. She's a little young so it's hard for her to understand but try to explain that she's still going to have the last name as her dad. I know their bond isn't the same as yours but that might make a little more sense to her. It might be nice to go on a mother/daughter date one day so the two of you can spend some time together and discuss what is happening in your lives... but in a fun setting! Don't feel like a bad mom at all! From where I stand, you're doing a great jobSmiley smile

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  • W-K
    Super October 2019
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    I'm also in the same boat. I kept my ex's last name for the kids then got re-married recently. My husband wanted me to take his last name. My kids didn't want me to break that connection with them. I actually ended up hyphenating the names. So professionally, and at the children's school I'm known as W-K. Socially I'm Mrs. K. But I was Tara W. for the entirety of my adult life so I was more attached to my ex's name than you probably are to yours. Added bonus it pisses my ex off that even after marriage I kept W.

    But you're not a bad mom for choosing not to keep it. I'd explain to your daughter that you still love her and it doesn't make you less of her mommy to change your last name.

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  • Beginner August 2020
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    I just want to say thank you for comments. Truly it made me feel so much better with the whole situation, and I don't feel so fearful now. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. All I want is to be a great Wife, mom and stepmother to be.
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  • Beginner August 2020
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    Thank you for this. It honestly made me feel so much better.
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