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Expert September 2020

Rant time.

Riley, on July 18, 2020 at 10:20 PM Posted in Planning 0 7

So I got some bad news this morning. My FH's warehouse here is shutting down in August. So he will be laid off. Our wedding is September 12th 2020. I am just heartbroken. I have been looking forward to this for 2 years, but this came out of nowhere. So because of this we have to redo our guest list so close to the wedding. We are going from 80 people to 30. Which is ok, but we also have to cancel the honeymoon. I know it is stupid to get upset over something like this, but I have not had a vacation in 10 years. I really needed a break. I work at the hospital and it has been a terrible year (which I know it has been for everyone, but still). So instead of going on a honeymoon and taking a break I will be picking up overtime and looking for a 2nd job. I just needed to rant I cannot tell my family or friends yet so I needed to let it out. Any advice is appreciated.


Latest activity by Tori, on July 20, 2020 at 2:06 AM
  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    I am so sorry to hear! That’s a lot going on for you.
    I hope your day is still gonna be beautiful and you find the time for some self care
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  • Renee
    Super June 2020
    Renee ·
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    I’m so sorry to hear about your FH. It feels like 2020 is the year from h*ll. I just wanted to remind you of the importance of self care. While I understand your reason for canceling your honeymoon, I hope you will take two days or so to just really be with your husband. Maybe a budget friendly hotel, relax by the pool and turn your phone off to have some uninterrupted time. You said it yourself about seeking another job, and stretching yourself thin is easy when you’re already fragile. Prayers for you girl! I hope you have an amazing wedding day!
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  • Emily
    Expert September 2020
    Emily ·
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    I'm so sorry this is happening. I hope that you all are able to come closer together during this time, and that he is able to find something soon. He's very lucky to have you, and I'm sure you're both lucky to have each other.
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  • Sexypoodle
    Master October 2021
    Sexypoodle ·
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    It’s always heartbreaking to hear about people being directly impacted and losing jobs during this pandemic. Also, it’s not stupid to be upset about any of it. That’s a completely valid feeling. Glad you’ll still be able to have your wedding and perhaps you can still do a simple getaway/staycation afterward.
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  • Leanne
    Super September 2020
    Leanne ·
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    I’m so sorry!! Can I recommend a STAY-cation? Please do yourselves a favor and relax for a few days after the wedding. So much stress I’m sure, you’ll need the break.
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  • W
    Devoted October 2020
    Waitingtomarry20 ·
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    Sorry to hear that you are going through this.
    I had a family tragedy in 2019 and had to deal with that. Kept thinking 2020 was going to get better. Then other things added to it and had my emotional roller coaster.
    It was easy to get mad and then get sad. I had to pray that through all the bad things something good will happen. I just to have to be patient and still look up. I’m still waiting and know in my heart that something good will come through. I know when my husband and I go through something tough, when we lend on each other, we end becoming stronger together. This COVID has not been easy for us either, since we couldn’t really go anywhere. So we would drive around and go things like dinner and get some ice cream to just get out the house or just go driving around. We have a beach about an hour away, so we try to get away for a bit. Anything to not get frustrated with each other and/or circumstances. Even though our journey may be different, but you not going through this alone. Sending you prayers and hope your wedding may be the light in all this!
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  • Tori
    Dedicated November 2020
    Tori ·
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    I’m sorry to hear that... 2020 has just been a h*ll year. But, could you possibly do a staycation? We plan on using the few days after our wedding to do nothing but enjoy each other. Settle down after the wedding. We’ve told our families to give us space even. I’m not sure what we will do exactly yet, but just time alone is needed🙂
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